Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 2006, p. 32

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A32 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Novamber 14, 2006 >Ask The rof essionals IHawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hlut Plaza) DeOie Hawkins B. Sc., DVM Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 HOW 10 RECOONIZE PAIN 1N OUR PETS. One of tbe movt freqnently asked questions. that i address iv "How do 1 know if my pet is in pain ' A very important question. Because our pris cannot speak tiv important that ove know how to recognice the signs ihai a pinful animal ovli dispiay. i arn oftent surprised at how many people who rîng a limping dog to sec me. don'î think that tl s in pain, smpiy because the dog iv utît cryîng tir whimperîng. Lîmpîng iv prohably the most cotînîmtusîgu of pain ta dîîg and rats, hooever. intermittent iameness. stiifness. dîfficnlîy rsîng and reluctance lui jump are also key pouinters ta îdentîfyîug pain. One map find that the pet wilI have diffîiîp yclimhîng tir _umping onto chair' tables, or mt a vehîcle. Anoîher cdue iv notîcing at nîphtîie. ihat your pet îvhot tlways makes a ber-hune for the end of the hed, aud who normally beats pila iiithe top o>f the siairs. sîmply stays doîvastaîrs. Other, more subtie sigas inelude leîhargy, reduced appetîte. irritabîlity. changes ta behavîonr. and accidents tn the house in an otherwise house traîned dîg. Witb felînes. tîho are normaily kuotîmu bc6every tastîdîtîs nst heir use ol the cai ltter trap, if they suddenly start urînatîng tir havîng hoîvel mîîvenîenîs onîsîde tif ihe itterbîts i îvîuld consider that hehavîtnr a poissie indicattîrtiI pain. Sîmîlarly. exscessive panting îvhcv i iv înapprîîprî.îîc. antI reslessnessi .îî itîh. ihen the pet îîîîald ittrniilly bc sleeping. re lsti suhile sîgas. Becauise il iard iii determine fitesoutrce utI iiliaiione ieris aîre detucîrd ilt iv tipoirtnt hat <tus iit.keian app lni ttîieniv tI sitar seterinician toriluc heck up and il aicatutblc dii,iiuitii. testsý Il yîîu îhînk <unr pet v itipain,.lite îî Stcîcu reisitl itus conutacti<unr sctcrinariuiii There ivsut îîîuch vecartot i ii aind> maniage pain, titis prîîvîdîng a tîtucl iigprised iîaality of file tir yîur Pet. ¶5Halton His ASpeech Centre Di i t fM Ue a tî n i tepner SieechiLanuage Pai liii Poiestiiltrption 'Tour Caring Partners..." Northview Centre, 211 Guelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown (905) 873-8400 - www.haltonspeech.com Q: I've been told iny child has a lisp. Is this easy to correct with speech therapy. A: Speech-Language Pathologists sec many children who have difficulty with speech sound production, such as a lisp. lu iii important 10 note there are iwo kinds of lisps - frontal and lateral. A frontal lisp is when the longue ticks out, primarily on the /s/ and /z/ sounds, and it tends to sound like "th" (eg 'sun" sounds like "thun"). A lateralized lisp is when the sound is very slushy hecause the air is going sideways instead of coming out in the centre ot the mouth. It often affects numerous sounds such as s, z, sh, ch, j. We often sce/hear frontal lisps in presehool children when they are learning to make the /s/ ssund since they do not have total control lon.oue ix c'îscnts hctc'u. Laieralizîid lisps typically need help to correct. Il can be difficuli 10 understand the child as the child "lateralizes" the airsiream on many sounds. Il you have any concernis about your child's lisp. please contact the Centre for further information or to book an appoiniment wvith a Speech-Language Pathologisi. 