B6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Ociober 27, 2006 Sa vaio Amyholds vlute drive Unique art show at Crawford The Salvation Army is looking to recruit much-needed volunteers for this upcoming holiday season. Its holding a volunteer fair tomor- row from 10 a.m. to noon at 100 filI positions including kettle volun- teers, administration volunteers, a pick-up driver and food sorters. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1022. ALI aPFeWE al l7éel ;- e 96 k2002 LIUCI. TOWN CMR 1 2002 FOCUS ZX4 SPORT 81100 15oo V8, auto, PIC, pwpdl p sea sP.mous- rou, eaher soatsspd. ontrol& tltuaum 4 cy[,uo, IC, pwpdl, port wheels whees ony 84,670 km, backext AMFMCD ony 58894km, mdnght Sk # 5025A * gay ext.Sk, 2545A 2005 MUSTANG VO COUPE gmum cm lcu RA BUTER V6, auto, A/C, pa, pdî, spd, controi & tilt. p, sot, han if Proud 10 serve only 20,230 km, satin silver ot Stk #2537A thea Mtaiy Commuly. ________ ,PST and SOT incluSeS 8.75% an 60th terni bi-weekl pymnen OAC. Onin etra charge istic.tee and eatencled warrato needed. See deae ior detail.A » GALLaNGq 65 AIN RES T EASiT. -M ILT SON NO As the last leaves hlow off the trees and the cold weather approaches, many of us retreat indoors to enjoy the company of family and friends. in lroquoian tradition, wnter was the time of storytelling and gathering together. Taking a cue from the Iroquois, Crawford Lake Conservation Area staff is invit- ing residents to partake in a spe- cial kind of storytelling tomor- row and Sunday through a unique art show called Through the Eyes of an Artist. Over the sommer, Crawford Lake hosted an array of talented individuals who explored the forest and lroquoian village searching for inspiration. At the end of their time in the park, each artist created one or sever- ai pieces. Now, these artists are heing invited back to display their works. The art show and sale will take place from 10 a.m. to, 4 p.m. and include many activi- ties. The Gathering Place will be transformed into a gallery and visitors will be ahle to enjoy the artwork with a light snack or warm drink. Visitors may also want to explore the park and visit the lroquoian village and scenic traîls. In addition, Crawford Lake will offer storytelling in the Turtle Clan longhouse, nature face painting and craft making sessions throughout the day The cost for the event is $6 per person, and free for kids aged four years nid and younger. Crawford Lake Conservation Area is located at the corner of Guelph Line and Steeles Avenue, four kilometres south of Hwy 401. For more information, cal (905) 854-0234 or visit www.conservationhalton.on.ca. Choirs to go to battie Nov. 4 The men and women of two loacal choirs will hattle it ont on stage in a friendly rivalry of song. The Battle ni the Sex-tions concert wiII featurc Men Il Boys and the Woinen of Note which arc hoth celchrating thieir lOth anniversaries - and vwill take place Novemher 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Si. Paul's United Churchi, 123 Main Si. E. Ccncrt-goers Aill he taken on a musical journey thatîil include songs froin the '30s to the '60s, including doo-wop classics, gospel songs and spiri- tuals. "Itfs like coming full circle hecause we started out way hack in 1997 doîng a concert togeth- er ai Si. Pauls," satd Vnomen ouf Note dircctor L.aura jeffrey. 'nînce that tîme, hoth groups have been deltghting ever-grow- ing audiences with their music and, in the case nI Men Il Boys, with their humour thanks to leadcr Lorne Grccnwood. The male choir put out a CD -Lîfe in the Past Lane - last ycar, while thc women ot Note will be releasing a recnrding next year. The concert will feature sev- eaI songs in which the groups will join forces, and you mtght even spont a poodle skîrî or two. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $12 for seniours and $8 for chil- dren. Proceeds from the concert will go toward the church's Raise the RooflFeed the Folk campaign to raise money for a new roof and upgraded kitchen. For tickets, eall (905) 878- 6807. Conference for home childcare providers Attentioan home childcare providers, parents the day. and early chtldhood educators. Vsorkshops offered will include Musical Tomnorrow, the lialtin hild taie Registex' wîll Journey, Science Expeniences, Multiage Planning, host is annual Provîders Hiclping Providers Salety Prevention, Snack Ideas, Storytelling and Coniference ati 1laIton Region headquarters. Il151 more. Bronte Rd., i Oakville, To register, or for more information, caîl the [It, Ali n the Bag' wilI he the locus, witl par-l alton Chîld ( are Regîstnx at (905) 875-0235 or titipants collecting t bag (ai îesoîtrccs ihroughout e-mail whr.a HalonReimna Cai Brent Marshall Real Regional Experience Halton has maintained a track record of responsible tax increases at or below inflation for Regionally delivered services (excluding Police) for the past il years. VProjected tax increases for 2007 wilflot exceed 2.5% - an increase that continues to be below linflation qr ViBrent wiII uphold Haton's proven policy of investing in the ongoing renewal of infrastructure necessary to maintain our -quality of life- Haiion nas baediîtSved a Srîpie-A cesdit tdtiny tor the last 17 years Brent is a leader committed to protecting the health and safety of Halton residents while operating the Region in a fiscally responsible manner. wwwvbrentmarshall.ca 1-866-628-6499 Join us for Breakfast with Brent - $ 10.00 October 28th, 8am -1Oam at Springer House, Burlington importers & distributors ai slabs & files Buy direct from Importers ornd save! The oniy store in Mississaugo where you con select your own Ganite and Marble Slabs for Kitdue Counter Tops/Bathroom Vaniies, floor Tles, Fireplace Menies and ýwrrot o!m çVpc nîd PiI!nr<Ovpn70 oioe i.voilnhIr- :330Rdnewey D For., 0~ Te. 05.59.753 mal w @Bear neSt.ar ?iOrcmitarn edrect.t E-I RÉ à