The Canladian Champion, Friday Oclober 20, 2006 - 31 Skiled II ilediY & Sales Ha e"ilp Sales Holp Tochnical Hol Tclnca Hlp8Ho pOfceHl fie op1 t Aet NOW HIRING AUTOMOTIVE DETAILING TECHNICIANS *pportunîty ta worro-n exc usîve a new vehicles rb11hceOn the job tainingcau eexEv Excellent working conditions N0 No experience required nwkt *SI tExcellent growth potential vhcefoAssist in the set-up and preparation ot new nehicles tor a narîety of Auomotîve Market- îng prolects. $10-$14 per hour based on experience Pieuse apply directly to company ia e-mail, fax or mail: E-mail: 1l eeFax: (905) 275-8687 Mail: lntegrated Auomofine Group 3450 Semenyk Court Mississauga, Ontaro L5C 4PB 24-T MP Immediate positions in the Milton aiea:- *Certified Raymond Reach $l4Ibr 9General Labourer $llIhr E-al job@2-em. omo:0 for Htavy Construction Equîpment & Dump Trucks for Mlton locution. Cieun dnîvîeg abstract required. Caîl: 905-878-5615 or Fax Resume to- 905-878-4799 i-eaoy truck *experîence reqsred for Oakvlie buotd HuaeCa. 1ji.natncettarj1 teady days. Pieuse CatI 905-845-9240 9&.eH fie He IMtlonI FulI I me Experience required. 905-878-8156 Eucevlent communi cation & ineperson- Ial skils required j 20-30 hrsmwk.Pa I esume & cover to I Animal Hospital (905) 608-8605 Position available: Viitli a maufacturer iucatad in Milton, for 000 flide Salas Team ta provide prodaci support and costumer service. Respossibilitieo maclade procesuing customer ardlent, inveetory control and praîtat quauifyîng telephosa cuita. Shvuld posueus good interper- tonal, telaptone and computer akilis and be able t0 converse welli n bolh English and French language wilh aur cuslomners. As un Entry Levai position tuiuny is roportianate mtb toperience. Pieuse tend reaame inciudîng taiury topectationa, to: Kay Melvin, W. R. Meadowa of Canada, 70 Hannant Court, Milon ON L9T 5C1 CREDIT ADMINISTRATOR Immediate openîng aI Robertson Inc. n Milon, a mel esfabiished mhoiesaier mil h a large cuatomer hase. Dulles include credif granlîng, cutomner service, collections and cash application. Indivîduai must have a trong computer background and be cuslomner-orîented, Emaîf reuumes ta: OFIEASITN Group Insuranco Brokorago Oftie -Bramplon tomer atrvice, laiton miisrance camponies Emaîl reauma iv ofcofg@hotmaii com n buuy office uettrng. Dutu include ratait salasI cuatomar sertice, flng and tac maintenance. Pieuse fax renume ta: 905-877-9688 No phant culu peute Ahin Assistant aBurlington, part-aime We require a self-starter who takes pride and ownership in their suons to provide administrative support tu our Burlington office. You ssii1 perform general office duties as oeil as greet clients and answer the phones. Yur expertise and professionalism are fosnided on a minimum of five years of administrative esperience deaiiy ganed in an engineering envirosment, strong sritten and verbal communicative skils, and abilily lv enssre the completion ut accurate and tîmely administrative duties. Your proficiency in a computerived environ ment includes MS Office. This is a part-tîme position offerîng flexible sorkng hours. flease apply to: Tanya Crawford, Manager Humnan Resources, MTE Consultants luc 520 Bingemans Centre Driee, Kitchener ON N2B3X9 d MTE e-mail: careers@mte85.comMoeT nEgierg L A B O Y Off ice/Admin Supervisor Surlingtan Location We currently hava an optning in aur Burlîngior: location lot a fliil ima OfficeAdmin. Supervîsor. We aller a gtneroua Compensation Pragram. Benelit Plan for fuliitmt, Training, Opportuntiet for Advancemeni and a chance 10 mark in North Americat lfasteat grnwing qualiiy lurntare storea La-Z-Boy Furnîvure Gallerîto. Yau must have relaied aupenienca, reliable tant- poration. excellent communication tkills, a wllng- nasa ta leurn and a flexible acheduix ha1 permila yau t0 sort wtekends and evenlngs, We att now