75 Main St., Ste. 10 F 1 f l Mlton Medical Buildings 905-878-0800 Jillitan Guard Weniiy Cookt Cahieen Mclavish Ryan Weaver (Hons)B. Sc.RUT RMT RMT B.Sc.,RMT TENSION HEADACHES Tension headaches are describcd as pain associated with the base of the skuii or any other part of the head and face. They are differeniiated from vascular (migraine) headaches and are patients' most irequentiy made complaints. Due iii the many causes tif headaches. a case history must be carefully ciinsidered to rule out orgatiic dîsease and to ascertia ihe canseand type of headache. Comun causes of tensioîn headaihes iclude trigger puuint referral. muscle spasm. cervical subluxation, postural stress, and enviroamental stressý Symptonîs include a stifi aîd tender neck, and aching or vice- lîke pain in one or moitre areas of' the head. The patient may also experience rîngîng ofthlie cars. reduced attention, and photoise nsîîîvîîy. Referred pain ini the head mosi comumnly occurs as a resui t of îrigger points in the neck and shouider regtîn. For inîstance, the upper trapezius (shîtulder muscle)> s the muscle considered mîîst tîkely to develîip trigger points whîch relers pain behind the car întîî the temple. Trîgger points in the spîrîtît muscles (base il the skullî refer pain upîsard tii cause a îleep-seated headache that ciîicentrates behiiid the eye and ulît csetends iii the toîp of the head. Addîtîîmually. stern(icleidomastoiil (V-shaped musclesiii tîte froai <il the neckî trigger poinîts utt îîly reler pain tii(lie car. itemple, and ariiund lie cye. but îîî,y ,dsîî:auisc diueiiicss, isi ricuiatiîii. antit le sviptits <il t ieeiîncent o t i e dalctlies o il iiiclude tortin11 e sq1eh iriLeetpoinitt ilicrapv. ,andilliliotierapty 10IiCLIL ice PtIZIII IId Iiiic le qs n,usî anîd icicasc' ,.iitlitioii tIo :oiiilroiiisei t isseillie iith im i îI,'ictIýis t ci 1cv e ieutiticlLs l,, iti e tili age ic Patii t ii toj e îîînd ii iiiî i ui îîrihi iîîi leut l'lîîutollkîî,i e Jlluîîîiii il ilo t ,(i ieîiiiiiii iia e luîiiiu. il îî,î i îîî tn i,ti ie ot t ni g i auttît , tttith,-auis u tlll i.i ttu îi piîiiîî Clhuc Heus: Mon.-Fri. 8-8 a Sit. 10-2 a Cllod Sunday 1ÎIIPARTNERS IN PLANNINGJ 41 FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. Financual Planning ui1 ~ - Ratiremneot Planning *MutuaitPuns *Lulu Insrance Taéit (905) 870-0120 Fau: 905) 870-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Milton, Ontario L9T 1139 Lau Mulligani MA. CFP POU, Clu, PC (For aur regutar readers, last nonthas message ia repeated because it la GO criticat.) Q: Why is the end af the year on important ta t5 pear nids and 69 year atds. and what dues ibis have ta du with Cindereita? A: Wth yeir end fast apprtiacbing. ts a fitttung tîne us ie aboutigtismernt deadîtars, At the stroke o> mîdnîght otu Dec 31, 21516, pour RRSP or RESP carniage" ran urtam amo a pamgpkî utifpou are ta une tf twocage specifîr situations. If yen turned 69 in 2006. it v important bhai pou proteci yoar retîremenu sviags from anaecees s.rp txtioin. Alil pur RRSPv mi ste cunscrd te RRIFs or Annaitîrs ScIure the end of December tuf ihe year pou arr 69. If pua faul iii do thîs, putur RRSPv ill be deregusîcreut and pou uvll pay tax tua the ttal value. If ynar chitd tnrned 15 in 2006,.the Regstered Educatuuuntl Sasuuîgv lan uu e t îucuauuîîuîî tut (if2uit i iiveteultrtutiutORut tissu havehSu i u.tti uts t .. t, it îtttuu i ait i ititttu t I t t ipotantt1i ne l uisttt mniumuaînctcriuuutnii rder tiii etunue Itut 6eclugîble tt nsesutanthe RLSP and tut continue to recruvethe CESO grant monep lfor conrbutions made ag to mad ncladtng age 17. DO NOT WAtT UNTIL THE LASI MINUTE' Unfioanately. here s tut PtrtutusChauuuuuug tvtutuitlsearebhicorpua n 200l7 - batthusls sieg wstn Ifront Revenue Canada) mil <mut her uts tut <icdotur. Canfaoed? Pieuse