Your choices for school trustee The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 10, 2006 - Al 3 Donna Danielli Biography: Danielli is a local ournalist and has owned and operated The Vacum Store in Milton for almost 20 y'ears. She also volunteers in the communi- ty Platform: - Look at every dollar and ensure they're used to enhance the schools and the learning expenience * Address school overcrowd- ing and the playground space that's rapidly disappearing a Insttute a communications plan, including regular meetings with school principals, a parent advisory committee and e-mail focus group - Revisit the issue of board governance. Donna Danielli Pa Contact: (905) 854-2469 and ddanielliî@interhop. net. Paul Tate Biography: Tate is the cur- rent Halton District School Board trustee for Milton and chair of the board. He owns an Intemet-based consulting com- pany and is also an active volun- teer. Platform: - Continue to lobby Province to maintain financing - . of new schools to 4 groth Mlt S meet Mltn 4- Develop a plan that reduces the number of portables used in Paul Tate Milton eSurive to cre- ate specialty high schools dedi- cated to the arts, sports, science and technology eWork on changing the responsibility for hiring crossing guards from the Town to the school board. Contact: (905) 876-4456, and WELOCO I UCoN Renovations e Additions e Skylights Custom Carpentry e General Contracting. s w Fre smate 100 Nipss à Ra, Unit M, Miton, Ontario 905-878-7771 C«ringOPEN PLAY Thursdays 9:3Oam - 3:30PM WEE PL.AY 15 a parent and child participation program set in a mini-gym atmosphere. Our specialized developmental equipment and educational programmlng offer opportunities for your child to develop motor coordination, flexlbillty and agllity. Because the building of a child's self image, cognitive development and social awareness are so important, we invite you to come and share with us. ChiId Drop-Of - Making & Creating Ages 2 - 5 years. Leave your chlld wlth us for an hour of fun-filied gqames, crafts and actîvities! Diaper Gymn Level One Ages 6 weeks - 6 months Diaper Gym Level Two Ages 6 montha - 12 monthe For information on our programs or to register on-Une please visit us at WWJW.WOpIay.oa «cai <90)>870-777. Remb«, youenas regstataymyne for our progaàsý ROGER WEYLO MASTER CARPENTER Milton, ON Cali 416-400-7872 -