The Canadian Champion, Frday October 27, 2006 - 29 Are ysu a Dependable, Dedicated and Safely Conscios Person ailh a OAKVILLE biswt Can Do approach who Enjoys Managing ina tFast Paced EnsronmenlS Ba re 705-725-117U MaSiam 905-471-2929 RchrenO Hi 905-884-449e Forinos' is a group of franchise retai supernis kets professional training Ifs. then discoser pour future with Goardian Fbeîglass. Ths io on ideal op- rmpton 95-51 3241 se Misli 905-891 8735 S.Caaries 905-6-243160 wth 20 locaions across southwestern Ontari.OuO The College of pruiyfor an assertile, 'hands-sn", responsise indîidoal wlh a prosen abilily toicosen 4ie622-1922 Newmarket 905-853-07800Tisonto Eutiaie-6ae-778i4 Franchises 51stie lv provoe costomers with tne Appied Linguistics pratpForestHil 4164897447 Nrth Yok 416-635-1022 xtigee 90es852-7743 best insone sop shopping. Fs nov provodes com- s offering A5 day to efecisely supervise people. The soccesotol applicanl aili hase a vrong me- 59-20-0915 akile 905-84 r-Sors Wiitin 9o-6ee-3273 peiiewgsbefvopo neso dscee aecuschnclptitudeexcelen cvmsnictiS okîlo ile woringknowedg offo8r4470 Pîcenii 015 83 961 I McM coeUnsses@ cafclattdecletcmuiainsil ihawrngkoldeo ichnrcv i 519 mn ooaohP esonpnadscs e applicable ssfety regulaions, Your maor role wili be lv supervise day/shit me- metI coasis eso lnadscr catrUiest chanii-s n? eiectrîr.u staff as well as c.srrnate Ibeir actîvîies euth the needs nn b.f g Ich empîoyment toals tis emplspees Nov 151h-19th sf the plant lv efîcîently troubleshoot. instaîl and fabrîcate nec eqoîpment. îm- plement preventatîve maintenance programs, as well as enhance snd repaîr exîstîng equîpment. This is a hîgh vsîblty position in a csntinuos fltIsaopera- lion. Applp isay wilfi a cuver leter statîng valarp history lv. Guardiani Fibergans, 300 Main Street Erin, Ontario NOB 110 Or email: Or tax to: 519-833-9749 (0v u l itnd us 30 minues ast utfvGuelph, on County Roa 4115O Smutesv wesl oi Caedon/30 mnues nonS vif rampton i 5inutes sourh oi Oranqovliel Oiardian FSbergiassisnEqua Cpor tuny poe MWgeMWflOUUI vpi offers individualized services to guide and assist you to identify and reach your employment goals. v~career Exporaton/couse/Iing f>Job Matching/Resumne Writ/sg ~SUiITraining VJob Search Training SJob Creation VSe/f Empoyment EDUCATtON SERVICES School Bus Drivers Needed Ideai for Rtufl, ty-ar Haine Mulni or ad and the Sef -Enpiyed " Espanding Charter Opportunities " New Employen Discourt Progrant We provide FREE, frîerdly, professional training. Yoo may drive a large or small srhoo/ bus. You wl/I earr a steady, rompetitive parc ime inrome by driving children o as? from school each day from September to June, Monday to Friday- between the hours of 7:00 - 9:Oam & 2:30- 4:3Opm. (Parents cas ussally ake their pre- schoolers along with hem.) Retirees nili esioy ample free ime o pursue other irterests. Self-employed people can supplement their income wth a sure thing. You coul? pay as important role in a child's education. 11 days only: Ssuth Halion (Osli ngtor & Oake ilel Apply with his a? before November 6th, drne a rouCe by the end of November andqalify fsr $500 Bonus! For details oel 1-877-914-KIDS Ready for a new and exciting challenge? Figt Centre is seing taente? people soho want o r their passion fnr sales an? tra-vel inon a revardling crner loin us as a travel consultant an? sali snmetbing pou love' Wioli our conoînunng expansion, yoo'l i nd there are piexoy of opporounties ta groso an? pro gress in ynnr crner idi vs. To b e svccessfu, oi, li need a proven ablity in soies and cusorner evvi oldfulren vrk hvcvîy u ncappes eaig poen, full indvOOryOltraliin, a awvard-winxing beneits. lbAppt>' onlîre roda>' t www.flightcentre.calcareers Vst os or oar CAREER DAY OPEN HOUSE Saturday Oct. 28, 1 Oam - 3pm '-ýë 1 Durdas Street West, 2nd Floor g Sbt aaCamer "Barttme heurs " Na nigbtaserweelrends " Pald tran " Weelypay Senefits *Mut have valid drivers lbense ADDITIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY Tpe of[Wirk- l'iau Nd- I)oor-tî-door ness.spapcr deivery. For Milttun- Tuesdays and Frida)s. For Oakvitte- NW ednesdavs. t-ridyss and Saturdays. Retiabmn sehirte (the trger the hetteri. At eost 6 avitotîte hours. htnloen 65.N-6PN1, un deisery days. Strong sense(of conmitmenl ond responsihilitN. 