B10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 27, 2006 1289,900 OPEN NOlISE 1 SUN OCT 29 I 2-4PM 1196 HOUSTON DRIVE FRANK POILA, BROKER UPGRADED OPEN CONCEPT 3 bdrm semni approx. 1300 sqft Iocated ai Derry & 416-588-677 Mier, steps to the oew eiemeniary school. Tastefeiiy decorated tGreat Room wth w/o te DIRECT stamped concrete patio and teIiy fenced lot. 905-56 -8640 rofessronaIIy tandscaped front wth stamped con- 905-66-8 40 ceie waikway. This fine home cornes wth CAC, /4(CVAC, Security Sysiem aod eotry from garage. MWFlebe pssessono frin 30 riays to MaV107, Hm liai ff LI. Corne and respect tOas home emmSondai, ct 29 ram 2-4vm. _________ 141 FOI AE.tern ant ,BAR NETTE1 mmLE RO*E8V' 8OIAE Mj fflM IL COeP I V-Ml OPEN BOUSE SI.NDAY 1-4 P.M. 8541 GEULPH UNE Beautiful 112 acre property in Campbellville wth 3 BR, 2 bath sidesplit home in top condition. Mai n level laundry, tamily room wth gas tîreplace, garagen currently converted ta workshop. Many upgrades and features. SUTON GEOUF 1MTS UALTY INC, DROUIAGE a ~4~tu~ (Id~wfr rî~ Asr,,eg$324,900 -M" 2, 3111 A$284,900 lO t à,,,r Urruos ,,rà ar l 1 2]Ii pd q .axn m d o Fra Nb~oeEvaaflm NOPE N COUSE esIn $449,800 .108 mmr. CM0. $288,900 1186 Du'cby ch FI" -r 12 fi N ____ II0I0UUII t2200)SI< 4 tiIJ<IV1HOME!2 Immacuiate 2200< sqh 4 bhdrm home! Nicely dooe itchen & CEt-In wrh ceramic tiig & waik set te hackyard. Large Famiy Reom shares open concept wih ktchen. Strîp hrdwd fins wth wih Cas FP. Cemhioed Lisving & Diorig ms fer sprcroes feeinog s/en enterîog thr home. Al j hdrms big & hnîght! IMaster has fuit ensuite. Faits frnrshed bernr rsth Lamînate floers. Wonderfoi famiy rreered home & oeîghberheeîi. STONEMILL REALTY INC.BE. EerrhsoInt. PAUL RIBAJJ, BROKER 0F RECORD, (905) 847-590 COOD VAUE HERE! > Le\cris' Mrat'rs bult oemror tihe sane prcu~ as a ti'rhousc. à irrturrog: 3 hdrors heaitilsaiouixc's kithe wih serarnrc ioors & hrkspfsh.b, sutrri decor. resie eflirsito garage. greai locarionrdniirfrci< soirt' Cali John Drrhko rodas. RE/MAX .OOTOWtiE REALTI CORF. OORht <ORAJ JOHN DOBKO, SALES REP., M5/) 338-9m)/ RVYM ÎT Specializing in Renovatiom~ ftt a pene la pa 905 278-.234/ eil 210 Çqp»It& - Framln9 RelostteAs r t Dîywall Docke bing Iil eee www1hiloncnadanchnipon.onii1ercusoincontra hto. jAttention f Sales Representatives..! -100% commission -Weekly training seminars For more details, cali our toil free pre-recorded direct message Une at M 1-866-909-6888 Su Doku The objeot is ta insert the numbers in the boxes ta sat- iC',f n rr!r f ez 'n~tr eacn i uvv, Luoiutiýillad 3 ix .J box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler? 152724 613 588 6 63 8 9 316 48 9 i 6i f k9 4 1 logo Ibo ai