taking applcationa in ptîson only ai the store- 1220 Brant Street, LUnit 4, Burlinglon. neoxss o eekîng a mvliitata individuol ta mark ai aur Head Office ocaied ai 401 ' Winston Churchill, Tht succeoofuî candidate ahal have o min. of 10 yro office admîn/mgml eeperîenceaond oirong per- sonnel oupervsoary oklit Job responoîbîltietin- clude managîng tut self titrage faciltes and svp- porting St. Mgmt. You must ba computer iiterate, fluent in Englith, and prepared ta take initiative. Stroog iniarpersonai skîlls & fiaoîbîliy art requirad whîle working in o foot paced envîronmant, Book- kaepîng toperience is o pus, Waoffer lob aecarîty, varîety and o competîtîve saiary mth benefîts. Send resume, coter leller la Our Canadion omned corporate office in Borlîngion rtquirtv o oew team ployer. Ths iv a grvwth posi- iva that iv tht neot tep in yovr carter. Pro requisiles are: *Ont yaar aupariance in processîng accounts payable an a computerizad uccousting package *Reception dulies" Geotral office duies *Proficiant in Word, Accass and Internai *Able ta mult-task, prioritîze & work ndepandantiy initiully tht apanîng cooers a marnity teata, haw- avar il is long-term carter davelopment position for tht individual wasling naw challenges. E-mail resume la Oakville based ropair company is Iooking for FT Biling ual (FrencblEngliuh) Offi!ce Asst. vuriaus office dutias încisding cutamer service, fiing, data antry. CompatitIve suiary and banefitu. Experienca pnfarrad, but iii train. Ploase torward resume la: 905-825-2538 /IM si fieHours Monday to Friday 9 arn b 5 prn Cali Centre DebI Collectons FIT perm. Raquired ta mark duy eesng ahifbu Mutbuteecellent communicalion sk las Wi tan.CampatIte mage + bonssa & hanefts. Mssîssauga Area. Na Stadants Fut resumeto: 905-855-0603 Imonhend nd ovl reporing foa o5 Pt0cmpa t P, mirony Fîndîng a great j'ob Osas ho easy. Just open classified section ts ail it îook. Phone 905-878-2341 o anouil: classified@ miltoncanadianchampioncomI unmion energy COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER Union Energy as lookîng for a Commercial Accounl Manager fa aggressively grow ils Commercial Market business. This resulls-locused, "hunIer' will be responsible for growing the esisfing Burlinglon 10 Niagara terrifory by generaling sales leada, building lite-long relalionahîpa mvill cualomers while proniding espert consultative aduice. Additional responsibililies include building and maînlaining contraclor/dealer relalîonships with a locus on cuslomer service excellence. Qualîfîed candidates must hane a previous record of axceeding business 10 business sales fargels wilh hîgh closing ratios and the abilily 10 protide accurata quolaliono. PasI esperience mvilh Boilers/Hydronics, HVAC equîpmenf or Commercial sales is ideal. MusI be organized, self-mol ivated and have a desîre la sîive for the top of the leader boards. Please send your resumne la: Michael Savage, Commercial Sales Manager, aI msavage@unionenergycom The Oakville Beaver Has an immedîale openîng for an: Advertising Sales Representative At a kty member foaur Saet Team. you miii source naw, and support eviaring, advertising clients for aur Oukaîlle based nemapaper. To be saccesoful, you miii ne a motivated, indtpendeni. stîf-siarter mîlh tales eeperîtnct. You miii possets excellent wrllen and verbal communication akilis and be familiar wiih Mcrosoft computer applications. n thîs raie you wili bt custamar focustdi and wiii build strog relaionthîpa mth new and euîstîng clients by enssrîog thaltrtir advertising needs art met. You sîli be goal orîented and capable of meeting regular tales largets and be active in praspectîng for new business, A reliable vthîcle os requîred. If you wauld like ta work for a leader in the media induoiry unis appartunity may te rght for yos. We o4t; a competilîve compensation