1- The Canadian Champion, Fiday October 27, 2006 Technical ed& echia e& kle ffc epOffice HeIp Geea ep W enrlHl sl(n&SaH aonSpa elp jj~îaHISkîcieIp echncatleRHaloee * *** * Gas TechiQOil Burner *GRU' FRDOTODO EIEYRequirea for service & installations. ~ - AUTO 'eNwHrn o ulntns Applicant must have valid fG2 Gas and o or ea« ýýCeor froct o We are loekng for adeifs, îsdividuals or crews, ConOsBonetLcrse Intidon os wha have a reliable vehicle- the larger the beffer -7q.pet&Dm ATTM EETOI and a deire te arn exta monep y delîvrîng - e self motivated and able lv troobleshoot, Eapen u mp PATIM RCPTON repaît &e t em insfaîlyby elvHVACHoiseqoipmenrheicinsTrocks for MltnTya&Gord Auohv newspapers wîfh fiper packages 3 day/week, SlnC-riaosrpi &isalHA qimn.Milon location. MloTyta&Gru'Atohv {WedFrîSaî)te esîence fhougouf akvlleWages commensorate wth experience.Cea an immediate opening tor a Part- on M-iSt)ton, dne hogot avleAnzn y& omsinsr(ue Fax reaume to: Ruaa Kîdd 805-878-5591 arac rvng TieRcpons.Gatporu orMlo.Fl btatrequîred m eetoit. Getopra Thîs a trlp adoorfo-dor deiver proram nd î Bailey H-eating & Cooling Ltd., Miton Ci:95-878-5615 nity in a tast-growing company. Must beat suîfed te thase who are ast atraîd of harci nur botoiicntv rgai or Fax Resume to: be pleasant, professional, and have wark. Mafurity and a strong sense et responsibilîty 111iwh.gudemeuleebrli..(i CI 905-878-4799 the ability to multi-taek. Hours: 2 and reliabifify are mandatery. 1ltvw o odWdie ome tCL Ol eveninge per week and every other If you would like ta explore this opportunity i Fx957-3897 .. . .oe : e10 K esarn Services is fooking ta titi a Saturday & Sunday. Compensation moe etilplae onac Bb90-67-79 Eal od.sewr@uiiic.,u Fsu .meposition for Refrîgeration, Oas & So.. .mn / commensurate with experience. mor dtai peae cntct ob90-63-895service ta the Honpîfafîfy I ndostry. N prtr i ~ tvi~ *Peferred minimum G32 Oas Lcense, 2nd fer .. If you are interested in joining our SENERAnWRRdHUSE DUIES RE Sl'or RaA k etgeration atprentîceohîroCaint * rs team, please contact Sam Kirkland tribatrAetgarme fO EDecte sînRED I~Pinase cati: 905-840-4200 -E-mailt: sktrktand@mitttontoyota.com Lcated on Appleby Lise, we are a specialfy c s rogressive or Fax Resume to: 905-702-0912 Ousy Cabnet shsP. or Fax: (905) 875-1516 for genetal warehoueaedutien ncludîing ashipping, receiving and packing. No prevîcun experience as necenaary, however we are proud et facltîna and theretere se expeci that pou be neat and seilior- ganized. We effet a friendty and watm percenal atmoephere and excellent working conditions. Pleane addnena a brief note telling s about yeuraelf te: The Personat Manager, Elinger Fxoda Ltd., 5035 North Service Rd Unit B-7, Burlingtxn On, L7L5V2 FASHION CONSULTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ SALES ASSOCIATE needed for Lares Reil Opticol horon Ideai con- ddates unil noue nova commtn cation sklls and a fair for fashion. Trining uili 5e proided. îetoîl eoperievre a os Pleas drop offresurn nnerson ar 2335 Trafatgar Rd. Trafagar Terrace Shopping Centre Attenton:Jeff PARTS & ADMINISTRATION CLERK Stephensons Rentai Services lnc. requtres an experîenced parts person wvith administration experience to work at our rentai facility in Oakville. Strong organizationel and computer skills are a must. High School diplo- me and previous parts experience is a minimum. Salary is commensurate with experience and we offer a com- prehensive benefit plan. Please fax resume to 905-842-8087 or email: twilliams@stephensonsca Buington Post Burington Post Mairoom Loaders Needed Part-ime axd Fuîlt-ime shifts avalable Must be able te wark early marnnngs Mut be abe teifti heavy bandies Apply in person with reaumne: Alla: Paul Nardi, 4390 Patla