Aucnj ionj EI reerTining v aeerTining 11 rerTriningj 11l51 Bronte Road, Oakville Saturday, November 4, 2006 (indoors) Veig & Regstration 8:00-9:3Oam No pets please, (special needs dogs only) Terms cf payment Cash sr Cheqse with ID PST wilI be sdded-Refreshments available pPtSupplies BEAUTIFUL Pemale Yorkîe, AKC regstered, verp ttick Black and Garden Clot sîtir ex- celent black points uyn. She cvmes wth a heaitir gaaraatee. up ta date shots and worm- ig. very loveabie & 50- cîalîzed. Ver checked ad healh certiicale. Sire sîli maRe pau a wondertul pet and com- panîsa. Surs growa. for mare information please contact Via dammie ainde @yairoa com LWrsCar orSae 1997 Satarn SL. Manuai, PW PL, Red, needa front end work, Ruas seli. irsy kmu. $8e0o air, as iv. Cati 905-878-6026. 1993 Ford Tempo. Automatia, 4-cylînder, n rannîng condition,. t90,0ltkm, $750. obo as is. 905-877- 8383. 2000 Honda Cîvic EX. aatomatic, A/C, craîse, keleas entry. remte start, certified. son- amoker. $96000 905- 877-2509. M Tks for l 1997 Ford Fr50 XL, 4.2L VeSAuto, 3-dcar Eut Cab. AC, Air Bags. Tîit, 218e000 Km $e395 Certitied. EC teated. Please cal 9o5 e54 6et8e Vans, Lme-heD rie 1994 Pontiac Trunspart Mîn-Va. e6cpi, 7 pas- venger. ail power. mînt conditiun. certitied and e-tested. $2,500 abs. vus-844-8e33. 1999 Caravan. 5asas kms. Askîsg $7,9Oi. Cali 905-877-6837 airer h:0S pm. EXPERIENCEOD cean- ing lady waîted ta Mil- tan for prfessîsna caaple, va chldren. Bi- seekty. Cali Lee 9vas 876-457T II] rerTainin m o e~errining GtLADING EDGE career training n POLICEm FOUNDATIONS or LAW& SECURITY OFFICER 4 uh on tSuth, 5k Fixer HAjmI1LTO N 905.528.8972 55 Cify Coe Dre, Su t lnd Ff IMISSISSAUGAI 1905.949.4955 CALL ToDAYI * l iac yeme a îi nidin rogsoqai Fn calsitne m . e e ;'ewh uai Cali Centre Envir)nment Customer Service Ren) î'ii 1Cd d ý î ieý1_ dîsability would make it impossible? Candidates must: -Have a disabilt -Be DDSP elîgîibe -Lice i Halson, Peel, Djfferin -Be willng te work ýn H'P C -Have goadcmputer skills -,Have extensive Customer Service experience Cali 1-866-806-0662 Community Partnerships at Work Sponsored by ( Centre !ýý - Education ,Traning' FREE job Search workshop for Experienced Workers nhe vc iîîiCicii ui,' MDiveovir' Wl cf yccvni' tapi blle 1L 2,),]iflou, M Dvrýlcp ca onrh.s r vniý rkv 86v0dîHirtioîiCourtiî Burliiiîuyio, ON 17N av4 a Learn ta mcrknt vacevelf tueempinvErs B llnderstand and duvelca itrvites eklle, Th, po v>11's i., o ab i' 1'lur 1'KOOS.o I riFO L'o- cresCarees E C es aer L A 7B O Y INTERIOR DESIGNERS NEEDED We're lsckirg forsme ialeated people t15 ia as as we apen a new store an Elobicoke and efipard car 'la Home Design Service' in sur stores an Dur- lin' and Northr Mississauga. If pcv are a graduase cf an accredied Inierîi De- sign curse who iv lasking fat a unique appurianiy ta ue yaar uklis and talents ihen thîs may bu the jcb fat pcv. The dattes incalve wsrkiag dîrecily wth car clients and car SalesConsualtats an car shawracmsanad in clients homes. Yu mcvi have reliaile transpcriatian. excellent verbal ad ertien commanîcaticn akllu, and a flexible schedale ihai permts ycv ta wark on week- ends and same eveaîngs. We sufer a geaercvs Compensation Prcgram. Ccmpany Benefîf Plan, Prsfessîcnal Traning, Dp- pcrtvnitiev fer Adacceovnt cnd a unique cppnrtv v 5 v ' h p ' t viw i hi A i a vs g rp' a r., Gy 1lvvp1veîî5 Or, 24 hcvrv a cap vsmply caîl Cirurlie at 905-568- 2211 - rier prcmpted c enfer an extension' -pcv dà 150, then dial #6151 iv respcnd is several quevtionsv oelaeanad'. l90.78231 MI6 Ders MILTfON CANADIAN CHAMPION CIRCULATION DEPARTIMENT IS cdrently lookicg foc a Contraci Driver o deiser papers to castomero in the Miltos Rura aros on Taeodays & Frdays. Must be relable with cwn vehîclu and valîd drivers lcense. Please contact: Cheryl Babneau: cbabineau@ miltnraadivcia'vî'- Company ta