A18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 27, 2006 Burlington Art What's On Centre I.. BAC Chrstmas Show and Sale Frday November 24 10am - 9pmn Saturday November 25 lOam- 4pmn Sunday November 26 l2pm - 41)m 9" Annual Soup Bowl Event Friday Nov 24 Lunch: 12 noori Dinner: 6pm Saturday Nov 25 Lunch: 12 noon Sunday Nov 26 Lunch: 12 noon Tickets: $35, BAC Members $30 a r,;, n r; Pi: - j r - ý! 2020 Lakesîde Rstorante & Bar La Costa Nuovo The WVater St. Cocker The Rude Native Wesat Pan Bistro Peppvr woci Bistru Sponsored by ( Feltmate1 DO YOUR PART Help keep Our community clean by tollowing Milton's local recycling guidelines, and recycle this paper when you're tinished reading it! ~~làipon Delbato Ceagie Lp [Utter/,Morris Burliqgton Post WHERE WILL You TURN... WHEN I r's TimE To GET YOUR CAREER MOWNPGP SkllLed Trades Day Un Canada - Monday, October 30, 2006 e Tours of Our Etectricut. Msnufactuirng and Construction sIrops wlt i n opportunfty te talk with tradeslInstructors ansu tients *Fée Infomnatlon packages and refreshments Sadý t *lu SurUungton - ioem, noon . api, #Md 6pm (Centre trades shops arte located at our t lngto location ooly> *i Mlbto, Go sutwnad Oukvlo, tours o te EnptffleptResoumc entres at apm witIh at4uwrp n h S kOa*ITrdes More t$an 2oo stridents .ach year gr*duaté ftom Thse C*ntWes trades programa sand ech:qu*elIwwlng<e It p*s<ed i tme pIoyMet. The Cêntrelspre-Apprentkoesh1p programs Include leçtrlcal, Machlist/Mitlwright Residdetal aud Cmercal Constructo, and Women ln Skied Tradem ESL-LUNC / Language Trainlng Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada Is offered through Thre Centre and focuses on actitfies desined to iniprove ypur listeffing, speaking, readîng and writing skilis. The goals are to prepare students for furtirer education, traîning or employment. Ftnded by. : Cftrentiltp and cito1rnII.SIéet Career Services job Sirop is au OsirvMle baseà prograni tirt wfll irelp you find work now by focusiug on thre hidden job miarket. Otirer career programs offered by Tire Centre Inctude Employtnent Counseling and Assessments, Career Explrations, job Opportunities for Yutir and thre EmploymentResource Centre S.f 7 ii, ! ar c ftio j" r! bh~i' iv .' nnCr For more information, please cati 9 05 -333 -3499 or visit www. th ecen tre. o n. ca TirneeeOu fre SkiIIaE'Dev.,Iopmelt?&* rall Centre Locations: Burlington: 86o Harrington Court Georgetown: 184 Guelph Street Milton: 550 Ontario Street South, # 203 Qakville: 465 Morden Road, #log 1