A8-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday November 7, 2006 www.k~moslshp.com c o in 487 Laurier Am. 878-2881 IIMUNITy Teacher of the Month Denyes' JK teacher Miss Tadi"c honoured By Stephanie Thiessen CANADfAN CHAMPfON STAFF oing ti sulool ftnr the firsi uiecanulie stai} t was foir four-year old Kylie Arch, who was understandahfy' wîrrîed the mighî before the big day. She didn't know anyoiîe, and didoît know how ber leacher woufd be," saîd ber mom, Daven. But when she got homne from bher fîrsi day tif junior kindergarieîi ai J.M. Denyes Public 'neboof, Kyfie was sur- prisingly exciied, Arcb said, and ready to go back tbe nexi cIay. "Ai irst sbe dîdnî i\vaini b go.f lh sbe didn'î waiîîtt' oiiehontîe,' Arcfo Èsaîd. Over tbe liextilew sseeks, Kylic made a sniooîb tranîsîiinandiclacicialî didn't seeni b nmiss bcr nioniai aff wbîcb is a dificulîy Arcb bacnni antii paîed, sbe said, laugbîng. fi quickly becaîne cfear tbe reasoii j' for Kylies entbusiasm was fier ieacber, Elena Tadie. "She bas a way witb ibeino, Arcli saîd simply Tbe (Cbamipion sceeued f adîu as Ntîvember's Teacher of ifie Moiiîb after receivîng a sweeî e-mail frtîm Kylic, nomînaîing ber for the bonour. Loves her teacher "We bave so mucb fu witb ber ibat f dont even miss my inonîmy wfîen l'm ai stbtîtd," Kyfie wroie. "Wbeii litun t ai seboof I preîeîîd Ini Miss Tatchc antI I îeacb îny dollies tbe soîîgs ibai we learned wiib Miss Tathe." Tbis is l-adies secontd year îeatbiîîg, and ber firsi year ai J.M. Denyes. Shu also teacbesJunior kiiodergarien ai F.\Fotster Pubfic Suboof. Thec begîînîîîg tif a sclîtol year s always ait excîîing y'ei iiursu'-wrackiiig uime for teacliers as wcll as studenis, Tadht saîtl. Tbey"re meeting 20 mess pieopfle, anîd so ani . Andtflets nol Icîlgel ithe ~a Tatche bas tb leassure îlîeîîîas oself as tbe stuclcîîis ai ifhe stan tif ihe vear, she said, cbuîcklîîîg. f adic bas sonie crealive wa's tî liefp) kîds wbtî fîndt fenîsef vus nissîîîg îfîeî parents dîîrîîg ibe day. Onue of ibese is tbe bugs and kisses wall. if a cbîfd îs upset, be or sbe is insiied ti go te, tbe wall and draw some Xs and Os forr ibeir parents. "fi seems to realfy sootbe "We have so much fun with ber that 1 don't even miss my mommy when 1'm at school. When I'm flot at school 1 pretend 1'm Miss Tadic and 1 teach my dollies the songs that we learned with Miss Tadic." KYUE ARCH [bem. I hev knoss tesý' cle oing sonie îbing nice foi- ibeïinnini and dad,- I adit said. Biesicdes a bncie desit' as a kid b bbc an actirss, Tadît saîd sfi alwas's kiiess sie' wvanted b biea icat lir so otking ost lb yoîng fkîds. I îhink ils really inportant Io fosîci a love of learning ai a s'otnig age 5fio.c said, adding shie fias fond memories of bier owiîn yar ini kindergarien. (aring nature caine early f adit saitf slie's afo\s ss fad a nui-loi- ing side. andi remieifîlcis iefping feffoso, sindenîs us'eîî wfiuisfic vwas ii kitder- garten, sucb as a fîtfe fboy' iniaa vc ld tliaiî she hef-riended. Afîhough kids siari 10 feaîîî ibeir AIR s in- funior kindergarten, îbey afso learn sociaf skiffs, xfluhi s fusi as imnportant. "A fitge pa~rt of juio i ondecigan uîî is learning fiovv Ioisocial ize aind fearn- îng bovv t( imanage ifîemsefs'es" Tadht lir ofbas a ieacberi s 11to-ieiiu a salfe, niitrring ei'ir-oiiieii, -sficsaîd. addiig fîeng a It'aclîii retjtires oiît,'oi tlitioinaf (i t'anditl ieitnce. (i-catisils is alsc a iliiiiLi i rterIto[ appîeaîf Ioic hildrt'n ssii t iflurciii feai î ing styfes, sfic saîtl. A fbig ac.faniagt' of ift'e obh on par. wsilfi tfe satisfactiîon sfi geis knoii~sng fier stîdeîîs aie lîaiis' andinjo cisoin- mîg lo stfîîîî-f s uiheuiiîeriaitnieiii hie t fîîdreîî consianily seeii 60 pro- vide. I tan sit bacîs (aîndiwatefi îfeîîî) and gel a good cfîukfe,- ladic said, faughing. Sîephîcîiîe Oiessen ctibc i îatfîcd ai stliiessehiamîlîic atiadiant fampioiî. oin. f1~2 w" ,/1 h5.t6 BARRIE ERStINF "SPIl A[ 1 E. C HAMPION BELOVED TEACHER: Elena Tadre sits wih 1K studeni Kylie Arch, wvho nominated her as The Lhamnpions Teacher of the Month. f e ~ N'~ fM~ in~es~ I ~ ___ Truly Local lWlevision www.cogeco.ca NORTHI HALTON STUDIO Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Miltone ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 Noon Municicpal Eleolîoe 2006 Canddate Sateieni i 0pmf SîoIS.ONE me Replay' 2,06pm Mnicpal Elecione2006 Caddîate Eaeîen 3:1101101- 6309M Pluoed In! ioul 6'3pm Optimiui 1TV Bingo (iqi) T.3Opm Muncpal lecion 2006 Canddae Staemeeis 8 Oipm Auo lopeIs<laive iOI1pra Nunicicloin20l16: milan Canddaes uSai, Noon Mun'îPai Eeclon 2006 Canddae Sateenel 1 06PM McpiliElecicnT2X Mlon, aîîdaes TcbaEe 4:06orn --6 00 PlggedInl' EXTRA 6 Pei Mancîpal iieciîon2006 Canddae Saiemenîs 7T06pm Srim y H500ef 7 30pin Plaiged ln! 906pm Municipal Electioin 2006: GalpWiEramosa iebaie ETl:OPMidn Mdfiflugged l!EXTRA. Swap TAi (e lp lay) Muicia'pal Ele (1001)m Plgged !E' Muncpal Ele Mlon Candid Municpal le Reional c6ai -MdnlîX Plgal n! 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