Mlton. Muo'ha C-'ean Drîving Abstract. The Canadian Champion, Tueuday October 31, 2006 - 21 Part-rime, Fridays and Holldays Fi in neitt extra days as needed. Mcvi have esceptunal vrganîzatiîsal skilisire 488 DUNDAS ST compater lterate able tc mufti iask & wcrk an- ES scpervîsed. Efp, Wîrh Dccktvvks, MS wvrd, AT TRAFALGAR Excel, Dsllvvk, Iv. Csnirai and Pas a mcsti Fao resumeý Atentian Haman Rescarce Now Hiring 519-853-4279MaueF & FRETAIIN Plusse drop off SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Cutomer Service Pari-Time HautsDs Perfect for retirees and homemakers ccvi pro vcircvî ch irer OOC ice y55W If you havesa few hsara a day and eajay tire compaap of chldrea, pleaue contact u aI A Air ýConditioning 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 & Heating Fof more lfllorrll'iýjofl on (his 905 681-3356 Matare indîvidual te- qaîreif Faîl-time. Muai be able louoperat forkltft, and have han- dyma killa. Comprehensive benefit package. Caîl: 905-844-2949, Fax: 905-844-9722 Construction Sub-contractor (Oakvillel requires General Labourer ta mie, pour and finish malerial. Fuperience wîth ukîd-aleer, con- crete finiuhing, abiliy to aperate equîpment. drivera lcense an au- set. Fao resame ta 905-827-9342 or Emaîl tsf APPLY NOW Avg $20/hr Enum. type work PiecewrkieComp. Incentives & Bonus Structure *NO EXP. NEEDED* Pruvided training fot accepied Applicants. To bhouka achedaled interview Cail 905-525-5948 Super ne ver cost Sa lîttie NOW HIRING We are Iooking for year-round open availability and Nîght Crew avaîlability in our store Corne Visit our Part-lime Job Fair Location: Real Canadian Superstore Community Room (Oakville Superstore) Monday, October 3Oth, 2006 il am -4pm Yoar watt tme may be extended, depending os the flamber et îteresled applîcants that attend sur job tain. TieRela Canadian Saperotore as an egoal oppsrtunity employer Same heavy lifing Plelucility ut _ _ _ _ _ _ __Cal[ 905-702-9048 Bok*vu Rave van herd the flOW5? Weeknîghtv Pend ek.00pMdnghtWek$125O Clauufled nec hau email. Apply te: ctanst~edesShoppers Drug Mart ( ncedac tpn o Georgeowen Market lae i la EAL CANADIAN- -v Please fax resume to: 905-878-9010 Attn: Chris Nogalo Need aJob? 16-24 years oîd? We can help Cali s seekîsg an esergelîcfrîendly, sulgcîsg JOB CONNECT PRODUCT CONSULTANT at Sheridlan This is a permanent pcsiticr avalable îmmedîarely. 905878-4956 The saccessîsi candidates prîmary respcnsibililîes wiii inclade prcvîdîng exceptînnal cutmer service, lighl administrative cirk anc cpenîng and cicsîng du- ties. Lifting is reqaîred and kncwledge cf food preparati cn s an assel. Weekend and weeknighf shifts are pari cf the package. Prevîcas Relail efipeni- --- ence preferres . k Please brîsg a teaumne ana apply in persn tiv 211t Guelphr Street, Georgetown U Full and Part-Time Positions Available A o t. (eda seadocastonal weekends) GoodTips Il (Trafalgar and 401 Areal ) Cail Jîm vr Nîck viý 905-875-1388 I tIFrNu Clvvvdatc3 OSvm va catL.cay Svnvay YYVIftVjJVII.cen Loal Company Seeks ct alibi, 45 - years - or ol - der? IReqaîres technical helpers ta assiat with service and installation st dssrs and dsck eguipment. Abiliy ta climb ladders, clean drvers abstract. welding esperience preferred I Caîl 905-840-4848 Brampton P~ACTING/MODELING SOPPORTUNITIES StarOuest Modet & Talent Search has helped many people get into Sesrs v catalogues, Walmart & Royal Bank TV jcommercialý , Canadian Tire ada, music videos, Hollywood movies & more. We Sneed new faces of ail looks, sîzes, ages ðnicities. 3yrs. and Up Last Vsit to Your Ares thiu Yesr! MILTON S Friday, November 3rd Ramada Inn & Cont. Centre 161 Chishalm Drive g~Attend anytime from 5 pm n- 8 pm Registration tee $43. (rerunded 4 you do flot qualityl < For infa visit Night shift for Milton Warehouse I Top wages with excellent benefits I Own transportation recommended 1