catI Partuers ia Planning ai 905-876-0120 for fast. fast relier! AFFîLîsTED w!rs PATerSrN ruPLANNING huSURsocE SERVICES use. CEN4TRE lIna Doney 17 Wilson Avenue Confie Francoz PHYSIOTHERAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 I have been inratved in a moor rehicte aCcident fi ce yearn ago, and 1 arn nit haring trouble with ereryday actiritien. My tolerance Ia exercise and phyniotherapy iu very low. I heard that yau have a pol rehabilitation programt. Woutd thin hetp me? Pool rehabilitation is a greai way to do genile range of motion and sîrrngîhening witen you have a sore kare. bîp. shoulder, low back, or ueck and do not îolerate enercises or physioîherapy on land. Because you are more buoyant tn the water. it ix mach casier îo perform gratte exercîse ta the mater. Our skilled therapisîx ill guide pou through a prîîgranî made specifically for pour problem. and together. change and add anev eercîxes as you împrîîve. Afler îhree to four weeks. ou should xîart iii ser small improvemenis in rîther pain reduction. endurance. tor sîrengîh during everyday function and as long as you are v.illing. we omît ovork towards gettiîng pou as strong as possible. If you have an cld nagging iajury due to and accident or an înjury that ba.s not împrovrd siîh tradîtional exercîse tir physiotbrrapy. gise pool rrhahiliîatîou a try. Our pool prîîgram is rua ai Carol Murray's Sîvim Academp. cia Bronte Street, wherrr the pooîl iv 92 degrees. The classes arr Wrdnesdas and l'ridaps. Iront 12:30 1) :00 11fotr the lois back. hip. kare. and ankle class. and H Io i 1:30 fîor the neck, sîtoalder. cîbîtî andt hanut class. The classes are tatighi Sp a regisîered phpsiotlerapust. andt a certifîrd Kinesîîlîîgîsî 'hut da ieess sitar phpviitheratpp exîradeut health beraclîts,nitioit i ctle tastirunce. tir tu rkrsutompensattion Ifor the If <tit \%ut tîtliktîtîre tinformattion. please uall flic H,îlîîîîîCctnttnnitp Rehahilitttit (Centre t 905-876-1515, tand tic ulut behappp lii tttcean u >tcvitis s toitnap haie. anîdget ti t tartedintahithe prîîgraîîv l U St. John's- Kilmarnock School A veuig Cs sdios glrdep duns ssvs s mJuirKindergo iv us oGrade12, vii,, 519-"8-2183 wwsw.%jkschani.org HOMIEWORKIEPS Hamiework os an 'napurtant part af choul-ife and establishiag a daily rmutine is the key ta saccess aad ta building healthy mark habita. Here are saine lips far parents and stadents ta belli achieve daily harnewark goals: Ask aboiu homewtirk eveiy day. eveit if ihere iv noue. Askîng coavrys înîerest and caring abstt itaor ebîlut and schivul îvurk, Encaarage/iuclp ysur clild iii souk îhroagh their agenda and te, keep it up-tii-date tstth test dates. prujeel due dates, etc. Priorimrng wurk is important. Establish a specufir place where luuuneîork rau hi' completrd. fec o> distractioins. Keep thte space iscîl sttickcd uIt the necessaty torils, ..glens. bighligbmerrs, a dictitunaiy, etc. Clearly cotaunateu to your chîld that youî expert ita/ber iv cuiaplete honteuuork independently; housever. ssii utl6eclhappy toe, heck il or gravide blp if needed. If/wben luunîeuvurk iv uuruuecuttrage eutaactiue cIssmistc' iiuai îsurk eau hu i turpletedt luth tîu..uut.,u.î ,ulu..,tutt ttutsLUli If the antoaututfuuumeîvurl. assîgned is hcavy sel ap t honucsvurk chao btau also sncIndes breaks. Curreniip acceping applicationus for September 2007 & 2008. Jomu s luitait OPEN HOUSE ON NOV. 2.3 frain 9 arn. - 12 nana. Discuter isho sudents Iront Su. Jthn's-Klntarntck Sehitol achîcîr suecess ai Umiversity <cccl stady. Transportation s avatîahîe rotuîtRickuuuutd. MutIlai, Milton, Camgellvtlîe area. If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 9

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