30 - The Canadian Champion, Friday October 20, 2006 ~He p ep a eIlHep 8 eneIHep 1 enIlHep 1 eneiHep GenIHep Ion &Spa Help Skcle acpoe tdi oe f hevord'eladn nanfatLes ndaser-Eectrify Your Job APPLY NOW Metroland West auoioie- Usr OiAnate ivsonUecsonMta omoiet < O Search Aog. $20/hr - -~ Printing Group, i*seiqt iltefloigpsto y Ensmersoion type Licensedloae Okvl, Prdcto Ascrts onrciFrfns sa OAKVILLE FREE 10 Day work. Piecework by lctdi avle Wonkng in a saie & efficent oanner 500 iii comply wih the Heaith & Safniy Poiisns with 20 roponranc uhse raOntsariosr s ect roi Job NOmEpensaion Hi tyi rqie loctios cros sufwesernOnari Ou S arc rg O XEINE Needed for new Franchises 5f riva to provide customers wîfh the for Unemployed NEEDED OakvilL our responsibilities wili be: bast in one so hopn.Forfînos poidscoa- Indviduals FulltainSaonngEN Lodig uladngprdutpeitvewae, enfisopotuitesfr dvnc- Cal the YMCA provided for 3rd Lina & Dundas BINDERY HELP Mactine operations include oadiunioad presses, CNIZ machinng centres, pa iewgs aais pofnfe o d Ana n Burlington Accepted applicants xein sa l onsing defuntiyrces oet eetn o-etracsment, scholarships, a pension plan and sacura 95681-114C0 T oka itriw Please Cail Paul Exeeceia aeonzn dniyn rcs efcs&rprignncnomne mpîsymant f0 ail ifs amployees. Funded Cali 905-525-948 41 6-434-1144denteae. *Maintain dally communication 10 sustain eninterrupted production flow NFax resFLXIBEme f0IM Keep work areaeorganized , -Goveabmîî ,t killed & """"' Danny Flanagan @ Use and interpret measuring systems te inspect parts according to roquer- SAF O URNWSWLCTIN Y(A fCaaa905 845-2013 - Preduco desired quantity et product according te strict quaaity specitîcations Ope s . _______________________2006__ Exneience in a logh volumn auiomoti:onmanolactuinnoenoomnenti s prninnnbin -13 - eshoe d- bi minimum grade 12 education or xpnnnence nouivainni Shift ork is rnqo:rnd -aSter- nal poude noons (mm-1ipmmi or nights Il Ipso7am). Please axresumre ottri. W uaa S~w Conraci miii start as soon as possibln and iii rnntinl Dncnmbnr 15. 2006 ai a rate aln o9581-37- n OT~-SIKcDL* T Vosit oun ebsite:0 wwwsiackpoin com & soomit yoor rsome ihroogh on CAREERS or email: 801 Main St. E., Mifton section, nn send pounrsume and conr Intnr via faxn o Homan Rnsourcns Lv ie okhr.Hsimdaeoeigfr 905-304-4353 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE rsa.o n@o lwc Doyulvtaettanwt i ndfdAeo nolgn. Wietank ail applcanis for thon inteesi, irnwnoer oniy ihosn goalifind for an inrvieOwo mr0nt wt îean n 55C N U T N wii be contacied. strnng communficaior Whon asepnriennonin rntai managemntnIfiPARTS CNUTN ynsihenr Wnn yack cantn youlo aik tonus aboot bncoing part ni caaagrocîngcwin rao ry -- - -an OAK VILLE 6 MONTH CONTRACIS Up f0 $1500 Per our Paid Training/Flexible work hours (Days, afernoons and nights) State of the Art Faciltty Medical/Dental Benefits We pay Up f0 $20000 for Candidate Referrals Our Oakvilla Client, a taader in thair indsfry, is currently oeeking mofîvafed and commiffad individuals f0 j0oinifs aver-aopanding feam! os will ha responsible for mainfaining and improing on the company philosophy of service and prîoacy for al. AppleOne is csrrenfty recruîting for fhe followiog posifos; *Data Entry Operators - File Clerks e Labellers - General Laborers - Production Associates- Assemblers Al positions requira Candidates f0 hava acceos f0 your own transportation, 2 verifiable work reterences and two pieces of identificationo, includiog photo. Cail AppleOne f0 explore yosr Carear Opporfonifies fsdayi Oakville (905) 339-3333 Burlington (905) 631-3333 OPEN HOUSE EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT UNTIL 7PM Type of Work- Door-to-door newspaper deivery. For Milton- Tuesdays and Fridays. For Oakviîîe- Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. You Need- Reliable vehicle (the larger the betteri. At Ieast 6 available hours, between 6AM-6PM, on deîivery days. Strong sense of commtment and responsibiîity. We offer- As many routes as you can handie. Al required deivery materials, Training and on-going communications and support. A carear Ibat offers growth oppnrfsnifies, competîtive wages and benaf is s waifing for yos in.... OAKVILLE & BURLINGTON AREA If yos are customer service & team orîented and are flexible f0 work dayo, evenîngs and weekends apply forsa position as a clark in_ PRODUCE - GROCERY - PREPARED FOODS - DELI - CASH BAKERY - MEAT (CLERKICU1TER) - CAKE DECORATOR Qualified candidates can appiy in paroon or oia e-mail t the foiiowîng locationo: 338 Dundas Street East, Oakvilte - hroakvillertllongos.com 2900 Walkers Lina, Burlington - hrwatkers(&Iongos.com 1225 Faireiew Street, Burlington - hrtairview(o)longos.com ' Visit us at www.ongos.comt 1.A9CLre': TorCsoiriig . TheiCoaailaiiaiofv Appiied Lînguiotîco I ffPrio5 A 5 dav To rgv.ti for an Toresa tfortan Open House Oct.24 cal! for more inf0 FI ass tbîn Ortr.sme1 sr otar, r maîl 95-6f052 aBrees@înesne c fnyEtuitic fs §nde epe. s* a..