1-e aller- As nions routes as Nou cati bondIe. Ail required deisNry materiats. Tra ining and u-gine communications and support. To explore, contact Bob at (905) 637-8795. Night shift for Milton warehouse Top wages with excellent benetits Own transportation recommended jPlease fax resume to: 905-878-9010 Atn: Chris Nogalo Pat-Th, Frli d uÀNa*d' Must have exceptonal organizational sklls, be compter lterate, able so multi task & avrk un- sspervîsed. Exp. Wîth OuickBosks. MS word, Excel, Outlosk, Iro Conîrsi an? Pons a must. Fax resume AMention Human Ressurce 519-853-4279 15FL IESAOA A m/d-aLre intemattarral orgmniation locted near thre Toonto arport reqtares ull-ime seaooaleaiPkqees to work in claxaifytng arr? valatrg agncuturai arnd wild saturai resaurcs PrO<iucfs. The successful candidate wiibhae a gond eYa toi colour arr? the abtliry ta discers teture an? qoaliry reroagb bards-ar inspection. Adîbainai carnbsasirg duies mon be assigne? as reqaired. The pondtions are suitabie for individuess abscorrestin bave Sommer saiplnyment but asci? ha aviiabie for cinter emp5rymest f1m Noxember 27, 2006 to mi? Mey 2007. Evemsng shifs are ensiiebie. The job ix uquaiiy suite? to mer an? comner. Pull pey for tbesusccesatul applicants wli commerce eser et the saret of a 1-muaIt cassronm instruction parie? fotfowe? by banda-on product classiication training. We offer a omperiiesarting cage. rapeet ceasorral eaiptoyrrent for trisees tirt encal, citb excellent opoartanitiex for advascement. Wa bars 2 positiorrs open for Producton Controt Cerks fotheliaanme employient doation, I aprplyirrg for tbeae poasons, please rita in enur nover later Mailtion LOGISTIOS COORDINATOR Thîrd Party Logitics Prasîder is seekîng an ag- gressioe, laIe-charge irdividoalt 10lie 051 tesm as a Lgistics Cosrdiratsr, The successful candidate cilI nteract cith bath Cussmers & Transportation Carriers on a dailp basîs, dil ideali> haoe related experierce ir the Transportation[Trucking irdustrp coupled with excellent interpersonal skilîs and computer literacy. Position offers premîsm compensation, berefits an? flexible cnrkirg conditions Please emait resume ta IManufactuer or ay shi the job. "KIDS ON MV "'Commercials, Film, Videos, Series & Print* Fresb Faces ages 2 rs- Sensors reede? imme?. Ns ee's Ns courses. Tsp agency Serious cais. Wie make $ when you make $ ca// Nom 416-221-3829 at Oragonao? Farms. "A" show barn ocand on 9h fne E nLfTaagarRd. BARK a Fi»rZ GROOMER neede? fsr bran? nec Groomng Saon wth state-of-the-art equipmert. Appebp Line & Dundas. Contact:burlngton@ harkan? 17 .comn ROTHERGLEN a private elemnen ar Atter-Scflool Su pervisor 10 catIt cith studerîs in gr. 4-t. The bouts are from 3:15-6:15 p.m. and the ra/e is $t5lhr. Please fax reoume 10 905049 1354 or emeil to No phane catis please VO I IN LEIBERDRS TM ETFFSIOROURICSL OCATION 1Lo ke o e Rd f Cuesefrueaes e amn ESAS REPRSEFTATIVES? for oor BURLNGTON locations. Must te capable of worliing PART-TIME Days, Evenîngs sed Weekends as required. Persil Feperience An Asset, Wîne Knnwledge An Asset, Orientation and Training is Prsvîded Please drop off reoume before Nov. 24, 2006 aI. VINEVARDS ESTATE WINES Inside Sobeys, 1250 Brant St. Burlington or Email: or Fax: 905 643 4515 Whie we thank aIl thsse who appt>'. we wll ont>' respond ta those onder conoîderatian an? ask that no response be made b>' phone CANADIAN TIRE Fairview St. We are a farni/y owned and operafed high vo/urne refail outiet with openings for FUILL-TIME AND PART-TIME STOCK REPLENISHMENT *CASH-IERS *AUTOMOTIVE PARTS STAFF *GENERAL STUDENT HELP Joîn our preseet team of nalue? assscîates and grsw wth us. Entsy cenefîts lîke paid health premîoums. profit sharîng an? Chrsmas bonus. Appty in person ta Canadian Tire Associate Store 777 Guelph Line Burlington requireu OWNER-OPERATORS Previous tanker esperience vsan auset YOU OFFER: Professionsl atitude. dean abstract, and gosd wsrk ethîc. WE OFFER: competîtîve rates, local home every night. capped fuel prices. eecellent work environ- ment, sa/e/y incentîven and clothing allsaance. Please contact: Bruce ysart, Operations Manager, 1-866-383-9994 PERSONAL TRAINER PILATES INSTRUCTOR Two positions Part-time or Futi-time. Exceptional opportunity for career -mîinded professionats. Great workirg enororment, suppor/ive team spirit, eistirg client base. Excellent compensation. Lieds Brder Four Forty Fitness for Women / 905-639-1440 Open House Oct.24 cati for more mIsf 888-246-6512 AwINircoditioin Matinac Mature indîvidual re- quîted Ful-tîme. Must be asie 10 operate forkiift. an? have han- dyman seillo. comprehensive benefit package. Cati: 905-844-2949, Fax: 905-844-9722 Construction Sub-conlractor (Oakxille) requires General Labourer 10 min, pour and finish materiai. Enperience cîlfi skid-steer, csn- crete fînishîng, abiitp 10 sperate eqoipment, drisers licence an as- set. Fao resume ts 005-827-0342 or Email int s@pouritor cx Eectrif y Your Job earch Electronic Job Search Program for Unempoyed CandiheidMal CaI the YCAl n Burington @ 905-681-1140 YFonde? b>' the Goveroment )NUtA: of Canada APPLY NOW Avg $20/hr Envm. type work Pîecewsrk Comp. ncentives & Bonus Structure *NO EXP. NEEDED* Provîde? training for accepte? Applcants. To book a scheduied interview Ca/i 905-525-5948 luesday rhursda Friday Classîfied Hours Monday to Friday 9 amn to 5 pm ýl