Celer in these important Halloween safety tips as you're learning them. Then send us vour favourite fer a chance te win! CONTEST RULES: 1. Contest openr o children ages 512. Empicyees of Meroland Publishing or contest sponsors are fot eliible t0 WIt, 2, Cotestants may se crayons, coloured penis or maokers. Aduts roay assist in complting the entry form, but rot in the coIouring. 3. Lmoi one eory per chid. Entries wilt not be retured. 4. Al entrres must Se postmarked belore October 31, 2006. 5. Sobmissions are considered properryofo Metrolaod and may be poîted by the Canadian Champion. 6. Decsion nf the rodges i irai. Drop off or mail your sabmîssion includro ballot to The Canadran Champion Office 875 Main Street E, Miltot, ON. LOT 3Z3. A draee wiI be held rom al sobrossions received in each age category Closing date is November lst, 2006. Employees of Metroland Publishîeg are flot elîgble to enter EAT dinner bel are you trick-ar-treat and bag Up thase sweets! 318 Bronte St. S. 95-876-2525 K NOW your parents' or guardians contact numbers and always keep them with you. 400 Steeles Avenue 1-800-6174025 www.mltontoyota.com The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 27, 2006 -Al13 Name: Phone: Address: Q CK Yreview yaur trick-or-treating route with Mom and Dad befare you leave. TX IVISIT only those bouses that are weilI-it, and neyer approach a house alone. 905-864-7270 1-877-864-7270 www.theslyisthlimitmortgages.ca WEAR a watch that iights Up, sa you can read it in the dark easily. ~ 701 Main St. E., Mfton * HEBET ONOf5TN* (905) 875-3740 YOUNGchildrIsud a ways be accampanied by an aduit. ZAK'S PHARMACY 70 Main St. E. 87 5- 42 olft cenwicate Y SMPPO #atm$$ rire voy shom Sm okft cemmeate Sm okft