The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 27, 2006 - A3 Pristine Power says misinformation going around By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Pristine Power wants to cicar up sorte of the risinlonina- lion it says is in the commrunity regarding is power plant proposai. IThe comipany is boping to build a power generating lacil- ity - named the Milton Clcan Energy Centre- on a 22-acre pîece of land at the terminus of Main Street, just cast of Eîfth Line. The plans - one of four proposais in the Milton area - corne in response to a request from the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) for a new generatîng station to meet the power necds of the GTA. The OIPA wîll award a conîract 10 one company on November 15. According to Pristine officiais, many detaîls local residents have corne 10 perceive as fact simply arenit truc. Some of the things it wants the community îo know are that. - The facility would only opcrate during pcriods of peak power dcrnand, which usually' .oinctdc witt daytirne hours. a A third-party nrsk asscsstncnt io had cornpleic(l con- cluded thai the plant wsouldn't have a ncegativc impact on local residents' health. e An air cîualîty assessînnt lound thai whcn 550 mectres away rom îthc plant, its cmisstons would hc undctcctahlc. 0 It would only usc thc 90 million cttbic mecircso olgas pier day that rcsidcnîs arc talkîing abouti il ii 7 crc Io opcratc 24 hours a day, \vh bch isn't cxp)cc tcd. 0 Emlissions Iromib e plant wsould bc 100 ttmcs loss cr than thc cxisting cmtission luccs ,ai ith siie cartscd largcly b>' vehicular îrafîc. Julia Cîccaglione, Prîstînes sîce-prcsidenî of cnvironmcnî and straîegic development, also cxpressed concern that the company wasn'î invited to attend or speak at the meeting Ward 1 Counctîlor Rîck Day îs holding Monday at 7.30 pin. ai the Mlton Sports Centre about tbe plant proposaI. Ail-candidates meetings coming uip next week Al-candidates meetings for thc upcoming municipal cc lion have been organized lor nexi wcck. The sences o!' thrcecscssions will lic beld ai Country Heritage Park on Ircînaîne Road from \Vcdnesday, to Fiiday \ards 2 and 4 local and rcgîonal courclloi candidatcs will debate Wednesday evening, follow'cd h\,Vsards 1 and 3 local and rcgional councillors Titursday and rcgional chatr- man and Milton school trusece candidates I niday AIl meetings wtll start at 7 n the parks Niagara Rooin. AUTO BODY (ROYAL ATLANTIC)I NC. vvuriIig , INSURANCE to Sty ~/ SPECIALTY 15 Npisi g . Mlo l)ay toid Tbu C hampion hc dîdn't invite Prîstine staff bccaîtsc hciccîees tbuv'vc had îhcîr opportuniiy to spcak alrcady , thctî own public meetings. lic also said if he had a formai presentation from the company at bis session, bc îbinks it would take up most of the meting. il'approved, the Milton Clean Energy Centre couid be up and runnîng by 2009, producing power for about 600,000 homes in Haiton and northwest Peel. The facility wouid encompass about 15 acres of the prop- erty and wouid include two approxîmateiy 150-foot-tali exhaust stacks - about the same heîght as the electrncal towcrs tn that area currcntly - and a 30-loot-îall structurc that would bouse cooiing towers. Pristijie staff enicourages anyoiic who waîîts to discuss the proposai furiber to contact them at 1-866-944-6401 or e- mail It also wants residents to know that two environmental groups, Clear the Air Coalition and Oakviile Green, have spoken out in favour of its proposai. Copies of the groups' letters and other documents are availahie at www.milton- Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@mniiîon- ______________ ®TOYOTA WINDSHIELD PRICINS! I 1 UTff NO DISAPPOINVTMEM!EJIJL LNe SIuJEEEEEETIJE 2007 Corolla CE LEAS E ,F,,249* 59%A PER MUN IE F lE l8MON HIIE Wl$5 Wl)VV Ar 5.LlOk (3 $179795 Hwy N3it m (3lii I ,, Cty 7,iL/liikm (40t mpg5 MSAP* SI',,CI 2006 Sienna CE LEASE PES MUNTIE EUE 18 MINIES WIFi $I U7 DWN FREUHI UN[I E E NCLUDEI $309800 3 3 L 2 llEege 5speed autonalc trasmsion AB - & C -EPoerm Oinows locoos anFol eîmir o, ua ldn domIs Fro M e aooI sit,îe and curtain oMgs TlOt aId elescopo c stenn -KySlIl ty & or Hwy 8.2L1'lin (34 mi)' Ctiyit24LItiikm (23 mpg) - 2007 Matrix LEASE 02 7 9*@ 5 %1f E MIN UEOR U MNIHSWITE 2.UE5 IIWN 1 9905 'p UEI engi 'e -E-,bellmaI01 ai rsm sson UC -P Eî r ocks -Illumnated and keyteso eîtry wIthl S alo Ese -UM FM sUNI oCD UjýK1 l ininm loIOy oeelo S mre 2006 206 20068 ps.2006 SIENNA'S TONDRA TACOMA Ç ý RAV4 4 To Choose Fom LAST ODE T W LAST ONE LAST ONE 2006 iD2006 2007 20C17 4RUNNE VLN~COROLA'S CAMIRY«à UAST ODE LAST ONE 2ToCh 1oitm2 T hî ro e 2007 FJ IM C 2007 2007 2007 SOlARA et loi7, --.d 1 LT CD