32- The Canadian Champion, Frîday October 20, 2006 Hospitaî ~ le8IaIel Restarant tel Retaur n u Tecie n Tcin VICTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES HALTON Due to increased demand!! Full & Part Time RNs & RPNs Day & Evening Shifts Burlington, Oakville & Halton Areas We offer: *Paid orientation and preceptorship programn *Competitive wages *Benefits and Pension *24 hour clinical support *Travel reimbursement Please apply to: Humas Resources, Victor/an Order of Nurses Haton Fax (905) 827-5476 E-mail: humanresources@vonhalton.ca On/y those candidates se/ected for an interview wl/I be contacted. s oonk/ng tur indiiduls sfio en/ny wnrling in a tun anvd 7fat paced enironment witte maoy others sfio share thre sanie goals. We are carrentin seeling: FULL and PARITIME COOKS No experience necessury Pieuse appiy in pereon tc, Jay or Juamie t: BOSTON PIZZA 1 319 Guelphe Street, Georgetown I Hring Individaa/s ta Fi/I I tul-time P 1a KITCHEN STAFF, SERVERI pie ast nd DELIVERY DRIVER POSITIONS. I Vannas shifts eailale IAsole at Pizza Hut New Upacale 1 oe RestaurantI 308 Guelph StreetGeorgetown Wellnese Centre _____________________ NatronTpat M Hilton NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED BAKER Homeropath M Garden Inn-1 For Smalt Scratch Bakery HmoahOAKVILLE 3:00am Starl Nutritionist RequiresDrpesm t RMT ui]-imePad-imeHEATHERS BAKERY CAFE Acupnetris Houekeper103 Main Street South Georgetown Great Burlinglon Cl:958366 location. Faxt ________________________ Cati 647-988-2757 resume ta: 905829-4690 behptn*d ilacm eue ad1im Ue1amb ain 5a afie Afin: HR Dept. TINY TIM [)EVELOPMENTAL SCHOOL lu iookîng for enthusiastic. -ECE., Assistant & Supply Teachers I Part- Tîme/FulTîme is avaiabie tor sur Milton & Georgetuwn Iscatîîs Par/eview Ghi/dren's Centre F/T & P/T ECE'S are currently being sought for aur Burlington and Oakillie locations. Applîcants muet base a dîplema or deijree te Early Childheed Edacatien. Preference miii be given te applîcants wth knewedge et the Reggio Emilîs ap- prssch, pregrame lot chldren with epecial neede & intergeneratissal pregramming. Forward resumes ta: 5200 Corporate Drive, Burington L7L 4H4 Fax #: 905-336-0656 Em9 prunities Jo/n sur greut teaint Seeking Motivated ECE ECA & COOK< needed for nur new peekabse chidcare location. Openîng nonsin Oakviie on Wisston Churchill BIud. Great monking conditions + Benetite. Send resame by vinait oakvitte@ peekabaakid.coin or tax 905-629-4188 IMonday toFridayl Stas Friday October 20th from 1a - 6pVI adSaurday October 2st fromam- 4pm I Ill99eWinstn Churchillolevrdl 112 MiesNorth of Mayfield Roadlllth Sideroadl Geoorgetoi New ReadyTo Finish Handcrated Furniture Dressers, armire. wardrobes, nîght tables, bien- ket boxes, quee sleîgh bed, panlry, arn cupboerds, hutch and ballets, cerner cabinets, harvse table, curie cabinets, deacen benches, cotlve and end tables, TV armoire, TVNCR stand, TV/vides cabinets, steren bookcases, jelIy cabinet, mîcrowase stand, CD tower, dry siok, wash stands, china cabinet, enta tables, plant stand, mir- trs, cnet racks, dressing sanlty, magazine tecks, magazine tables and mach, much more. Bring aTRUCK and take it with yout CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME'. Showroom Heu rs - Mnday-Salurday 1lOam -6pm Miton GIANT MOVING SALE Sat Oct 21 8am - lpm 725 Bennett BIvd. Everyhing Must Go! MILTON MULTI-DRIVEWAY SALES Sat. Oct 21 437 Highside D)rive Sometf ing for Everyssef No eariy birds pieuse! MLTON BIG MOVING SALE Sat. Oct 21 (Rain or Shînel 8am - lpm 661 Childs Drive, #6 2 Househoids- Everything must go!!! Miton MOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO! Sat Oct 21 - 7:3Oam - Noon 137 Fitzgerald Cres. Rain or Shine Miltes GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 21- 8am - 1lpm 1638 Arthurs Way Glass and Wrought ron Coftee and End Tables, small furniture & misc. houseleold items. North Burtngion GIANT INDOOR GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct. 21 8am-4pm 2724 Britannia (a/ Guelph Line) Antiques, iampn, books, coins, brase, china, nid records, cdocks, nid turn, indow & picture rames, prînte, household, too15. computer & acc. rîdge. diehwanher, washer, dryer Rais,sow or Shînsi MILTON MOVING SALE 828 Cabot Irail Miceiiuseous ftousehoid items inciuding CDs, books. wne giasues, plates. gardes items & much mure greur stuffi Mlton ________ GARAGE SALE A' -,1 aveyoRierd Sat Oct 21l-8am -l1pm AtheR[)Cews[ 551 Clover Park Cres.' itLIaIfILIlpOI Household items, lampe. waeher/dryer IL- laifiid nw has emat buil-/n d/shwasher. rofier Stades, Cufidnwhseal skates, ptayskool doiihouee and more. casfewntoaaiaiicantncr run home f0 ROCKWOOD1I Corne une tee home of pour dreamo le Rockmood, a netghbosrroet ruhere 10te this couse, whnre people know eac/i other Sp came, and thee etsing te mage//t cent. Rockmo st a gronme commueity w/tenu tradi- teens Of thte pat are Stienîdent. te thîs quiet ancd /eiendiy corumueity, on pictureeque streetenapes, pou miii fSed pour tondetetchiidd/txl emones Sil atîse. te i a place nhere c/il/drep/ap safl/pin the pard, parente ta/te evesnng aike atoeg commuuety truits and neighboure ganser to s/tare tone Located juet 20 mineres ruesi ot the GIA aed 10 minutes eset nf Guelph, Roclemoecistefutlutfernati toms c/tarmand te an enceptonai pace to pur dlownroOte andi choose to cati hume. towIs from: 121 9,900 SiiigIes from: ê219,900 Mon-Wed 2:00 to 7.W0 pm Sat and/Sun 1230 to 5:,00 519-856-4670 (local) r-866-275-5558/(toit free) ~eurLpe ~ cmos -e. A s s. au.,[S1 Ider BusfIgp 7'0U UT T~ y 1b -s e - rt- trad - Neod a uw mployee' clasuiîed@miltoncanandianchampion.com