The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 14, 2006-AlS Ken Brush Mike Ledwith Harvey Leggo Murray Boyd Hugh Beaty £e4t w~ Remembrance Day services were held both Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon, at Evergreen Cemetery and Victoria Park respec- tively. At left, Second World War army veter- ail Dewart Downs of the Royal Regment of Canada remembers fallen comrades while (at right) veteran Joe Hendrick stands at atten- tion in the pouring rain for the playing of 'O Canada' during Saturday's rain-soaked serv- ice. Below left, Kathleen Blane, the Slver Cross Mother, is escorted to the cenotaph by Sergeant of Arms Bob Willams for the ayîng of the Slver Cross Wreath at Sunday's cere- mony. Below right, comrade Ray Waters is îoîned by granddaughter Leauna DeVaan, who becomes the fourth generatlon of the Waters family to play the trumpet on Remembrance Day- as did Waters' father and grandfather before hîm. Above and below are some of Miltons Second World War veterans photographed at the services. GRAHAM PAINE/I CANADIAN CHAMPION HukKemn i MKnly Lachian McKersie Joe Hendrick Stan Walsh Ed Goodali George St. Cyr Jack Rockliff Huck Kelman Jim McKinley