Court, Burt. Souh Service Rd bwn Appieby& Wakers Lins WELDER/FITTER Permanent Ful-time 5yr. experience, oxyacefy /orch, ail positions, flux core. Li truck esperiexce an asset, Day chili. Medicat dental, pension, profit skating. Please torward resumne toc 905-844-5122 or 1363 Cornwall Rd., Oakville ON L6J 4Z5 or bgwarmington@directequipment.E8 Sal&Spa Help on & aH ilocninmpi oco fuît ilientele ohis Established HVAC îg tir paricipate in nIsale/evc ns salon educatiou. as taeh t Lices ecati 905-631-00t98 a ehI ieS oan interview or Some plumbfng exp imne to 905-631-001I9 .?TE R AÏWROWLEY. Imehanicasi Licensed Hair Stylist a Needed for new Salon in Onkyile 3rd Lne & Dandas Please Cali Paul 416-434-1144 ii i J. CURRIE PLUMBING Gresnng Mîffen-baoed Plvmbing Coxtracter "Licensed Plumber -Oas tcense asset "4th or th ear Appren - Custom resîdentiai and commercial pumtîng experience Seeking highly motivated individuels with excellent mechanicat akilla able to work in a high-paced environmtent and do a safe, efficient job. Cali: 905-699-1473 for interview s ieekîngfer aF SPECIAL MEANS PANEL BEATERI TAL FNIStIER". Ths position iv tunctienîng in a furax tant paced Ennînenment, and wîff cencentrate an Metai Finishing cof pro- duction rework, and campiete "Special Means" werk as reqaîred. Quaifications: *Grade t2 Opixmu or OEO. 5-1 a ers direct werk experience in the Metal Fînshîng fed. *Abity ta dexeixp prototype panes manuuiiy meeting Engineering specifîcatien on 0aw- eta finisd PCland DA"af nelfr uasitand machînemadnteancemalwri tcnqe forenineeoringxhfnRenmsandiptotye n- aMancudîilng A muresokîogl dAf00fs vulî aMnd laiceneofeA aeos epeence pa- tere innidaul mudestoo otcvfe.) P euse ontacsuto Bta: 905-87-72550 Or il:acresume e: 95-87-476 CeCo e Techi ;e requi pertenc ýmpeny requirea inician. jired. ce an esset. Fax resume ta: 905-878-5361 Fereman te supervise 30-40 wern, com- puter lterate. CNC Operater able te pro- gram Prject Preîect Ceerdinator must have AutxCad. Campetîtîve sagea/benef if. Fax 905-336-2005 lucti- Macine O et s1 Anuta Canada Ltd. the morid cians leader ivnmart card technoiogy iv expandîng xvs production centre in Buringxon by addîng second and thîrd shifts. We have immediate openîngs for expenîexced CNC machine operators. Appicantn mot hbossa hîgh school dîpioma, an leant 2 years prodxction CNC machine experîence, good manuai deaterîty, computer nkils (MS Office), good math skits and the abity ta mark meit in a ream ennîranment wthout close supervision. Positions requise close attention ta detaîl, multi taskîng and the abiîty ta stand for long pesîods. Applîcants must pans securîty background checks înciuding credit, crîminai & hîstory nerîficatton of mark and education. Anuta Canada Lnd. Is a subsîdîary of Gemalto. We are deveeopîng a team based self directed mark ennronment usîng Lean techniques and hîgh performance skiis.The base rate of pay plus shifh dîfferential ivSt4.00apet haut and me offer a 5% bonus opportunity. Bnnefts tari ude; prescription drues, dental, heainh spending account, le, ad&d and dîsabiîty insurances pion an RRfSF mth a 1i00% match on the fîrst 5% of empiopes contributions. Appiy by emai, fax or mai.: E-mai: anna.iam@gemalto.com, Fax: 905-335-9147 Mail: A. Lam, 5347 John Lucas Dr., Burlington, ON L7L 6A8 Axaino inoxn equai apporruxiry employer Metroland West JACK 0F ALL OfieHl Printing Group, TRADES located in Oakville, $25-$30/hr requires Skîled in Carpenfry, GENERAL Plumbîng, Etectrîcai, BINDERY HELP Ceramîc, Paîntin and Watt Paper co s ec-b Experience ix a fex. heurs. F/T & P/T aqmwndm detinile asset. postions avalabie. on -fe Fax reaume Ix Musae o ols xis fr Danny Flanagan @ reltabie tranapertatian o 905 845-2013 Cati 905-578-4405 w fleto Ofi ep ceH ep agm,ý o