and banafi package us mail au opportonliet for future carter gromth. To apply, please send your resumne 10: Daniel Baird aI We apprecîste tht intereol of ail applîcants homever osly Ihose salacted for as intrview wîll ha contacted. Na phone calla or agencies please. CONCEPT FORD INC. A busy daalerthîp neads un eoperîenced mature. orgaoized self-starter mth excellent reconicîliation skiili ta handie ài aspectof accoonts payable and ibursemeois. Position 0100 respoosîbie for aome addiîonai office duies, koomitdgt of Reynolds Oeaitrsftip ana AOP Payroii Systemo benefîcîil Pieuse fou or amaîl rasamet lv Sandra Book. Concept Ford Higfrway #7 - Georgetown Fao ý905-873-3309 Emaîl: sbook@casca STOPP'S DRY CLEANERS IS HIRING F/T AND P/T COUNTER HELP PULL-TIME is Mon - Fn O9am - 4:00pm PART-lIME is 2 or 3 days a waak 4pm - 8rand oeilosrvo thne ç0u riss a sn- en-i RONA THE RIGHT FIT If yas ure loakîng for u dynamîc workîng enoiron- ment, baliava in a parsonai atout ol respansîbîiity & valsa respect for castomars & taum mambara me muni 10, heur fram you. RONA is tht leudîng diatirbstar & reauiler of hardmaad home imprave- ment & gundenîng producîs in Canuda. RONA Lansing in Oakviie la cvrrenîiy recruiting enths- sîasttc & frîandly Full & Part-time Paint Sales Successîvi candidates have u positive and friendiy attiude und lava ta mark mih people. Previaus sales atparience and famîliarity mth product appli- cations is a dafînîle assaI Attention ta detail and orgonizutional skilis une requîrad for xli positions. Day. avenîng and weekend hoîîrs oppiy Piease apply to: Department Manager RONA Lansing Qakeille. Fax: 905-844-6337. wwwRonaca The North American leader in the welder renIaI inidaafry is rurrenfiy seekinq a fait timse RENTAL COORDINATOR n osr Mssssouga, ON location. Ideai candidate mouid have toperience in eihar an induxtriai aquîpmant tentai or o maiding aquîpmant suies or rentai enoîroomant. Workîng knxmiedge of pxsîixnîng agsîpmani, melding applications & aqsipment la alrangly desînubla. Proficîency in a cxmpularioad enirannient încisding MS Office is esuential. Applicunts pieuse forwurd faut retuma with xlary axpaclutiana ta: Red-D-Arc Lld., 1034 Panlera Drive, Mssissauga, ON, 14W 4A7 Fao 905643-6293 A sk Us About... workË(ýbs.z 90O5a878.2341, Boork vosto Rtc i Ufitit v(i/ liai & itut il: 2 iesovni t.liikvipvilijfrc sut $125.00-, Wali estublishad dîgi- tl pintar anianing offset market oaakîog SALES PEOPLE la tail offset servicts as mel us digital prînt Fat an amuil rasumes ta: 416-590-8968 Must speuk fluent English, xniy qsoiîlîed upplicantu miii be contuctd SEARS* MAPLE VIE W Earn $$$$ for the Holiday Season Currenfiy we are lookîng for SEASONAL! PT SALES ASSOCIATES Availabilify: Days, Nigfits, Saturdays & Sunday Interested? Please apply în person: Mapleview Mail 900 Maple Ave. in Burlinglon Applications Avalable ut catalogua on uppar levai Stars Canada fnc. is an aqual opportunity employer. RIelalSes Help e Help Love wine? Work herm. Ifysa lovierI erti wunvie ao d t alvvd ui s vaou omnpr t of Canada agromug .,ne ,r0asiy Jin, te, siv, actuasse au a aste u , e i s uat H asve pn i rti s alesr *See teuei asu ainsIniss,:yeiiss ss ug g ana spesplO s,: Wan: ve,suInetckorsy poiionv, vaiivrara Oainv MtnîiSursagn iuit,iuoiýkv euks Hosl,H ptl FDENTAL RECEPTIONIST 1t-yeun maternity leove. Hours: Monday t2pm - tpmn, luesduy, Wedntaday. lhuradlay Bam-3pm & aiternnte Saturdays. Espeience a MUST. ABELDENT Fax resume to: 905-877-3845 CERT. DENTAL v ASSISTANT spe1niance "In reguired t101010 out vîduai equîned 10 teau in aur Notth lon tff in buay bs Oukoilie Othadantic cul a dicai office. office, F/t positian Approimuîteiy 30 effective îmmadîutaiy, ta p 34 houro per Lavai Il pnfarad, math. Soiid coin- aup. lsaunausuel. pater ukills a must. CaIliAngela Pes a eue 905-257-6453 958"4 Il m q 1