A16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Visit Our NEW TD Canada Trust branch for your FREE portable DVD player Whether you're new to -q TD Canada Trust or you already enjoy the comfort of banking with us, you can qualify for a free portable DVD player.' Ail you hav e to do ks transfer your main personal or smrali business chequing, accounit lroni another financial institution to TD Canada Trust uisîng EasyS\vItch by Decemnber 8, -2006. For personal accounts. yoLi Il als() need to set uip at Icast one direct deposit or two pre-authorized paymients. EasySwitch makes it easy Our EasySwitch service offers a simple and easy way to transfer your account and pre-authorîzed payments from another financial institution to TD Canada Trust - at no cost to you! We'lI look after the details for you, includîng - *Transfer of your accounit balances *Transfer of your pre-authorized payments *Closure of your account at the other financial institution lmCanada Trust Bankinq can be this comfortable Corne meet the friendly staff at our new TD Canada Trust branch. rf. ferý r îS0 ' V a i a 1040 Kennedy Circle Milton (905) 875-3834 Monday to Wednesday.. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thursday & Friday ..... 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday ........... 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 7 ye Io receive o portable DUD ployer, customer is reqoired to close tleir main personol or business chequing occount ot osother fisonciol institutonosund trnsfer t tu o new or oisting eligible chequîsg occount otiTO Cosodo Trosr usisg FosySwitch. For personol customers, tMeID Cosodo Trust occount must olso be set up witb ut leost ose direct deposit or two pre-outborized poyments (con be new or eistrng). Limit ose free gift per personol or smol business customer Joint occount is eligible for ose gift oiy. Persosol customer mont be 19 yeors of oge or oider. Ail conditions of tbe offer mont be completed by Josoory 31, 2007 to quolify for the free gf. Conoot be used in conjoncion witfi osy cther offer. TD Cosodo Trust reserses thi right to entend or witbdrow fis offer ot ony tme witbout notce. Other conditons moy opply. TM Trode-mork of The Conodo Trust Company.