28- The Canadien Champion, Friday October 20, 2006 M Ls&&Found FOUND- Free kittens 10 9004 home. Contact Wayne 905-878-9700 or ceil 905-691-6889, a eani j MILTON Seeking tem- porary lise-mn nanny for 2 girls. Primarily eve- nng/night. Ideal for college student/working female. Apprximafely December-June. Fre roomboard. 905-876- 0891. COUPLE wth 2 kds, 6 & 2, lnnkng for lise-in caregiser If îterested cati Cheryl 905-864-4876 We offer: *Training and on- gosg sapport *A reglar paycheck *Payment for statsry holdays asd chid sck days *Some eqipmest *Resoorce materials, craft sapplies Qyeewatch To .oi n us, cai: 1-8d6-751-9332 THE Piano Dociai- Piano Tunng & Repaîrs Oer 20 years in Busness 905- 816-72d4 panodotisîihyahoo.ca FREE Spansh program for kido in Mlton. Classes Frîday S 3pm -8:OOpm (Nosember - Jane). Open Registre- ions eoery Friday aber- nons. Guardian Angeis Eemeniary Schooi. More information: 905- 864-7091. Mrs. Merca- do EMFor Sale S0110 Pifle Cannon- bail bdrm salle, qoeen- sze. Dresser wîfh mir- ror hutch, 2-night ta- bes, must oel $2200. 050. Co8ee table & 2- esd tables $600. Solid Pile. 289-878-9369. HOT Tub 2006, 6 seat- er. 5HP Motor, eoery upgrade, waierlii ozone, new stillinO wrapping. Cost $9. 500. Sacrifice $4200. Cali 519-722-4077. 2004 Snow Eo Sand Pro 1875, ta/lgale Sat- er good condition $2.000. 060. 2004 Contractoro cap wth tool box and ladder rack, used 6 montho. must oel $1.400. 060 Cali 905-875-9978. FîREWOOD ail hard- wood, seasoned, splît and delivered, 12 or r6, $250. boshnord 905-878-8251 HOT TUBS Ware- house Direcf Open 10 Public Saterdays or by appointment. Panfaofîc savîngol www.htw.ca 905- 693-9230. Like Newl BEAUTIFUL parmir wnod s100e, impnrled frnm Ireiand, Brgundy red enamel. Used ose inIer, paîd $4000ý Aokîng $2000. 080. 905-878-6227. 99-8" Raînbow trouti $1.49-(9-11l) $1.99- (11"- 13") 13+($2.49). Wînler aerators/foun- tains/pond supplies. Check-out for Pull Stnckîng Guide www.silercreekponds.co m (519833-2559. A dinîng room. cherry- wnod, double pedestal table. 8 chairs. buffet, hulch, dovetaîl con- struction. New sîiline boxes. Cool $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A Kng ilowop Mal- treso Set. New in plas- tic. CosI $1600. seil for $450. 905-567-9459ý BEO, Amazîng bargaîn, queen orîhopedîn pl- iowtop set. new in plas- tic. warranty $250 905- 567-4042 wil delîver. BEOROOM Cherry- wood. Bed. chesl. dresser, 2 nghtstands. Dovetaîl Construction. Nener opened CosI $8.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET i have several 1,000 yards ni new Staîn Master & 100%ýI nylon car- pet Will do living rovm & hall for $389. ncludes carpel, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-633-8192 HOT Teb lOpal Coveîs bet puice, BesI qoalîty. Ail ohapes & coloors. Cail 1- 866-585-0056 mww.thenoverguyne HOT Teb/ Spa. 2006 model, ail options, Cover Neyer uoed stil1 n wrep- per Cool $8.900. Oel $5000. 