Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 2006, p. 7

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If power plant is buit here, we can say goodbye to our beautiful town DEAR EDITOR: WC\e muved lu Milton lotir years agu hecause it \vas a quiet luwn rîghî nexi lu the beautitul escarpineni antI far enough away roin the bectne lilesty les of ihe bigger cîîîes îbat surrouncl it. 'Ne knew ai the lime ibiai gruwîb wuuld happen, antI accepîed that. 'Ne knew we bad things like Hwy 401 cluse b> and trains runnîng îbrough tbe middle oftoîwn. We cuuld neyer have anîicipaîed, buwever, tbat a huge puwer plant wuuld be prupused right next lu us. Miltun cuntinues tu draw îhuusands uf peuple frurn uut uf tuwn every year lu ils apple and fruit farms, cunservation areas, parks, farmers' market, [airs and uther special evenîs lîke 'On tbe Way lu Bethlehemn' aI Chbristmnas. l'l - mhin l rîtav concern, buveati youujusîptifyl')lînig ibis lînt su Close lu unr humes and the seusîlîve envirunliienl of the esearpînent? Du sonniuîrealize I1le impact il wouîld bave uoi ihe populaioîîn as well as our vibrant îuurism indcîstry? \V buwould want tu curne ount tu Miltun - the lîîwn wîîh tbe power plant - lu pick iheir apples ur gu fur a bike in ibe lresb air at une oul unr ive cun- servation areas? Thbe number uf cummuters that will pass daîly b>' yuur plant. sînce we bave limited ruad systerns in place, as well as the 401 cummulers, wîll be bigh. Dues il make sense lu jeupardize a cumrnunily antIal il bas lu ufler? Il il gues in, I knuw I will înuve uut. I bave a lamîly nrnm ber ws ~sasîbmaîu and I lusî anul ler lamilîy' îneîber lu tan- ter- and îbaî was svbîlce w livet iîî a place ibat dîcîn' basve a poer lplantl îbîîhatl emissiuns close lii ns.Exhansi cîîntaîlîlng ebernicîls antI dnsî îb,îîwill cuîîîribrîîe liismoug eau uîly be wtirse lurounr bealîb. 'Ne nMiltuonare already duîng unr part [otihe environ- ment and the etîmmunities around us. We have an ineîîîer- atîun plant in the wurks îbat will heneftlal. Wby du we have lu alsu pruvide ptîwer lrum wiîhînounr burclers? Ils surely uverluad foîr uur nesv, vibrant and grtîwing luîwn. If ibis gues through, I gness we wîll luin unr neîghbhurs iii saying guutlhye lu beanîitul Milton. CHRIS CORMIER MILTON Lights in front of school flot the answer DEAR EDITOR: Tbis is in respunse lu K. Murtons letter lu Mayur Gurd Krantz requesîing traffie lîgbîs be însîalled at tbe enîrance ut Bisbop Reding Secundary Scbuol. I bave been a resident in îbaî area for tbe past byve years, and I feel that a set ut lîgbîs wuuld unly affect tbe fluw ut traffie. We already bave in existence fuur sets ut ligbîs înstalled lrum Tbumpsun Road lu James Snuw Parkway Tbe lasi îhîng we neuîd is anuiber set of lighîs. Cuuld there be anuiher sulutiun? I cani bhelp but nutice the empîy parcel ut land, ibat appears lu be the sîze uf a foot- hall field, un the pruperîy uf Bisbup Reding. Tbe land is siun- aîed ai the curner ut Main Street F. and Harris Ruacl. I've neyer seen il used foir ans' purpuse exeepi fur tlug walkîng and the udd cricket gamec Why euuldn'î îbey exîend an aecess ruad tilt larris lu cunneet lu the scbuuf's exîsîîng parking lut? Vs'tuld ibis ntî make a mueb saler exil frum the scbtîîl wîîbouuîinterrupting irattie? L. BOILEAU MILTON Proposed Milton power plant flot too surprising DEAR EDITOR: Il's inîeresîing lui sec tbe attitudes abouti bis prupnsed pcower plant. 'Ne11 folks, thaIs Itie price we pay AIl ut us use elecînicîîy aI a frantie rate. Wlhu uses clutbeslînes anymure? JusI pup tbuse weî cluthes intu tbe dryer. And buw about whule-buuse air cunditiuning? Ileek, if it gels above 22 degrees wc aIl starîtîp the AC, sel îî ai 18 and leave il (lu aIl day. We keep tbnse windnws shul antI Iîgel tbe lains. Now inultipl>' Ibis b>' ibe tbuusands ou' new bumes we alluw'ed lui be buîlî. 