Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 24, 2006 - A9 HIH ÏSCHOOL IREPORT ""MUSTANG MESSENGER" Megan Cheema Harbi Nati Courlney Coulombe MILTON DISTRICT 810H SCIGOL Last week lew by in a blur. and this îveek is sure to do the sanie with another eventful îveek up ahead bere ai MD. There is lots to look forward, and you can be sure that our scchedules iill be once again be packed to the max. Last Thursday the Halloîveen spirit got a kick-start at the much- anticipated Halloîveeu Dance. The first dance of the year ivas an absolute hit with students front ail grades having an amaling time dancing the night away in their Halloîveen costumes. There ivere iitelies, îvarlocks, des ils. and angels, but only the ntost outstandiug costumes ivere awardcd îsîth prizes frotu Studeitt Gos erument. The success of tîte dancc \vas spcct.icular. and everyoue is alrcady looking buvward to the next one. Though the dauce ivas definitely a micc chance to take a break from thinkung about tîte future, MD seutors also had tite chatnce tii attend the College Fair last îveek at the Exhibittion Place to takeaa look at dttferent schools that they ivere întercsîcd in. Juisi a reminder that universities and aillegcs ili continue aîoîning ini this week, so take a loo1kin Guidance forfitifme.s. and dontI miss ont on these opportunities tii ask questions. Everyone loves and needs iii take a break frîîn the cai> stress that coines siîh schoîîl nio' and then, and onîce agaîn tiis s car. MD bas the perfect place foîr that break. The 'Stane, Snack Shack' s now oîpen and sellîng Ail our favîturite treats. Frîînî hîîciîi.ta bars. to ring popis, to gunt. pop. and chips,.tha schîîîl tuore is sure to have just the type of sugar fis yuu're likng lor. The stuore ill also be slling scîtool nierchatîdise in the nc.ir future so kcap checkîng ouito lai's neîv. and renteniber iii stoîp b>ilie stoure regularly or %vhenever ysîu fledlîke treaîing youiself to sîimething good and sweeî!. It is lear that Milton District is buzzîng with aitdiess actis ty. but t xvouldnt at aIl be comnplete \ivthout the usuial ationt going oir iiî aIl ot our Mustaîîg sportis teantsl This îveek s flîl of gantes mecaning tItis îvcek o ilhopefutls bring home niait>\s aloriîes. Today both the Junior Boys' [oo'iil i idJiior Boys' olle0 all Teatis sill be puttîng up a light agaîîîst Christ the King. nd use wisli them giiod luck! Finally. ive canuuît torget iii oelcoiîrn back the grads ive aIl kitoo ni losve because Conmmencemient is ouIil a Ico day s ao as Tîte cerenion o Il take place ai 7: 30, antd the final lareweli to the ga'îuating students of MD is suiet ibch a ntcirable ocaeasioti. Weil Musý,tangs. another ocef of sahl i iii p ahead su einitîhet tii take a break and relas as ciy so otteit. lntil nest oefl "DBATELI1NE DRURY" Ashler Michelle Ste hen E.C. DRIJRYHRIONSCEOLI (Micfhelle and Sîephcr ouf) îîîîîîthe somputer ab for fie naakty miniig iii 'compoise )atiiie Drurys fiatesi adîî.iii)> e lytof'iîd Ashfy siariiig ai a btank cuuomputer sarcanin disniay. i Ashfay: AHHFHH"' Ther's îîîîiîîg teuie ahourithisisaak! HLLPt Michellte: O). suafaarfy yîîu dîdîî'i gai i gîed sien of Nisk's huck after the paînîbaft adsaîîîura last Tuasday Asfîfay:Nick s bat.)'>Paîîîhatf Wft's ail tfus abiiui' Siava Andtfvoi]iCai )veturs iI'a reporter' tlhe Rittfasýiitika heusa put to got MiLfIChhCAnd\îtf ik hatie', fis' 5tic sti s t)) pissa i.fLoo,k île ls' nadsîliffun O,it. titi) îts)il i cciit . siSatfstI tt ie cfs i h tto L shfc.3cy f ila i iitiks's seiLmss'iitI fui tîthe isfiaidît> fii itip)) at A,ýIeN At h, tatinaeý cs e tl ,tiIti tus a idth\\%t' n ,Stase: DOît011 ftua I CICI a t-s1k Misfieatîa'l'ie hs'sî pairt s. f f111111, îAu eNICilli kitthe ls'îit abouîht \slifaeN f Ms siches'lle a iitsi 'ti iRi,-fît So Iiiîs'. fîsîs', h\ltt îî tufs't fîîîk Hirs Sttet . tuttiheter, Mtiaelse: hîtît ' t fus sttîttttl" cîsiIrttds'.