*o ses- i We are lookng for LadoîtsLadisls o ews, wibs have aiabnesa hciefa rer rothebeaSe and a eîef areafr neyb elvrn orU MANlGonS Thîs frydoor-rseto-dour very poraxad/ a nd ailty ara-761ma 42daory. s ftesoec FASIONCOSULAT ongrea fo La rveRiadulspiicai howror nicaows wh aea riaîie vnecn-thars tei ete an ei o ash n extra nn mci o pnoîbde ern nwppinasodronflrosoackngeson ayswek or Milton.Jet Burligton Post Burlington Post Mailroom Loaders Needed Part-lime and Fll-ime shifts avaîlable MustIbhabalea 10work aariy mornîngs Musst haable f0 lift haavy handies Apply in parsons with reoume: Attn: Paul Nardi, 4390 Paletta Court, Burt, South Service Rd btwn Applaby& Walkers Lina requirA"ror Osy ottop Top rvmuneatîon for the right candidate. i'îease appîy Io. Service Manager j Ph: 905-633-8811, Fax: 905-633-8815 I 2016 Plains Rd. E.r Burlington, ON UiR 5B3 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 yaars oId? We can help Cal JOB CONNECI at Sheridan 905-878-4956 Join thie Wine Rack team as a tuli-timne Store Manager. Positions now avaîlable in Milton, Burlington and OakviIIe. Emnail yosr rasamae to wsrt< hara@winerack.com ME an&Spa Hep B San&Spa Htp MIT postion gvilabt nSalon Sa load in taeinidtoaMtton. Pae urnleasalontct ver yf: 1 Carses tr»eii et, Mîton fooeophepositiTonsade asrus I rsrEmo al om rphn o ppîfno aise OSLONoS & SANLTON 85 Min SttEa., Anv lo Ca Coli: 416saw-669ess-5053 acn - l'AIl -IIME SERVCE CASMIER To join our Service & Parts Operation - Growing Milon Community -Must have good communication skills -Reynolds & Raynolds/Microcat Sysfam - GM espariance an assef Cali, fax or email resume to: Frank Kovacic (Fixed Operations Mgr.> f.ko vacic@wallacepontiac.com Jack Juge (Parts Manager) Phone: 905-878-2355 Toil Free: 1-888-878-2354 Fax: 905-878-2456 CUS TOM MACHINE SHOF LOCA TED IN MILTON REQUIRES: -CNC HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS -CNC VERTICAL LATHE OPERATORS Minimum S years CNC Esperience. GENERAL LABOURER/DEBURRER Crane and Lift Truck Esperience required. Fax resume to: (905) 876445f or ornait to: hr@rornacl.com Growtng mansufacturer of groundwafer monitoring instruamentation requires a highfy motivated, conscientious self- starer fo, work w-ith the team assembfing small component electronic producss. Good dextertiy, soldening skiffs and experience wr5h surface mount soktering required, Basic computer siffswould be an assef. Please reply to. Solinst Ermail: job 11 solinst.com Fao: (905) 873-1992 New Car Dealer Body Shop *Licensed Bodyman or *(Min) 3,d Year Apprentice Contact: Scott Barnhart -SUPERCU T place a adFax: (905) 875-3676 C Ha Fun'2341 Gallinger Ford Lincoln - Milton WANTED SuperCuts ofiers a sable,___________________________ fsot paced, Ifun ndlexible Pram. Ilurly ~Cali 905-878-8066 vorkîng anvîtorment t10 nil- +commission!honus lts aI av, evty aui ncludîng Fulhenefilo *Fu Bentfito Tons 0f Training KERR Pontilac Buick Cadillac *Advanced ftraning Apprentîces Weîcome GMC Oakville *Ftee aquîprvsrt Apprentices Wecome Mantagemenrtopps. (1) DRI VEABILITY TECHNICIAN CatI 1-877-700-0062 Cati 905-878-1300 (1)aGENERAI TEICHNICAN 905-401-4901 ask for tari Gel Paid ta Learea r ado Great opportunity for team players with GM experience wtno offer nothing but to place your ad in high quatity workmanship. Resumes: Atts Dale Cogswett or Bilt Smedes z1je t mtaiba t C jampeon dale@kerroakville.com cal I 905.878.2341 Fax: 905-845-4394 Friday October 2th 10-3 Saturday October 2lst 12-5 Modyta Friday TEAM AUTO CLEAN Requires F/T Car Detaiiers. No eoperience necessary. Will Train. Apply wifhin: 909 Nipissing Rd. Milton Grocery Buyer Cooks/Pizza Cooks Meat Cutters Pastry Cook Various Department Team Members Please Come Prepared For An Interview! Can't Make it At That TiaW Fax your resurne to 905-849-8480 Email oakvilleapplicants@wholefoods.com m 1