Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 2006, p. 9

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Public generally supportive: Osborne from MILTON on page Al and there. But 1 tIhe armny rescrves hascd out ol onfly thing I wanted to do." 'y ro ininimize Hamilton, where bc irained and Osborne was blunt and malter-of- ibem - 1 dont rccived basic and soldier qualica- laci about the danger he'u Blkely face as wanî htm to tions. When mosi rcens his agc were a member of the infantry - a ground worry about us working ai part-trme jobs, Osborne soldier - on the ront uines. over tbere. 1 just pn umra a i ae ted "We're basically the ip of the spear," want im ro i4spefnt smera a arhaeated bc sad. wrry boutAnd iben, from the ages of 16 to 18, WBat does be fear the mosi? staying safe." ~be joined the reserves, the Royal "The unknown," be replied. She sard she Hmlo ih naty 'Anything over ibere could be a bomb. knew saying Hamîlton igBî l Jnary fe gaut Any second could be the end." good-bye would ing lrom EC. Drury High Scbool, The most important ring tb Be pariicularly Osborne joined the military full time remember wBen the [car ibreatens 10 dîfficuli, sînce and hecame a lull-fledged member of take over, he said, is be Bas îrained and she didn'î know tBe Royal Canadian Regîment, living at prepared for wBat Bes about to do. wBen sBe'd talk Cnda ocs Bs CB His desîre t0 serve is country Basn'i 10 Mati nexi. PCanaian ocs Bs.CB wavered, be saîd, despite having SBe added Malt Osborne is ready Peaaa aîîended several funerals of soldiers as it'îl be iougB for combat. Oshorne, wBo looks not a day over is 20 years, is now qualified t0 dnive part of the Bonour guard. waîcBing news reports of soldiers beîng an EPC, wBîcB îs a lrgBî armoured "Il's Bard to see their families and Burt or kîlled, and not knowing il 115 vebîcle ibat looks lîke a tank, and Ban- friends and wBat îBey go tBrougB," Be Maît. die a C7 or C9 rifle. said. "Theres s0 mucB iînknown, for him -A 1-. AltBougB Osbornre kncw for a few montBs hBcd Be going 10 Afghanistan, il wasn't until îwo wecks ago ibat Be received is orders and was told 10 pack is hags. Il wasn'î sometBing tbat was Bard for me t0 decide, hecause I believe in what's going on and I helieve we sBould Be there Belprng orbers wBo need Ici Be Belped oui," be saîd. Obviously Bhis family - parents Cindy and Mike, and sîster Amanda, 17 -are reluctani 10 scee im go. For Amanda, wBo descrihî'd Mati as every bit the older, prorecrîve broîber, ils heen a lîrîle seat'> But, sBe said, ils no surprise Bes goîng. "This is definiîely somcthing I could alwavs sec Brm doing hecause Be-s going off and Belpîng peuple and pro- tectîng is eou-ntry," sBe saîd. Maris expecîcd tb reiurn home in Februanv "Il's a tougB rBîng, but sse're really proud," is rmom sard. '\\ýe just hope Be sta> s safe and comes home." The family Bas BacI good days and had das's preparitrg for Marns deparîurc, Cii'dy sard. 'There have becir a lew tears here and us," sBe saîd. The facî be won'r be Bome for is 2OîhBiBrîBday or Chrnstmas makes is leaving aIl the more emotonal, Cindy said, as well as is young age. SBe knew tBe'd heing wavîng good- Bye ru a teenager; wBen ibe>' see Bîm nexi, BelIl mosi definîîely be a man. "Ibat's wBat's Bardesi on tBe wBole family - tbat bessti young," sBe saîd. lronically Cindy sard Mati found cut be was herng sent overseas just as be was flling Bomne Iroin a soîdrer-s funeral. " le called nie and said, 'I Bave some news'. Ibere were rears iBat nigBî," sBe admnittcd. Oshorne's frsî few days in Kandahar wriI be spent hecoînîng clîmatîzecî lu the country,; igBer elevation andu resuIltng lower lesels of- oxygen. Leasing ihe luxurs' o! sofi heds ,and Tii 1n Iorlons hcind Brur, Be'Ilbc slcecp- ing on a cotinr a terri. l'trtunately ireIl Bav e access tb MSN and e-tratl b stias'tiouch w ith people backBhome, bc said. O.'sborne w'as 14 wBien be jorned ibhe arins' cadets irMilton for tuvo sears. in Bigh sc Bool, Be did a co-op surnt with Aiiempting 10 dîsband the Taliban and keep members guessing about Bis troops' wBereahouts will Be among Bis duties. "Our main goal îs 10 stahîlize the country se, iBey can re-huild, and Belp oui the Afghan people,"be explained. Overaîl, Osborne saîd Be Bas receîved a lot of encouragement [rom the general public - be pariicularlv apprecrares sceeng the yellow 'Support Our Troops' rilbBons - altBougB ibere Bave heen a I-cw people wBo've expressed negative views about (anada's insolvemnent. "A few people asked wBs' lin doing ibis and saîd we re not needed over ibere. Thaï's peoples-- opinion and I canft change rIrai. Regai-dless of' public opinion, ils clear Oshornes lainilv \vill alwassbe atnong is sutuncBcst'stip)poriers. 1Tcr got urs yclloxs riBBon, rta>' ilag, and a ligliit m 'fli ndoss bclp irui ind is 's'as home: -Cimds' sard, adding, "I les an atnazing kid. Ile realîs' s If ans one iithe woi Id is luckV enoughi to Bav e a kid lîke Bium,tB'r hlessed. Stt'pincTitie ttssi'ui i titi Bt' ud 1h1 tii The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 27, 2006 - A9 -w ' S N vsit s heCabbeanMakiaie -siQeî,ag deiatios, mugir, tmimr& ,,ajOn pacica"e Sh w sus r . -, a. 1-S u.1- Ad iso : lt$2. 50s tudn. - 1 $8 isu r8Fe m.AirMiles GOWDCardhofders getinFREEai1 weekend 0 100's oftravel exhibitor's firm id lnhe.çI a MeetKevin8rauch ih' fbrsryl'raveller a Sandcastie building and professional scuiptor display a Seminars, entertainment & prizes galore! www.travelandleisureshow.com IStunquest ORTHODONTICS - An investment In Yourself Or Your Family! 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