îl Ss'te 'utVisîîrroueîîîf t i ttsîLKuf t)i t, go' Miiaffa leiG a bifîie, t fc lîttî ifîî bis'k uîttlus1,'t i \sîly tu tis' d) i ghlfiî îfts'î f'fc t e ilti i5ft 11\t j t tlii 'littt S Iiusas ecsieîpîcss'tîsie ui t sttl tr iti itt naiiine' ts'itininttt ita p.îrtîif.ît i.ia tur t i ii t (i tsf tîs' iiutîtus' eand) Ke'IsîtStîueta tîtî puiîis tu iît i f tttts c tîti'It ,.t 'tts î .ittfi ftsl'Ilîi il. ptllî s' paîîrst. r ftiipa.ttti. alid f tîielttîsii îttc s t tttis i ds. ttîltka flairs ('utier, tic sui(auc tttîîtts uitkcît tui fus (iý týlu - iiîiiitc isasrais .uîds'fc uf, tîiu(,îa(tS' itclti Sisus'Metionuu iî t'îîicîas-at i . 1iMtfIfISu ft (ses Misfts'tfs' Sitt\,stuîîss's'ît ttt,11îît%îMite s' uhuii1thit diait uitI ui1iî,lt îîîîp (tas) .Ssfîlý cî 5a.Atîsif fciL Iaîsttîtcttîttcs .tsfàs hpitc tus te i uuuu uî tîtd cspfttiî til Mis (taCla itttIIti test ttt1tt' idiel and Ls' tu)Siepjiiutut ik tti .tk'.î.I t t S'i" It he]t "6THE ROYAL REPORT"9 Ern fHetherington Lindsay Johnslon Jua Riddell BISHOP REDINS f109 SCHOOL t cei. staîhoug~h the glow f' ball has faded quickly undu.r the thick, gray cluîuds. Despîte this. Bishop Rcding students stîll leboîh o ibmi the building, and in the cîîmmunity. The t!lc flousec, held Thursday Ocrober 1th. was the perfect example of students making a dii berence. The delicions bakcd treats sîîld in ftic bîl io an cye, although mîîst people ivere too busy enfiiying the gîîregîîus vîtîces and perfect cbîîrds of' the prefîirmers. The speaker l'rom Prîîjecî Haiti ivas beyîînd unspiruîîg. aîd the mîîney raisedf iill goî f0 bclp des doping aîîuîîrîcs le Haîti. The exact amiîiint raised will ha announced netiesioce).se iiake sure iii flip iii yîîîr Insîde Soiurces nexi Also îlîîs pasi Thursday the l9th. grade twelve cbemîsiry siiidents gui iii sîrut their stuff in the Science/Engineering (itiipias ai Harntiîn's McMaster University. Led by Ms. MIinu, the studeitis werc able iii participate un actîs tues and a0iipatitiiiiisin tîte areas îîf soýiiorceîngineering, biochenuistry. 1netirosiie. photoin physîts antdnitahernatics. The students. iitluifiogiiie r> iiin Frîn Heîherîngîîîîî madfe isbiip Reîfinyg priiid hy o îîîîîîîtc a totial oi' $2 3100)in schîîlarsbîps and had a great tinte They ocere cheeresf on by the grade eleven science stieis iialsiiLgti iii s su MeMlaster f'or the day. ibougb thrdi ot partisipate iii the Oilsiipics. Conigratulatiions Io 'hI us oeka o acui asîl oea f'or ibose înîcraesf edn the Sear s liai a.iIesîî aI. ias calîbas ks anid f iraI eastfisso are piisted. Dieiii the oýi\ietsheliiiig ittere.sit ib is great esperiieiîsa.toi thte f irst(iîîe utiqiiiie a wlule Bîsbîîp Radiitg isill limiu eitric Io ithe testisaL This festival is a greLi way toe tîiiîse stideiiis iittaresîad iiiflie draiitic arts,,iii sec. anid ladl o liai it si,,le Io itut îîîeîer a proîductioîn tif l teitio'n. The pla> a itescsfd. pidia perîîuîmcd anîd ci ciiicasiiîially o rîîeî b> ifie Stidents.(lier the naît few %îîeeks tb' studetits .eated \sitlI hca oiîkic b ard iii put tîiaatber ils îî great productiouns Onîce ibey arc'reasîs f'tr the fastisval . yoir u Il hc able iii attienid a peirformtance ut ha itlay . anid es\perîeîîsa hai is ahi îsosait b île. ('allinL all attisis'-llite yearhook csîuîttîee is liiiitgfoi peopîîle Ioi siiitt, b. tits.andI îîîfîarai sapieces fl i his s eit's Neaî hîîîk. T'fli coail suiiiiaka itie 20016-2007 y carbool tan ascui aie iefleetiiiit of huisciecatis e anidbhiîllantîîoua, stueets ,re. so \%e uî ,îîî as itual sstridentî î iiik .us possie.Altltough i sceitîs cal,ithIe siiier lfoii-itihis' earhiiik si:fueteirii iiid- Nîîîettihet . uî lîcfî îîaîîs uîe tees) te hegiut îîîuîîIfltuu> ne fcias aii idcw loîsi- tai is))) a. huhasý eniitin hîiîsîîIoiNitole Kiiak. Ciczt ifeiti y. Ktiiii f'aiti1al-('onliiii r- oneuc tf s îîîîîIîsîsfa Stti as .51.î. i ii i titi ire ta ii lo îin le saitlii)k ctiitiiee. 'oI C1to loiuia'it iti r ithe îîeNIilliit)iiii iiiciis'iiitc, a- à

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