The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 27, 2006 - Bl 4th book in mystery series out on shelves By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Davd Wickes spends quite a bit of time with bis buddy jack Petersen. The friends are together upward of eight hours a day, and Wîckes speaks highly of jack. "Hes a good family man," the Moffat resideni said. "Hes a moral, honest guy" As a former jet fighter pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force - flying one of the top fighter planes in the world - Wickes said he can relate to Petersens fast-paced, all-encompassing career as a homicide detective. But sometimes the friendsbip can get a little one sided, and it bas notbing to do wtth Jack's busy career catcbîng cold-blooded killers. Ratbct, its tbc simrpIe tact jack is't real, but a cbaracter \\ tecs bias creat- cd. Tbe bond tbat exists bietxs ten an autbor and fis t barat ters is a untque olie, \\ jkes stitl tla atr.i 'i oit hýc tiret ili be rcen i î'xplaittec t]alitiiglu. a trienct et ntine nlo%\.. b'; -al ed ftt'to ll e." In 2001, \\ckes released Klling t fii th e lit si niovI in i i' Jack Petet sen iNsserN, sertes. Mucli to i's reaclt-s' tleligbit, WVs teke' tecenîls, released a fourtb book in tbe series, Killing Mmnd. In Killing Mind, Petersens bunt is a personal one, as be races to, fre bis kid- napped baby nepbew Strange and unpredictable events continually baffle the police, and a senies of brutal murders complicates tbe investigation. Twists and turus take tbe reader along a suspenseful nide to tbe stunning, surprise ending. Its a cbillîng novel fans say can be devoured tn one deligbtful sitting. Wickes is currently keeping busy witb an ambiiious bookstore touring scbedule. HelI appear tomorrow at tbe Cotes in Milton Mal rom 1l a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday ai Coles in Georgetown Malt trom noon te, 3 p.m. In-store appearances and sign îngs are a way for Vs te liprîtinite bis hooks- a paît tif the businiess lie enjovs, hax'ing a bac kgtound in sales and alsit ineet t catters wbo aie alread\, fans. 'I enp y tht' pubîlit - iheyx re a Iitot,- lie saitl Frein lii', brsaitots. isee cuti t ip ,tilet cs air' iiiet 40 ,and feitîalct -I ighis liii tcent it( people Wbo titi lm buoks ai signings aierc îot lie saicl. Dîtes hItîtsix w? la îmses lie said. Wickes saîd be knew for a wbîle bc'd like te write a book, a desire that grew wben be retired and found bim- self wtb some extra time on bis bands. "1 knew 1 couldn't retire and do notb- ing," be said. "Ibat wouldn't fly witb me." Witb tbe belp cf a writing course and lots cf research, bis fîrst bock was completed. After that, Wickes said be was anxîous te write another. And another. "Nîîw 'm on number [ive," be saîd, adding the constant pressure te make eacb bock better than tbe last can be daunting. But as soon as be starts writîng, it disappears. [le wrîîcs mucb lîke be reads, Wiekes said; once be gels mt îî be can' Istop and usi wants ti gel te ibe end. Ol-toturse, soine day's i comes cas- ier than utliers, 'Si tisit' l ais t ty xpe'fatietougb, wil ît her cl,îs itisa strigIlt' 'hetc. Ws tkes bis hitlt top a t netîot I.( StîICites \h ic it'p -sîtili lits tc'searcIh. Inatîx of lieuii Mitutîcapoiît,,'I l hs tiîcle ami '.. IT Fal tgî ndaItîcl.t lttîcîc ott hoictide îcl' i .\tiîOntle Iois itlk ahottix ai ibS Itpioml iIisttl ii w alidi ,t< H/îMl PAINE CANADiAN CHAMPION GETTING INTO CHARACTER: Crime rovelîst David Wîckes sports thie Iook of his detective character, Jack Pelersen. Wickes wvil sign copies oft ris new obook Killng Mmnd lomorrow at Miton Malil. The Colours of the lS4tI Sattullon as th.y are proerv.ed at St. Jud's Church, OnkimIIe 5 years in preparation - Very Limited Printing 200 pages - 170 pictures $25.00 ê.anadian Legion Following signing date: Available ait 16 James St. 905-875-4456 Mfiltonn Immbers Word Wav and The Mon and Women Wo Nover Know by John Challi1nor Il and Jim Dilis for the Milton Historical Society, Edited by Ken Lamb, Research Assistance from Ed Goodail, John Duignan, Marsha Waldie, BrendaWhjtlock, Richard E. Ruggle Irene-Saunders, Gloria Brown ARTS