Green Party wants Turner from TURNER on page Al had ta take it down. I campied. It was an example af me trylng ta be a team player." j' Turner acknawledged uts difficuit for an independent MP ta get things dane and that he1l have ta build relatianships going farward. Since being kicked oui of caucus, there has been much speculatian as ta whether Turner will jomn the Green Party Haltan Federal Green Party Assaciatian CEO Kyle Grice -wha was alsa the lacal Green Party candidate in the last electian - was in attendance ai the press canference ta chat with the Haltan MP further abaut the passibility af gamng Green. Only The Champian was invited ta sit in an the pairs canversatian fllawing the press canference, when Grice emphasized ta Turner that becaming a Green MP "wauld ga dawn in the histary baaks." "Wts certainly samething ta cansider," Turner said, nating he'u definitely speak with Green Party leader Elizabeth May in the next few days. f Turner alsa tald him that he'u have ta listen ta bis can- stituents an the issue. 1Far Grice, Haltans MP is just the kind af individual the Green Party is laaking far. "We'll welcame bim with apen arms. We want an autspaken persan just lîke Garth.' The Haltan Canservative riding associatians executive held a meeting Wednesday night ta discuss wbat transpired with Turner, but president Patrick Whyte said its members didn't take an afficial pasitian an the suspensian. "Ta me, suspensian means its temparary" he said. Turner said bes nat sure if bes heen expelled indefinîîely, but be's cansidening it "a situation thats nat going ta end quickly" luiners Web site,, has been inundaîed wîîb hits since the news broke about bis suspension - so mucb sa that be said it "melted dlown" a few imes yesterday He said be bas also reccîved a flood of e-mails tbaî were, for tbe most part, supportive. Now Turner is turnîng ta bis constituents thîs weekend to gel their opinions on bow be sbould proceed ta remaîn effec- tive as an MP Hes holding a Town flaîl ineeting iornorrow at 2:30 p.m. ai tbe lansley ' oods I ibrary, 1996 Itibashi Wax', Burlington, and a second meeting in Klbride Sondas' ai dI Fila Foote Hall, 6611t Panion Rd-, ai 4 pin. Those xvbo tanit make it to the meetings cain still shiate iheir ibauglhîs witih Turner b>' calling lis office ai (905> 693-0166 ai e mnailing feedhack@garth. ca or -wiih files Jioni Tai-Siot Nexî s Setrvitc' Melanie Hetinessev ctit be reaelied ai mfîeîiîiessev@mion- The Canadian Champion, Friday; October 20, 2006' A3 BARRIE ERSKINE / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Turner says hell consider becaming a member of the Green Party, but wants ta, consult with his constituents. [MMM Ke]E< » g3*rvo3e WINDSHIELD PRICINO! ~lIF JfhIf NO DISAPPOINTMENTS! 2LRLLeiaUOTgf oe Iï VVIJI T1 fSURANCE Harder CLAIMS LU ~ M SPECIALTY 15 Npisg gR, DMito (905)-878- 1 ï ý MILTON( ý,& ji LT !&W> -rc»rc>-ricý)