A8 - The Canadian Champion, Frrday, October 27, 2006 To Advertise in the Church Directory< please cal j Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 - 200 Main Street 905-876-3586 Lovht0 Goà. Lovhîq peo pie. Sundays at MBC 10:00 amn Worship & Teaching Children's Minis tries running concurrent/y 11:00 amn Coffee & Conversation Senior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh e Youth Pastor - Mark Strickland A Fellowship Baptist Church Ssînday, Oct. 29 10:00 arn A Crisis ofilelief Lie is full of bg decisions and tougir vioices, maknqt hem correctly is one of the gneasespirîboal rkillr we conmaster For tieneeteeus weivie you to oin us on a Ife-changerg jomey - one of uniderstanding God's wfolding. a www.thesanctuary.ca/milton ~~ 905.257.3987. ~J I $ Milton Sports Centre , 605 Santa Maria Bvd. (Den'y Rd, west of Hwy. 25) J IINI'4TRIes " Gý- o s aft Bible',dsrrl gwwCreationonTheWe-b. t 1.tL 7//J GRACEwAY BAPTIST CHIJRCH- 103 MARTIN ST., MILTON ON Telepirisne (905) 878-1629 Sunday November 5thi lOaso Evolution: Whal are tire Facts'?" I lai "reation/Evolution and tire Gospel Message" 6pou Evangelisco in a Posmodero (Evoluionized) World CRF.OiiN Bei<iih& f\ihCii"\IiLL BE ÀO5iLSSLF FR SUE! * wwwMitonBbleChurch.ca S MILTON ifStt \îiII oi lII i V Hugh Fos5cr HaUl 13 Brown St. Mîltosi FREE BIBI.E. 5<11001. h' H k 1h, i " CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Brtannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett th 905-878-5664 ~¶~iuhside Located 0fr Derry Rd. betî: 'e b h ie ~e iï "1r r ùiýi ai JeSbS PdsSaafldteiy UO connecting with our God-given family Sunday @ 10:30 a.m. Music and lnsighfful Teaching from the Bible Farewell Lunch for Dani and Courtney... & Le Pie Café fundraiser for Ukraine Missions Tearnis follaws, ... the connection café continues to rnorph Pastor Jack Ninaber www.southsidemiIton .org Si. - I KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES VOU 7() N,,,I h ' t ' \ii l , , ,> -7, , i l)irecloîr oils Minirrstrren -Sîojosvis de Hort Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Youth Smai] Group (Grades 7 & up) 10:30 a.m. Children's Worship (Ages 3 - Grade 6) & Nursery "CALED TO SERVE THE LORD" SWireelchiar accessand0 wasirrooms provrded se siat ail may come and worsirip. Access off Mary Street. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH (Ier 0,: 317 Main St.E Canon Dr. Mark thre Church on the Hili McDerrnott9058 -21 Rex. Dr. ReielDesjardmns 58821 Services - Sunday 8:00) asi - Said Et' charist 1 0:00) ani - Stîng Etîcharist including Kid's Spirit Programi lac] lowe d bv crlffc hour -Thursday 10-:0)-am.-Ss :tC.is ,. Whee!ctrair Access through parking lot wvw gracechurchmîlton com r st. George's 150 Years Jvîsn uà 1iis near in a ceièr"ati (n f. The' preaching rflards word je fis shurcho hririe escarprsseni ince' 1856i. irime' and huer ras, nie isili ir erpleosed iii ces vau. REC( ORs Rt-v <ancîn (harles Master (kierber 9_h 9is206 4.rie- 8:30 arn iIoly (Àsmmunion 10:30 arn Morning Praver - Traditional Service 10:30 arn HoIy Communion in the Family Roomt Nursery and junior Sunday School "051 Guelphs Une at Derry Road (Tel> 905-878i-1363 VLs,5 <ur nesi tec<uî'saeovs.ja' 1 e, Grace bMount lion Apodtolic Church Miton Seniors Aclrvity Cesser 00nhls Dr. (More Auditorium) - Milon Christian Education (ail ages) 10:00 arn - 11:00 arn Worship Service 11:00 arn - 12:00 noon 905-875-9169 Frsday - Bible Class e Prayer Meeting 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Milton Resource Centre 410 Bronte St. S., Building B, Milton www graceministries.ca MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Anrd Ille witrd wa's made fies/ a ad sit ell ong us anid we beheld lais glory, as of Ille omly of the Fatiier. -John 1.14 9arn to 2.'3Qprn 101h Anniversary Concert, Sat. Nov. 4, 7:3Oprn Men Il Boys & Women of Note Tickets $15 (aduits), $12 (seniors), $8 (Kids) Tickets avallable in the church office Corne Worshîp With Us! ta~ti2m 1 »»«@L- Assitt/Worshlp EWUr ea p Youlh KimeFullaugerr 9 a.m. - Earty Worship Service 9:30 a.m. - Ail Ages Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service Service Captioned for DeafHard of Hearing Pastor Esther Kessier preaching The Power of This Moment 6:,30 p.m. Sunday Night Live No Fear! --fý ST. PAUL'SANIE AR S1p23edyMainSt.cE.,M ltS.oan shi Ne ChRrA h Sch ool hISEmVIEat 105 an GsplUni.t.ads9,8)1045 an Cofene Covrsaio nat the services