Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 2006, p. 8

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A8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Viits tCOMMUNITY www.kammdfowershop.com usat 48 a rierAm 878-2881 Esteem Team's Njoku aims to inspire youth By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Eyes on the ball, legs shoulder- width apart, three students each tried their bardcst to dribble a basketball with skill, standing ncxt to a man wbo dwarfed them tin bis shadowv Its not evcry day you get to play a sport wtth a six-loot-nînu professioiîal gtving y'ou tîps along the svay Nor is tt user>' day students gct to listen to a respectecd. hig-tîmue basket- hall play'er gtx tng iliumi adx tue ont boss to navîgate tbrough wbati mîgbt arguabl>' bc the mnosi difituit puriod in ihuir lix us. Wcdnesday; a few bundred grade 7 and 8 students from Hawtborne Village Public Subool gatberud at the Milton Sports Centre to attend a conferencue tbat inluded a keynote address b>' Will Njoku, a former ineinhr of the Canadtan National Basket bail prograrn. Tihb conferenue fouused on eneour- aging students to make wîse deuisions and belping tbemn realîzu tbey'ru in uon- trol of their destînies. Its a message Njoku drove hom-e to students as only someone the>' admired uould. Hopes to motivate youîb I want you guys to know thîs prus- entatton is for you. 1 want y'ou to gain an advanîage so you can acbieve the vision you bave for yoursulves," said A the basketball player, wbo proudly told bis awe-struuk audience bu bas a seven- and-a-balf-foot wingspan and size 17 running sboes. Njoku visits subools as a motiva- tional speaker witb tbe Esteem Teamn, a group of athletes uommitted to inspîr- ing youtb. Students listened witb awe as bis auuomplisbments were listed. Njoku was a mnember of' the Canadian National Basketball programn as a play'ur [rom 1989 10 1998, and comnpetud in tbrue World Cbanipionsbip tourna- munts durîng that time. Witb huînour and uandor, thu 34- year old Njoku uomparud Ie to basket- hall and sbarud bis pbilosopby for suc- tess, followîng the SAFE atrotîymi Sut y'our fei, Ami bîgb, Follow îbrougbi, Fxury day In other words, gut an eucaton, sut a goal, aubievu that goal, and bu consis- tent. lie useul bumorous stories stridents c oultiit eitcte b ( iantes arc a i 3 scar- UL/ ! 11ruly Local blevision www.cogeco.ca NORTH HALTON STUDIO Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 old boy dousn't know wbat its like to, bu gawked ai bucatîse oflubs gigantic frame, but bu pîEbably knows wbat ifs like to not cluite lit in. "So muub about growîng up is about suif' estuumi," Njoku saîd, addîng, "l'in bure to remnind you liow îîowerful y'ou a re. [le urgud studenîs io ruuoginze iliat peopîle are goig 10 try 10 stanid nribh way of ibecir dreatos, and îo snply 1Litsb past theini It s sti impiortatlto ct oose your frientis anti îot Ilutmur frictnds ubtoose sou-, lbu said And wben ltougli tonus comle, bu toidt itbe bkep imos'ng loîssard. 