CUSTOMER RETENTION SPECIALIST We are currentiy seekîng aelt-motîvated individuels who enjoy înterectîng mith cutemers ex the phone and posseas an abeve average desîre te prevîde eaemplery customer service. Your rote wiii include workîng mthîx eut custemer cere cati centre and wîi require pou te make decîsians and recemmendetitex based en eech et eus cients indîvîduai needs. Cati centre espeience or pasi sales expertence meulA be an esset, but s nef requtred. Compensatien wit include a base salary, henefts, and e pertes- mance besed bonus. If you are interested in joining aur feamn please submit your resumne ta Chria Gorman 9/: WHEI Accounting Cîerk Fîhth Wheel Corporationsis Mlon tan an irrme- diate openîso ix their corporate office for a ful tîme clericai postion. The qualittîd candidate must have gexd knamedge of Excel Word anA geed communication shîlin. Main dttes iii sn- dce sales axalysis, data entry, receptien, fao- îng, credif application anA ther aecautsg Au- fies. Please tas renomse and saiary espectations to: Miriam DaSitea aI 905-878-6161. On/y quai/ied app//cants wi// be contactsd. [t Fp 1 - I Are You Highty Motivated? - . - - Respoxaibilities inclade: -Superior Cutomer Service -Prolîcient Tele- Have you hd ed1f new? phone SeuIls -Asîstîng Outide Sales Reps ClaoMeid mw hWt mail Acrova Canada te Clove Their Sales- IPerm. Rotatîsg Shifts tIatifie~ I REWARDING" Management eppontunîtîefer ______ L the rîght cundidate' Bave Comm. & Benelite Finding a grreat job \vas so easy. Just open Jý aC 11 ciassified section is ail at took. Phone 905-878-2341 or emaîl: classified@ miltoncanadianchampioncom CGA office han immedîvre openîng for as accountire as- iront. The idnal cardidate uvula have public accsurfîrg experience ard/or completo vr near complet ion of ar accourt .rg cerrîfîcate course. The candidate sould te comfortablne orking rn a computerizvd envronrment, spe- cil.c knooledge of QuiclSons, Caseware, Excel yod Profile Ta s preferred. experience or comparable noft- wars wvulA Se consîdereO, Forward yoor resmre Sp mail. fax o rna iîniidinq salarypeatonysaso Dais Poarane1iCGA, CPP 7nOuccv riSreet ActoON L7 1Ph 519-8nO.51-4o8hA Cmviidvaraniellî@sr aîsn.csm BOOKKEEPER/ADMtNISTRATtON: Smalf national autamatîne topers group seeks fal-tîme taeixkeeper/administratian person, Sîmplp Accounting, Mcrosoft Off ice. Eecel. Paproîl experience an asset. Send resume ta: bllmcneîce@accre erg or tfeax:90-ee4-e714. Sarry, onlp those qualfiîed for an interview wîf i receine a respanne. S Joanne Fabncs mIc. bac an immediafe apening for a Bilingual <Fr/Eng) Customer Service Rep. Af eut înbeend caîl centre, tep waald be reapen- ible for aswerîng appree lot cat/day. Maat have eacellent arganîzatianaf & communication akilla. Wîll train, hesever 50 wpm, Office experience and French MANDATORY. QuaIlied candidatea aend reaame ta, hr@jffabrics.com Fuli-time Accounting Cîerk Poaition ait h beneita in gresing Oakville Engineer- îng Finm. Minimum 2-3 peara accaantfng eepert- ence in Qufcktaeka Pro. Stneng Excel and Outlaek akîlla. Dutiea include bat are nef limîfed ta: ac- ceacta receivable, acceunta payable. expence te- îmburaementa, bank recanciliatiena, payrall, time tacking and graup plan administration. Send Recame wth aalary expectatiena te. or fa o(0)'r 31, 200. The ideal candidate wttt have: *Fluent ix Spanîah and Engliah *2 yeana Accaunta Receivable eep. *Word, Excel and JDE exp. an accef *Excellenf verbal and writen communication akîlla Ptease Iorward your reaume f0: * THERMADYNE INTERNATIONAL 2070 Wyecroft Rond, Dakeilte, ON 18L 5V6 Fax:905-27-9387, kttowerx@thermadyne.com We wîah te thank ail applîcanfa, hewever enly these selected fer an înferview wîll be contacted. CSR AND INSIDE SALES i n c . 1 -0