A6 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, October 27, 2006 OPINION We've made our choice for chair On Novcrniber 13 Ilalton resdcnts bave multiple dcci- sions 10 m-ake about who will represeni thicir inîcresîs in local and regional govcrrnmctît for the ncxt ltur ycars. Aînong ibem 15 ihe choîce of who will replace Joycc Savoline as chair of regional counicil. As we sec it, the role of regional chair is to help eacb of the four municipal govemrments rcacbi a consensus on wbaîs good for Halton. In our opinion, theres only one cîcar cboicc oui of tbe four candidates for the job. Robert Plaschka lacks politîcal expenience and bas lived in Halton for the shortesi ime among tbe four candidates (ine years). Wbile we dont doubi bis desire to make a real dîfler- ence in regional governimcnt, we wonder if a run ai a ciîy/regional councillor seat migbî have been a more appro- priate choice ai this time. Startîng witb bis opposition to Oakvîlle's OPA 198 devel- opmenî plan, Brian Burton bas served on several volunîcer committees in Oakville and aitbch Region. Nexi rnonib's cecc- ion will mark bis seconîd run ai the regional chairs seat. In 2003, be finîsbed a distant second 10 Savoline. We believe be 100 needs 10 gel bis feet weî as a councillor before making the leap 10 chair. Theres no doubt Gary Carr bas the sîrongest name recog- nition among tbe four. He spent 13 years as Oakville's MPP - including a four-year stint as Speaker of tbe House - and a term as Haltons MP before losing bis seat 10 Garth Turner in January. However, we seniously question wbeîber Carrs candidacy is mucb more iban an attempt 10 jumpstart a stalled political career. Brent Marshall is a lîfelong Halton resident who bas worked 36 years for Halton Region, including tbe last ighî as its CAO. To the chairs position the 56-year-old bnings an intimate working knowledge of where the Region bas been and the long and difficuli road tbat lies abead of it. While Marshall may lack political experience, bis lasi eigbî years as the Regions mosi senior employee bave required a keen understanding of the polîtical process ai ihe local, provincial and federal levels. He bas worked sîde-by- side witb Savoline and members of regional counicil to achieve made-in-Haîton solutions t0 unique challenges the Region faces. Frankly we find Marshal 10be the most logical choice. L TEY'IRE DEMANDiING AN APOLoGY, SIR### Readers Write Send your letters to nmltned@haltonoearSch oem or diop them off at 875 Main St E Turner wiII continue to be effective DEAR EDITOR: Ai tbe end of last Fnidays ediiorial, The Champion questions how effec- tively the resîdents of Halton will bc beard witb MP Garîh Turner now sus- pended by the Conservative Party 1 will wager that Turner will contin- ue to be very effective. Can you naine one other MP who has been more out- spoken on iheir constituents' behaîf, more reported on by the media or more accessible through bis Internet blog? I really don't tbink you can. I would further point oui that in al that bas gone on since the day be was nominated by tbe Halton Conservative riding association, Turner bas been consistent in cverytbing he bas saîd and done. He promised tbat be would represent tbe people of Halton to the governmeni, and not vice versa. If anyîbîng, uts the Conservative Party ibat bas failed 10 live up 10 tbe commitments it made. 'm a member of tbe Conservative Party in ibis niding s0 il pains me 10 bave t0 make that observation. Turner continues to bave my support. ED BROOKS HAYWARD CRESCENT Zijt Caa1Eb[a1I Cbainpion onm pn r .pvpa 1860 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.rnfltoncanadiancharnpion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Woody McNab Managing Editor Karen Micoli Production Manager Tim Colos Circulation Manager Charleno Hall Office Manager Ton Casas The Cariaian Ctampi, publidlied every Tuesday and Fiday at 875 Main St. E., Mhto, Ont, LgT 3Z3, i a division of Metrlard Media Gmup West - Grosîp Publisher tan Olive. Adveroorrg sacepe o teconrdtontrat in te everof a ryporaphwcat erro har por of ire aiveroorrg opace ocuprie by the errorreous item, ogeirer wobh a reaonahle alooance for signa- rare, mll nrorbe targeifor, buthe baance of the aMrreroeor will be pard for ar ire appiicable rate Te puiftirer reserver tre rqht Io raregorre advertioerere or deolire CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by Ontario Commuorty &OCfl INeeropapers iAssociation C CNA Caradiao Commuorty S Neoropapers /Asocatioo SSuburirao Neoropapers m m of Amerca Aroundtown Make sure you're safely prepared for Halloween on Tues. The Caooadian Champion as a protod media sponsor for: Haltor Heathcare Time sure flics, doesn'î it? It seems sum- mer just wrapped up, and now Halloweens upori us. Store aisles are ined witb bags of candy and pumpkins are being carved with gusto. If there's one holiday that warrants special safety precautions, its Halloween. Jusi because a costumnes cute, doesn't mean it's bazard. Barry Kory, training technician with the Mdlton Fire Department, said the two biggest ,safety no-nos he encouniters each year revolve around unsafe costumes and improp- er use of candies. He offers the following advice. Costumes should be chosen that don7t impair hearing or vision. The -best ones are llght coloured, or bright and reflective. They sbould be kept short to avoid tripping and of tbree or four. falling. Last year, a boy was beaten up by some Also, to minimize t.he nisk of older kîds who wantcd bis contact wiîb candîes, baggy pants, candy, and we don't want a loose frilis and billowing skîrts1 repeat of sucb a horrible inci- should be avoided. dent. Pumpkins should be lit by bat- Wbtle we're talking about tery operaîcd ligbts as opposed t0 safety, I might as well remind licker, iry a tea ligb t or votive candle in a non-combustible hold- er - and dontî leave it unattend- - ed. Also, parents sbould give eacb child a flashlight with fresh batteries, and sbould remind themn of traffic safeîy rules. And 1 have a tip of my own. Children old enougb bo trick or treat on their own should always go in pairs or, even better, in groups hour. Tbat means it's also time t0 -- check tbe batteries in your smnoke alarms. Ifs something that might not seem like a big deal, but real- ly is. Take it from Barry Kory who's seen lives saved because of working smoke alartns: "You want your smoke alarms to be in good operating condition should anything happen" WLLCOMIF% GOON Jingle Bei lFuni CACNADA OAY UNITED WAY T rn TO Showcase W 1lh, MOf,,i ton MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE ý. 1 un" GA LA Awards vxlC-ý