905-567-4042. EMAries ~7 Sale wsfor = :c lm7Caeeer ers LEATHERi 3 piece Italan laii u sel. Sofa oveseat and 0 Cmi.. chair New, n pietun'fj'jcj CosI $6900. Sel $2500. ye n k.I W g m e g dan ae 905-304-4873. ]pif iteresîed i ae saPolceC nstable. You vw cavork in Halton Regio vw hiscmprsd of the communities of POOL Table, Professonal i~î u go Ok Series. Oolîd Wood, S 1 late. Al Accesoories, DE g N b»Icg e r im n New, 0h11 Boxed, Co Po ie R cr im n $6.200, Oeil $1.950. 905- 304-9994 TORONTO Raptor Li- ceose. Excelent platînum seuls, plus season tickets. Wiii bey back some tickets if requred. Regular lcense puice s $20,000 plus tickets, open to bet ofer 905-847-3168 ArtilesWanted BEST C$$ P -Art China, Crystai. Slver. Figurnes, Royal Dolton. Omarovoki, Glass, Rottery. Etc. Estate pecialuto. Top Cash. Cail John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 BEAUTIFUL Pemale Yrkie AKC registerea, ony i on ,L.- HAVE A USED CAR TO SELL? Let the Canadian Champion Classifieds help get the word out. Advertise in Milton and Ge-tonAco or$0 S Gorden Color wivo- Garage& cellent black ponts 1Tucsfo al t oye. One cames wtir a heath gaaranre op o 1985 Dodge Ram, 318. MILTON- Garage Sîvi- date shots and w orM- 4 speed. 2 sets of rîms age avalablv loi renti n ing oery oveabie & 50- & tires, gond condition. town approx 17 o 23 il. cîalzed. Vet checked $1.000 080 416- $170./mth. 416 505- and heath certîlîcare. 451-9901. 8314. Ove wîilimoke you a 203- hev îlvrad wondertai pet and nom- 2004 s 4 dise rew Avaîlabcle panion. Sibs grown, for 2c0b4 14,000kml 05k- ailbl mvre informatîo cb 4,0k As- i pleaso contact Via ng $25.900. 905-462- AVAîLABLE home dammie ayinde 2277 supyort service wî1h i/yahooonom . * uo at, qoaliiied/voyerienced ý Auto arts, support worirer Mon- - pleS Rpa r F, 9 Spm. have a car 6w Carjs fr Sale 2001 Wndslar 3-per- 4185203 son -er bnnhcaseat & antn 1999 VW Beetie -spd. left passenger natans Dcrl 4-nyl.- grey inerior. Chair gie1 ciolh. excel-a eoatg sonrool, AM/PM radio' lent onditon 550 RKDz nvw rakes 12006). vn- Call905-O884567. Ai iInterior Renos ciodes extra set vi rîms # & Designv & wîntvî tires, Lady- ~ U1RIalIOl Res denlial rîsen. wli-maîninod. & Commernial. certîlîed. 158,000km . - Specîaiîzîng in $7.000. 905-208-1968, * Ktchens. Baths & Basements. F ree Estîmales, 1990 CIVIC Si Rons Cai 416830.3974 oel needs body work. Inciades new tire s $500 as 5 0011i 416-~ ±! Career Training Wi Caeer Tranng 801-6605. - CAREDI SEMINAR 1998 Toyota Cumry LERA ET T sunroni. leather bocketRE LE AT seals. A/C. Must sel Il yoo are norrontiy vii course, rpcentiy liîensed: $4,999. Cati: 905-702- consîderîng a change from yoor citent broker or 7342. lookîr fr a oineuvcareer o o voe il Io yorseit lo Auontion Sal Monday October 23rd ai 10:3Oam revîew from 9:Oam At the Agricultural Hait Milton Fairgrounds Robert Sf. Milton For fu listing go to: wwwmedleyauctions.com Jo e lyA cin e 0 -87 -24 ake Base CIIMaktBas ket 1l a ke Basket ~~ Wagon Rides IcNYU W NO ADMISSION CHARG. Picking Wednesdays Seniors 10% Off (Ait Vaiettes READY PICI<ED tluttonville 905-455-820.2lin r Mon.