Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 2006, p. 20

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A20 - The Canadian Champion, Frday Ociober 27, 2006 IceHawks' offence remains grounded in shutout Ioss Corne on over! We're tetebratïig the first annïversary of our James Snow ParkwaV Braih. Please join new branch manager, Ada Agi and her team ai the firsi anniversary of our lames Snow Parkway branch on Saturday, October 28. >Colouring activity for chitdren with a gifi from Leo the Lion. >Gel your chitd fingerprinted for free by Child Find Canada and receive an "Ail About Me" ID for your chitd's pensonat records. Chitd Find wiII also have important information on chitdren's safety available. >Enter to win a $10.000 Dream Vacation'! >Free hot dog and refreshments. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 28 anv urne between 10 arn. and 2 p.m. lames Snow Parkway Branch 1240 Steeles Avenue East, Milton 905 875 1772 By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A return to Mernoiial Arcna c eriainîs didnit bring a retini nof* the Icellaxx s' ofl-ence. Pla> ing ai home loi a lirsi iiine in a vweek-and-a liaifTluesday nighîitthe_______ rebuilding local juniors met up ,v ih a far more inip)sig (ougai s icain U iban the one ihe>' battled io a 4-4 dra-w wiih carlier ibis inonth mn Burlingi on. Trapped nii heir owfl end for mosi of he f'irsi iwo pmriodis and heai on the majoriîy of key face-ofis and other individual hates, Milton fell hehind cari>' anci was eventuali>- whîîewashed 6-0. Tbis mnarked the lcelliawks' firsi shutout Ioss since Eebruarv 21, 2004, when îhcy were hlanked 2-0 b>' Georgetown in gaine one of the conference seinifinals. Riding a seven-gaine unheaien sircak mbt own Tuesclay, the second-place C outgars got scor- ing l'rom hall-a-dozen dîf!eireni pla>'ers and estah- lisbed ample pressure on young Vince Cusîck hoîh bel ore and aler îbe sverdicti had heen dcliv' ered. 13>,conitasi, tie Icell.îs - xNho'vc scoicd usI'ý îxxcc n i hien- a-sitihiec ouîings cdidn'i geî a iebound sboî on seasonecl neîinindei Oliver Vsren untii the ihirci perioci and were horoughly niei- îralized during cx'en-sîreîch pla\v As if rexxarding a sparse crowci ibat preit>' îîîuch sîuck i oui îo the bitter end, Milton 1lorwýardls Mati Rets and il u n Nahan Eahey provided brief ineas- dropping tbe gloves againsi visiing counierparis Brent Vandenburg and Josh Shrum respectively On Wednesday Milton deait big wingerjordan Radford - an i 8-year old Burlington native - to Hamilton for future considerations. Now 4-12-3-1, tbe lceHawks wil bope to stant fîndîng tbe back of tbe net again îonigbî, wben tbex' kick off tbeur busiesi weekend of tbe season againsi ibe bard-working >'oung Sîreeîsvie Derbys. fbe same mwo teains mcci again in Streeîsx'iIle Sunday afiernoon, wbie squeezed bieîxxeen the home-and-boine series is tomorrow ex'ening's trip îo Brampton to face tbe div ision- leacing Capitals, who include Miltonians Steve lîison and Mati Clark. Fundraiser for disabled athietes Nov. 6 Thbe Golden lorseshoe [)isahled Sports A\ssociation ((FIDSA) xill bold uts fifli .nnual sulent auction ncxi montb in Ctakx'ille. Tbe exent a l undrtisct lot iibe non-profit c baritable organuzation thlai pi osides sports oppontrtuities loir hsctlsclaIlgdc bildi en anud \outil xill a l .tc N\x lclhe 0 ai the Knigbts ol ( oictinbus Batucc I all14()4 \'xallace Rd. Doors open ai 7 p. fhe GFHDSA proxides a xarietx of sers-tees for thec physîcalls challenged, including sports train- ing, c oaching and coinpetitix e opportunities in îrack and field, xvbeelchair lhasketball, lioccia ball aund sxunming. For more informnation on tbe org.îni:zatiotî orthie uic omtng Iindraisei 5 iSit uts \Veh site ai xxsxsx-ýgbdIsa.otg FOR MAYOR 0F MILTON A vote for VOLPE is a Ai VOLPE was roised in Milton and is married with two children. He is firsf and foremost an entrepreneur. AI has been involved in the reai estate business for the past two decades and is a licensed Realtor rounding areas. AL VOLPE is an associate with Re/Max Aboutowne Realty. TO CONTACT AI VOLPE Email: volpe4mayor@yahoo.ca Tel: 905-864-1835 GPORWTH MOMENTUM 1 c not eel thaf we wHIl e able t' slow growfh in Miton, but we are able ta significantly accelerate the building ot aur infrastructure; raads, schaais and services. Everyone seerrs :o ce srging the some tune first bulld thei-rfrostrucure, ther Oua the houses. This cf course meors we wilI recuire upgrodes in mary oreas. Tre building cf two fhou- sand homes west of Bronte Sf, jr the next few years means an urderpass has fo be builf cf Derry Road and Bronfe Street jr order to allow unob- struCfed access ta the Milton Disfrict Hospital, Derry Road needs fo be upgraded from Trfigar Road f0 fhe Jomes Snow Parkway and from Brorte Street f0 Tremire Road, Multon's rew CourCil musf lobby Hlfor Regior ard fhe Orfario Provircial Goverrmerf to move up fhe fime trame for fhe complefior of James Srow Parkway ard fhe re-doirg of Tremire Road. Last, buf rot leaisf, the sewage system is demardirg upgrades thar will rot wait. All fhis and mare reeds ta be dore durirg the rext four years, We have beer talkirg about whaf f0 do ir the dowrfowr core for years. The best idea i1 have heard is for Milfor to erfer irto discussiors wifh the parerf compary cf PLRoberfsor, corcernirg fhe decomrnissiorirg goirg or ard fhe possibility of tAf-SH-, qr thnIiq fI Pi-' <- -- park wîf h nature traits connecting to Rotary Park and perhaps a P.LRobertson Memorial Park or Museum. AFFORDABLE HOtJSiNG There is a real need in Milton for more affordlable housing. We should irduce the privote sector ta, build affordlable homes, ircludirg seniors bun- galows. Id love ta, see a 'geared for seniors community" urder the escarpomert, abter ail, our elafirs desflrve rot hitg but the besf. GARBAGE AND THE PROPQSED SN CINE RATC) P If the energy from woste proposaî roppers, and an irCirerator S bulif, 1 believe a direct financial bene- fit, based on revenue generated, shauid flaw thraugh to the residents af Miton. For heaifh ard quality 0f life reasons, emissions comirg from power generat ion should corcerr us cli, -ý -'_3.t ,, p-ý',sTé i e:i 1 "Ir) FR Orgoirg dialogue with developers is recessary rn order f0 make clear the destiny teveis and the type of devetopmnent we desire. However requirirg deveiopmert contributions and chargirg for per- mits, ther borrowirg morey from the same devel- opers for public infrastructure projects, seems to me f0 be questiorable public poiicy, If is time Milton had a coilege campus for higher iearnirg. The skiiied trades wouid be ai good place to start, We have ain army of youth in Milton who need guidance, jobs and a future that pays more than minimum wage, inflation iiiy onu cl o' roofl egiOn. Hator Regior must idertify the reeded correction points so people car conveniently use public transit to travel unimpeded through- out Hator Regior and correct ta the major centres, e AI VOLPE stands for these local issues

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