The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Ociober 24, 2006 - A21 Solid showing prevents BR from getting Ram-ed Senior Royals deliver credible performance against Robinson By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Bshop Reding's foothall seniors may not have earned vie- tory in Burlington Friday aternoon, hut they certainly won a measure of respeci. Relusing t0 roll over after falhing hehind late in the first quarter, the Royals fortihied their efforts and delivered the most formidable performance this season in cross-over play with the much stronger Volpe Division - losngjust 14-7 10 the M.M. Robinson Ramns. "This is affirmnation that we helong here (in Division 1)," noted head coach Joe jurus, whose îeam heads int regular season-endîng play this week aîop Halions Richardson loop with a 3-2 record. "0f course you always wanî 10 win, and there was a couple of tings we screwecl rp that were cosily But this is a strong teain we play'cd îoday and ihere were limes when we'd comie here and lose 60-O." Redîng flot only distanced utsd1 Iront that huiriling hîs- tory agaînsi Burlingtons irnposing lues, hut offered hope for an upset viclory jusî hefore half-tiîne. As the final seconds of the clock îick down, veleran haîf- hack Todd Speakm-an inîercepîed Roinson pivot Mike Wilson and ran the hall hack an incredîhle 90 yards io even îhings up - holding off the one rernaining Ram over the las( in Today's Canadian Champion! If you dont receive our flyer please cati us at 905-878-6163 or e-mail Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles Ave E. 905-878-6163 Do you suifer with Headaches? Chîropractîc can help! Genile, sale and effective spinal asiiosimesîs ca remove irriations t10 terses ta i relireuesthe a causeti by misalgîmenis in your spite. Chirspractii can min cis sale, highly efective and virisaily painlesi. We are a llit iniegralesi. muii-iscipiinaîy ci hat olalers a aide variety of solutions for al yosr healihcare neesis. I n addiion te Clstspraciic Care, ai design personal- izesi exerise programi ix aplimize andi imprase your spinal heash. Our aire s 10 pmovide paieai-ceniered, personalizesi healifrare ihai rell make ai IMPACT. lew paces io force hîs way' across the goal fine. 1 aswhat you caîl f inishing a play'" saîd lunis, of ihe gamie-tiing iouclîdown. In the end though, the hosts' poienl air sîrîke proved tsi be too niuch f'or the underdog Royals, as Wilson passecf for roughly, 200 y'ards and coiînectecl on an f8 y ard encl-zone îhrow 10 Chrîs Schroeder midway' îhrough the thîrd t reclaim the lead. Reding did manage t0 knock down a few passes and forced îhree turnovers in the opening haîf, while kickerJoey Melo led a credîhle special-teamns campai gn ihat helped keep things competilive. Offensively, îhings didn'î go nearly as well for the Royals. A muddy field and stiflîng Raîns defence comhined 10 keep tail-hack Michael Kaiser in check, while a moderaîely' effec- tive Craig Howse eouldn't f[md his largets at key limes in the second haîf. A victory over Oakville's Loyola Hawks Friday aI home will solidify' lirsi place in Rchardson for the Royals, and allow them îto avoid 0one ol Volpes real powerhouses in first- round pla> off action Novemnber 2. Mcanwhile in Division 2 play, the hard-luck Milton District Mustangs were officially eliminated from ithe post- season in Oakv ic Thursday' - lalling to0-4 with a 34-6 loss t0 Iroquois Ridge. Conninuing a season-long trend, MD lost another key offensive player, as receiver Cameron Freelen - who's scored two of'the three touehdowns this year - was banged up onl a head-to-head collision. While flot seriously injured, precaunionary measures now have hîm added 10 a string of fallen Mustangs. MD's scniors didn't have much time te, regroup [rom their most recent defeat, as a make-up game againsi Georgetown's Christ the King had them back in action yesterday afternoon. They'll close out ihe adversity-laden season ai Burlington Central Thursday jv Wem believe.. 2LrpuI.Aîyr~Aiywhterae.] WINTERS COMINO. GEl A ORIP TODAY. WINTER TIRES Uniroyal Ice & Snowv P195/70Rl4 installation, balancing, valve stemns and lifetime inspection is inciuded in the price of vour tires, arîd our GM expertise. VWe have tires for alilvour driving needs. Installed from WE ALSO CARRY THE RIGHT STEEL RIMS FOR YOUR GM VEHICLE ASK ABOUT THE NEW EXCLUSIVE GM TIRE PROTECTION PLAN BRAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE BATTERIES & WIPERS lnstalled from front or rear disc brakes Clean debrîs & corrosicor, lubricate caliper siders/pins and backinq plates. adjust parking brake cable (rear only). road test TiME l'O REPLACE COUR iiAKESý *ACDeico 75-60 battery *ACDelco 22" lnstalled from alilseason wîipers *Fts any " Cavalier/Sunifire *ClarepractitCare e Massage Therapy *Homeopathîs Gare *Acupuncture a Utrasound Therapy Custom Orthotics * ajery Aehallltatlon a IFC & TENS Tkrapy *Eurolse Progums IMPAC ~ e* n é M suload