Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Nov 2006, p. 10

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A10 - The Canadien Champion, Frîday, November 17, 2006 West Nile plans already in works for '07 CH applauds Clean [he Rýegioi lias lînisbed lis WVest Nile virus surveillance prograuu lor the scason. Thbe bealih depirtinin repots it svrapped up mîonioring last inonth and ialreacy focusing on soisveillanice plans for 2007. I isa Fortuna. HIaItonsý acting supervisor of enivironintal bealth, said 2006 saw one bumnan case of Wuest Nle iii aî Iurlington svoinatn. >]-lits is dossn rou last yce, sslien foui Brirlingtoti i sie i Iid otic Oakville citizen contricted fic- virus. A major part (if ilie Recgiois surs cii- lantce pi ogratin cornies iii iougbi deadý bîrds tIhe public repotis, witîi 1,383 beîng caîled in ibis vear. T his is uip Init last years 1,277. For 15 yIaarn thriledenand honouredo(oere the eeopledof/Molt's PublicoSéhood Trustee. work.MThhearallengesanksato rny [amiay, leaersipvison nd o fri ends an w s upotes ILckasthy ak IP thcak ould have onitwhotou like sotaknycnttlns n l h 011 iliose found tiis season, four cross s ilirc fcsund in Iturliiugton aîî oîîe ni flton I tilîs -testecf positive foi Wsest Nîlc, al(sig witfuw i ue javs dîscousered iii ()akville. Anid last yeai, mune crows f isc i lturlîingtoi, iwo ini (aks le andc oine cacli ii 1 laiton 1 lilis anîd Milton - sserc bound to have tbe virus and Il blue jays wiîh five oI îhcîîî fronts lurltîgiton, foui iii (iaksillc and isv( ii tialios liIls. Sevenicen inussquito poolss alsîs test- cd poisitive for West Nîle ibis year. [hrec oh those were in Iturlingitun, ine in Oakville, two in lialion Hilîs and ibree in Milton. Thbis is sligbîly dîswn from lasi year, wben 24 positive potols were found - rine in Iturlingion and 5 in Oakville. Jn addition to dead bird surseil- lance, tbe Regions West Nîle prograrn includes mnonitoring buirian cases andf standing water sites, seîîing up missqui- ici traps, larviciding catch basins and educatîng the public. For more in!orinaiion visit www.haî- ton.ca. Water Act passage Cuonservattion lialtou (( 11 is applauding tbe recent passage oh Bill 43, thse ( 'le,în WVater Act, ky tbe Ointario leg- îsî,îîc andc fooks forward to lis iminent proclamiaionî tutuo law, tbe enivirontieiial agency reported laie last îîîonthb "Tbe ( lean Waîer Act is essential tu proîecîîng Ontarto's clnnkîng waîer surces," said Brian Penm-an, a Miltons councillor and ( H cbair. "Wîîb tbe aci in place, conservaion anîborities, inunîcipalîties, landowners and otber sîakeb(ulders dll wtirk togeiber tu ensure municipal sources of drinkîng waîer are prcsperly protected.' Sînce tbe tragedy in Walkerîon in May 2000, Conservation Ontario and ils member autboriîîes - including CH - bave worked wîîb tbe province and otiier staku'bolders to prcivide expertise in developîng tbe best approacb to source watcr protection. Source waîer prostection buîlds on past science and stuclies and links dîrecîly tu tbe waîer management pro- grainîs cosnservation autborities and ibeir pantner munici- palities bave been doîng for years. -Tbere are sîrung economic, public bealtb and envi- runmental benefîLs îo ensuring clean and plentifual sources uf drînkîng waier," Penman saîd. "Conservation Halton... (is) eager tus get to work under tbis important new aci." Man wins $82,679 in NFL football pool A Milîton resideni is miore tihan $80,000 ricber afier be cor- recily predicted tbe utnicues oif 15 cout of' 16 NFI, gantes. Tr1e Prsaud won $82,679 afier playitîg Pris Pîcks Pools. At firsi, tbougb, bc svasnit surc if- luck was in bis court. -1 lIr 1 wasnît sure if aIl 16 events bad to, be correct. sus I called tbe 01-l(; (Ontario Lutter> and (Gaintng) bcsîlne, be saîd. As tl tmns tont, Persacîd was une osf six wtnners. liii jusi sens' excited,- tbe 33 ycar îîld lab tecbntcian tolcl prîze centre staff in Toronto wben bc claîmed bis wvindfall. Pensaud and bis wife, Nadine, bave une cbild. Wîîb tbe nune, be plans to puy dcssn lits tîturîgage and mnaybe take a vacation. Tbe winning ticket ssas bouglit in Bramspton. h1i li- 1I l FREE 4 VA C-U-STOREýi< RETRA CTAE HOSE! THE ONLY ONE IN THE MARKET! $149.99 VALUE EXCLUSIVE ONLY TO BEAM! > AUTO RETRACTION > LIGHT WEIGHT >COMPACT STORAGE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FOR DETAILS * Free hose E rAHL 2006 SPECIAL EDITION CENTRAI VACUUM - WITH WIAM')LECTRIC POWER BRUSH ENSEMBLE... * Pswerful, He11vy-dutv 2-stage 5.T motor. * 520 Air Watts cleunîng power * Serenty' Plus maximum nuise reducîton. Brand Slcin WE CARRY QUA[ITY C[EANING PRDCSFROM THE LEADING BRANIDS. FRm..24911 POWER TEAMS39 9 j FR0M J svstemr r3urchase with this %i, e AIk; itii lat %jfie exie Dc 16/06 CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS Trafalgar Ridge Shopping PLaza (in the Winners/HomeSense plaza) Beside Scotia Bank Mon.-Fri.9:30-6:00 Sat. 9:30-4:00, Sun. 12:00-4:00 237 **ala R Mi ki Ili 11IN

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