'loti don't ssant 10 lit'a s ic im y ,ou svanî to bu a miaster of change. Yoti wani to bl i nthe' drivers seat" buesaid For tbu uonlerenue, stuclents -;usuti the biook iTbu 7 Habits of I fighli Effectitvueecrs b>' Seau (losy as tiit [iritniîy rusorru. (ould bucornu annual uvuni Principal Grant f iaîworiby toid sti dents bu bopes the confutetîtu wili bucomuc a yearly usvent, and sai thus cati tbînk of îî as a iegacy ibu> 'ru Iuav- ing ti tbeîr y ounget ceurs. "Long alter you're gonu, tbe tonfer- unue continîues," bu saîd, fliowing an inspiring clii froîîî the Robitî Williams liuk Duad Pouis Socctis "VueA lise and we ail die. iTheusetîse of Ioda>' s to put somuetbing togethur that wii coti- tinue oti and on and on." If- iberus onting bu satd bucfiojed student.s would take away' wîîb ibetu, il was tbat tbey're powurlul. 'You bave tbe power îo bu wbat you want to bu in luec," bu bold tbemi. Judgîng from students' coin nienits ai tbe end of the Nioku's talk, bis wortls miade an impact. 1I tbougbt it was reali> gootl.' said gracie 7 student Stisanna Mensab '"it was a sirong nmessage.- Grade 8 student Alexis Mioî said sliu îook away otie thouglit: "ou rniakc' your cissn patb.' Atîd C ourtîiey Dutnouuliel, wbo's ni grade 7, saici she rualized bow inmpor- tant il is 10 stand ctp for wbat y'ou lielieve in. Altert(lie keyniote atdt'uss, sîucieîîs worked tbrougb various actîvittes that locused on îeaîîî building and problemn solving. StcphnictTîtiesscit toitbu ttu hied ai Noon t'iipm 3:iOpm -'6:3Opnn1 iSOpet i 7:30pm 8:00pm 9'ttom Munit, o ai tin 2006 antîdate SpirtIttiliLite Munit, oai letin 2206 anidate Statements Ptîiied t! ETRA 0 tieitîTVh Digo AluAîd In! EXTRA Auto Expetsoî(Lion) Haiton His Aards & outta Noon 4 ttpm-E 6:iipet 7:iipe i:iipet 9:Oipna Noo Pluged Ion! TsA 8oîm -oo Mani iai letioon oo 2006 anddîin stilemnoto t.it1prn Hiaton tOut Awardos O tpo 6 Otpm Cototi i'it0Peti:ipm 6 0pm Piaiged W EX0RA Mitte ecti. :8p .itp d ate SwtapTtatk live> 12 22pm-Midngt F Miltin Cîetit GRAHAM PAINF / CANADIAN CHAMPION HEIGHTENED AWARENESS: Six-foot-fine-inch former pro baskethall player Wîil Njoku talks to studeots aholi ttht .o, r o r îf e!! ,(r'î n n riC î ~ ' ~ î n 1 o,-' V -- U~ii1iîl f U -Tuesdayv October 17 - Mondav. October 23, 2006 » Swap Tal îRepiîn) Mitontoit (aî cc) Mniccdal ttectiin t006:egeiteat Chair Muniipal tietliji iaalptttEraetîa liMite Piiittid n! EXTRA t Ilion- Noon PiattiA o' EXTRA Motop Fu~ipai 5iaotioo t:iipet PiogîuIn!VEXTRA A OlpM PlA oIn'EXTRA t tO0po Midnîtît Putîtd In! EXTRA 80 hm too Piatod n' fEXTRt t huam -12 300,0 Pugged ln0ETR 02 22noon Piaited mW EXTRA too Mioitî?aîetion to t1iiet tiC i ts: Haltie MoOP Munit, aiEletion Statemento MgFoo ttbaiasn 2vs6 t îodtn t:iipm Muiial lectîn Fttbîll' ininvStemt tO06: egiteal ~ hain îtrite 1000, Hilton His OuatAs& Oebate t Opm-5 Olpm Munit, ailiettion oanuil (toi iti0pe Maittidal tleuiti 226 ead,0an 20i6: iaetphiSttonos A Otoon-E lion, Piagîe n! oEXTRA Eai11 a bile A ltPoi Plgnd In!EXTRA 6 ItOPm-t ttpm MnîicalEtin 5:iOpet tiC Spinta: alta rHi 206anddatn Sr Fietaif' -teas n 6:lAPon Haiton HuliiitAwîrdu & Oattonnîs 7:0 m anedon01 , ~ 20 Cun 6060c) 8.OPrn SpontOtEive 9 lîpo Motiiltion Sttteme ns 12 Otpm-Midnght Putîtd Io! EXTRA /V Cj(ý,MFCCo i Cogeco Gable Channel 14 j Tuesday, October 24 Wednesday, October 25 Thursday, October 26 Friday, October 27 Saturday, October 28 Sunday, October 29 Monday, October 30 M- PI.....d 1.1 FYTRA M nn- - M- 01-- 1.1 CýTDý

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