'Ne ail gel wbaî we deserve, and bere itîis. TOM BROWN WAKEFIELD ROAD Complete change to council wouldn't be wise DEAR EDITOR: Many Miltun cîtizens are nigtully suur abount tbe speed and scale ut develupmenî in unr town, as well as witb gridluck, buspital uvercrîîwdîng, a lack ut services and suî un. Peuple are hungry fur chanîge. Bunt lets be eau- nou.s about making a cumplete change louciîl. I encourage my lelkîw citizens Iu sîudy the per- furmnance oif yunr lucal representalives uver tbe past îhree years. There are sulme svlîchave puo- vîdetl greal leatdership and we should lie carelul nuit 1(1kîse iberni utsfuir the sake tîf ehange. RICHARD MURZIN COULSON AVENUE The Canadian C hamipion,' rlday, Ocîobér 27 20t.6-A7 Riot averted as reception for newly-elected Parliamentary representative turns nasty 'Time Capsules' are gems uf infuî- matiun extî'acted frum past issues Of The Champion and other publications in urcler ti pruvide a windîîw into Miltoni past. Explanatuî'v comment is sumetimes pruvided tu place the situa- tion in context. October 1908 Mr. Hendersun was electeil by a majority ut 213, an increase ut 73 uver that by wbicb be defeateil Mr. Deacon in 1904. The conîest was une of the keenest in the records of the counîy The moral of the result is tbat Halton bas nu use for an outsider as a representative in Pariament and that wben a political party bere bas nu suitable local man available as a candidate il is useless tu go lu Toronto or any other city for une, nu matter wbat bis qualifications may be. Mr. Henderson arrived bere [rom the nortb by Grand Trunk Railway at 8:35 p.m., was met by a buge crowd of enthusiastie supporters, placed in a carniage and esconteil to the band stand next tbe town baIl. Tbe procession was beaded by a lut ut entbusiasts carrying brooma which tbey set on ire and converteil int torches. Tbe band foilowed. The town hall was occupied by the Liberals who seemned to, resenit the near approacb ut the triumphant procession andl the cbeering and wben Mr. Henderson mounted the band stand and attempteil tu speak his voice was drowned by hooting [rom the upper windows ut the bail. It is said that the offenders were boys andl a few young men and tbat as tbey bad their beads out ut the win- dows the older and more sensible men did not know wbat was going un. At any rate it causedin dignation uutside. It was proposed to stone the windows and tbis was about to, be dune. In order tu prevent a riot andl save the property ut the town, Mayor Anderson and Chief Constable Cbapman wenî upstairs tu see that tbe windows were closed. As îhey were followed by a number uf men and boys carrying bruomsticks tbeir invasion was resented. Tbere was wild talk, fists were shaken and it ime ,4 Capsules looked like a figbt in the hall but bappily the Mayor managed to get a heaning and he baving explained wbat he wanted the windows were closed and the riot averted. On the stand Mr. Henderson thanked bis supporters and forcibly expressed his opinion of the hooters. The old wooden walk on the north side of Main Street between the office of J.W Elliott K.C. (189 Main St.) and Montgometry Street, having [allen into bad repair, the town court- cil bas had men busy for over a week preparing a founidation for a concrete walk whicb will not be laid unttl next spring, as the earth must be given urne to sett' The work is rather expensive ut, account of a stone keeping wall and a lot of filling in being necessary, but it bad to be done and could not be longer delayed. Yesterday nigbt as Mr. Welch, of the PL. Robertson Co., was operating one of the machines in the machine shop of the screw factory, his left hand was caught and crushed at an angle from the base of the little linger to the tip of the fore linger. Ail the crushed parts were left merely bang- ing by the skin, and two surgeons wbo were called bad to amputate them. Mr. Welch is the mnventor of the Ezeon Rubber Helper, to put on and remove rubbers and oversboes. There is to be a rural postal deliv- ery between Milton andl Lowville immediately. The farmers' boxes arrived at the post office bere on Tuesday and a man drove to Lowville and back yesterday This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Histonical Society by Jim DiUls, who cati be recached at .tdills@ýidirect.comi. *HOTfTUBS WVAREHDUSE DIRECT e2 Brands 15 Model's* Up To 9 Tubs On Display OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SATURDAY ONLY OR BY APPOINTMENT 295 Alliance Road (JusI off Wheelabrator aI Sleeles) www.HTWD.ca 1 (905) 693m9230 1 : 1 , AL-

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