Ward 3 hopeful Matchett says if elected he'Il fight for rural Milton Reasons for running again now even By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A strong voice" for rural Mlionians is wbaî Rîck Mtcheti says he'd brîng to the table if elected as a Word 3 council- lor next month. The local resident -wbo ran for a seat on council in the fast election but wos defeated - bas put bis nome for- word once ogin, going up against incumbents Cindy Lunau and Jan Mowbray While be admits be was dîscouraged when be dîdn't win losi time around, be said bis reosons for running now are even stronger. "Tbe rural section of Milton is becoming smaller," be pointed out. "We need a strong voice to figbt [or wboî its residents want and need." Tbe 55-year-old said be tbinks growtb is happening too fast and that tbe Town needs t0 sit bock and take o look ot tbe situation that bas resulted. "(Dur (Word 3 residenîs) taxes are paying for that growtb,- he noted. Mtcheti explaîned bes not opposed to tax increases il they're lor money thot needs to be 1leg i li m ai e1y spent. In terms of Town lacîlîîy growtb, he ques- tîoned why tbings like are- nos and the future art centre are ail locoîed on the eost sîde of Milton. -Wby not put o Compbellville?" he s look at the town os a The upcomîng wa anotber of Matchetîs situation he soid also voice 10 ensure 'V become the forgotten "We must fînd v clearly ai Mlton and even os we becoine a he saîd. Matchett noîed tbý Milton are quite coi proposed lamborou ils proxînoîtx b the o( 1 Strnger He said hbcd like to sec a bylaw put in place that would prevent trucks coming rom the quarry [rom using Word 3 roads. "We need to say 'We dont want tral- fie in our neighhourbhood'," he said. The Rcgion's Green Cart program - wbich is currently at the pilot project stage - is olso a big concern for those in the rural area. He said if ifs-- found thot the programn is a good thing, he wants to make sure Word 3 residents have ail inform-ation Rick Matchett avoulable to them on costs and benefits. satellite lihrary in And if its not o viable option, he said aid. We have to he doesn't want the Green (arts to be whole. forced on rural Miltonians just hecause ird realignment ~is hose in the urbon area desire ihem. big concerus - a Maîcheti, a monried lother of thrce )calîs for a strong and grondfather ol one, works as o self- Nard 3 "doesn't employed tax consultant. Hes been an child." active volunteer in the community voys, to be heard sînce comtng to Milion in 1982. d Region counicîl, He con bc reached at (519) 856- smoller minority," 4536 or rick.mnaîcheti@sympatico.ca. For more information visit www.rick- ia people in rural matchettcoin. tcerned with the Melanie Heuiîesse y toa be ieacd ot gb quarry given îieocsy6oîîîcoîiiîcotiî~ owns- border oui. Thé Canadian Champion, Friday, October27, 2006 AS 0Thompson ê9 Sroasted, salted 2/ O or unsalted .29/1Oo Peanuts 1@lb baose pack .33/1100g V salted, unsalted or hickory 1. 85/1 00g Dry Roasted oniginal, bbq or cheese .51 Bits&0" Bites lb sweetened .35/1 OOg Banana Chips lb Turkish Apricots lb Sunflower4 kg or W~Id8 kg Bird Seed Swiss Herbai OdourlessVtmn&Hra upen Scila Triple Strength Garli onues 270 caps 8.4ea Organika Full Spectrum Plant Enzymes 500 mg. 60 caps .3e Webber Naturals Flax Oil organic, cold pressed, 236 ml 6.99ea ýj SGenuine Health MR m3rega.i Think 60 gel caps I~~e j. - ~~-'"770'nc MILTON MALL (905) 693-9207 M EADOWVALE 3035 ARGENTIA RD. (905) 824-3207 SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE (905) 897-1210 ERNMILLS TOWN CENTRE (905> 569-3629 DIXIE OUTLET MALL (905) 891-0976 < OAKVILLE 261 OKWALK DR. (0)277987 I mus prov ard*kw WMaïs mo demo em we meme nm o md jatoe. toi 1OW-4