-1i 9-6; Sat. Sun., M1idas 9-5 SwJm/ffaeRdos~ attend lis serrrîoar. Yau Wi ied LOai About *Whov slîoîd cvîsîdsr reai estate lard vito shoîîid Sot Proviînciallicrnsîîg course R oyal ehage traning, yrsvnai rviivynînviand ovyponl H* 110 i gel a qoîck sart Ho irvaxlv îveîmîo ir inon T1Îusday, DcL 2M11, :30 pm (GLURTCMMWMTY C8IIII[10241 8011LINe (between Arnl Rd IL T.thSdepoaul) Georgtone, ontarl Seati rg i o mted cati nov iv reserve a seau! Miton 905-878-8101 ROYAL LEPAGE Georgetown 905-877-8262 xseealetetî Mississauga 905-821-3200 indr i Brampton 905-846-5448 Actas 519453-8467 www. thecentre.on.ca Information Night Monday. October 23 - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Cafeteria the eecenîng wii irîilde: *explanation of the Constable Selection Proces *videos about the 0.A-C.P Constable Selection Process *how ta prepare for testing & interviews *opportunity toasak questions of police officers Seating is on a fîrst-couine. firustsereed basîs. No resî-rnation is ieeded 10 attend, Applications wift be available onty Ira thoe,î- on, trivide a resumre end ctjrrent O.AC.P. Cerificate of Resutîs. VisitiajrWeb ste at Uw . rps . on ca The Halton Regional Police Service is cea*tted le the principles of equal oppartunity. Madison Chemnicat Industries Itc. is North America's astest grswing manuacatorer of nîgn performance proiectîv oatngs. We are seeking a fuil lime ACCOUNTING ANALYST Io loin oi team Thins new team member wii prosîde prodact and service excellence Oy assîstîng oor acnoontîng groap 10 carry ot corporate and daiy deparîmentai obectives. Our ideai candidate wiii have earned a Dpioma or Degree wth a major in Accoanting or Economics, have attained or are enroiled in the CGA or CMA pisqîamn ana rave a minimum oi 2-3 years soperience in aecount econciîiatiori accoonts payable. and însoîcîng. Esperienne wth Great Plains. and MS Eocel (Pivot Tables) woaid be consîdered as asset We oller an attractve compensation package inclodîng competîtîve eath and dental benetîts. reiement savings program, profit sharîng. stock poîchase plan and bonos programs jast lv name a tew lnterested candidates shroild iorward theur cover leter and resome 10: gJMadson Chemcaf Industries tnc. Aile ODebbie O ckie, CHAP 490 McGeachie Drive MinOntario L9T 3Y5 FAX i905) 97-1449 debbie(u madisonchemnicaI.nom 1,veihavk ail appicantso Oveever vvly rnvsvenvh are seincioci fvr an otenmixu wili ne coviracied Ask us About... il'é workbip is.ov 905.878 2341 il ,k .%mi Rave you herd the nova? CIassified now ha: lemail. classifiedIs MLTON CANADIAN CHAMPION CIRCULATION OEPARTMENT a ureny ooking for aContractDrver odelioerpapes tvsomes inthe Milon Rual araea on Tesdays & P idays. Mu se re abe wthownovehice and vad drver's lense. Please contact: Cheryt Babineau: cbabineau@ mitoncanadlianchamplon.com Fax : 905-978-4057 Phone: 905-978-2341 ext #245 SOKJ ob F air Hiring in Mississauga Gra u tlcx.m l o ý l i 5s ï t ju O ,îîal i tîl' n- G(,[ cntcL iinîtii1\ car F RELI R iLNG HAN EA ~-IV II(- HEC? N.SAI 01 I NCElNIITIVNI.S 27-41 Ilh sîouth 0DR. (bîkoille. ON 1.611 5R; fl~N.( K.IP 0 - NS 10 lX <N.C<) l 1-800-822-3732 9ýl - offl