Rprt ent LARGE 1-oedoom spartmer . Norvou soulh. Quiet.mature, nighl moîker preferrod. No smoking/pots, $700/mosîh. Cali 905- 453-5443. NEWLV renooaled 2- hedroom hasement aparlment. 5995/mo ntS iceiodes utlities. Sozas Pokiada , Johnson As- sociales 905-877-5165. MILTON rasd new semi for rosi. Der- ry/Thornpson. Cal 905-864-3208. MILTON 4-bdrm, 3- Safhroom, 1800 sq.ht. 6-appl. $1800/mth negofiable + ufilties. Caîl 416-931-8704. MILTON 3-Sdrm main floor bungalom, gas treplace, 2-parking spaces, laasdry, reno- cafed Safhroom, $1375/mfh, afilifies is- cloded. Prefer nu smoking/ pets. Aoaiahle Dec lst.410-505-8314. MILTON Seautifai folly equipped 3-Sdrm toms- Susse, ooerlooking ra- vine. 51475/mIS + ufiliies. i st/last, call Ros for gîeat details 905-878-5835. MILTON tonhoase 3- Sedroom, 2-appi. $1325/mth, lst & last, plus utiliies. Acaîlable mid Oct. Cal! Dace 905-878-5444. MILTON nom toms- hoose, 3-Sedruom, 2-112 aths, 5 appli- acces. A/C, 51320/mIS + utlties. 905-274- 4405. MILTON 3-bdrm town- Souse, excellont condi- ion. 371 Bionte St. Acalahle Dec. t.i $1 300/mth + uflties. 905-878-4781. The Canadsan Champion, Frîday Ocfober 20, 2006 - 27 BirhsBith CmiE vents Cog Events ComngEvents Comng Eents orEa nemor~ iamj ROY - Lisa and Frank of Milfon are pfeased f0 announce the birfh of fheîr daughfer April Melanie meighing 6lbs 1 2oz aI Milon Districf Hospital on Sep- fember 20, 2006. Welcomed by big brother Wess. Mommy and Daddy are overcome ifh joy aI fhe arrivai of our fil- le girl. Special fhasks fo Dr. Hunfer and Dr. Cvefic and nurse Jennîfer King - Brian and Jaime King (nee Davison) and big brother Austin mould lîke f0 melcome Dalton Brian King. Born os Thursday Ocfober l2fh, 2006, meîgh- ing lOlbs 2oz. Proud grandparenf s Ron & Joan King and Jamie & Tricîs Davsos. Many fhanks f0 Dr. Cvefîc and fhe OB Nurses af Mlfon Disfricf Hospital. Boy? or GOr? f eU your fornily & friends M Rooms or with Birth Atnuicmet Rent & Wne huom 5400/mo. Al amenilîeso Laundry Park- 9i W4t4J1iIý4r ~IIJI ing. For delsîls cal! 519- 589-9444. îefl@pro- thase.c ma~ ~ inEvents Comng Events Shared GEORGETOWN, RmIndoor shared omohoase in nice area, close f0 GO stafion, non-smoking. 1J , 0 a-scsce$0/mcahle/phone/gas/hydro IiidOor Seai 905-702-9953. me n qdàa que 'r 1 NoveMsber 11, 1006 - April 15 1001 F.O. Prury ffigh School, MiÇtm 4100eer eam or $110 per player \ \~' F(My Sanecloiied bythe Ontario Soccer Association wor.s.aday, Octobe'r il & 9, 1006 Ned PevMne's <Ilwy 15/gerry Koad) calllZ:OOpm -f0 Opm 905.Contact 878.341Paul KIeid: 905-916-1153 or êraham Soular: 905-539-1611 1 College and University Graduates Our special wilI run Tuesday, Oct 24, 2006 $59.00 + GST (picture imci.) Deadline is Friday Oct, 20th at 4pin. No more thau 40 words please" Fioe 90i5-878,23541 Fax90587s 23l ~ A EsDeth CL eih \Campbell, William (Bill) Passed away at the Grand River Hospital n Kitchener on Tuesday, October 17th 2006. Bill Campbell of Cambridge, for- merly of Mlfon. Beloved husband 0f Pat Campbell. Loving father of Julie (Morgan) Cowl and Jennifer (Peter) Zuzek. SadI y missed by his grandchildren Taylor, Con- nor and Abby Rose. Predeceased by his parents Murdo and Evelyn, sîster Mary, brother Kennelh and in-lams Gerald and Lillian Twîss. Bill will be mîssed by hîs brother ie lam Keîfh (Anne) Twîss, Rusfy (Ruth) Twîss and Jim MacLeas. Lovîng oncle fa Ron, Oebbie, Richard and Heafh- er. Family and frîends are invifed fao isif af the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Milfon 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Frsday. The funeral service wilI be held in the funeral home chapel on Safurday, October 21sf 2006 at 1:00 pm. lnfermenf f0 follow af Milfon Ecesyseeri Cesnelery, Leffers of condolence may be leh for fhe family af wwm mckersîe-kocher.ca Cowan-Turner, Frances Dave and Jim wssh f0 announce fhe pass- îng of their dearly loved mum Frances on Monday, Ocfober 16, 2006 aI Hunfershîll, Marie Curie Cenfer Glasgow Scofland. Much loved ite of Douglas Turner and fhe lafe Clîff Comas (1988). Lovîng mofh- or-mn-bm of Carol and Morag. Precious grandms f0 Julie (Jamil), Aileen, Jenni (Mark), and Andre (Helen). Grest "Gran Fran 10t Alîyana and Stella. The funersl mîli fake place on Frîday, Oclober 20 af 10:00 arn. af Sf.Paul's Church, Church of Scofland. Inferment toi follom af Hilîfoof Cemefary, Mlngavie. RICHARDSON, Annie May (nee Amas), of Guelph, passed amay peacefully af fhe Guelph General Hospifal, Monday, Ocfo- ber 16, 2006, in her 93rd year. Beloved mife of Ivan, for 72 years. Loved moîher of Aubrey Rchardson (Jeanne Taylor) of Milon, Bruce (Donna) Richardson of Bel- mood, Lorraine )Doug) Black and Susie (Bill) Davies bofh of Guelph. Lovisg grandmofher of eleves. Greaf grand- mofher of fen. Predeceased by her daughfer-is-lam Dorofhy; grandson Don- ald; broîhers Johnny and Walter Amos; and sîsters Helen Joses asd Rufh Black- ock. Funeral service mas held af fhe WALL-CUSTANCE FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL, 206 Norfolk Sf., Guelph, Thurs- day, Oclober 19, 2006, af 1:30 p.m. nIer- menf Ebenezer Cemefery, Milon. Memo- rial confribufions f0 Trinify United Church, Guelph or Ebenezer Unifed Church, Mil- Ion mould be appreciafed. 1 1 - 9177,77 j Àmih., : Kym Soutar My children and I mould lîke 10 Thank everyone from the hotlom of our hearts for the support me have recoîvod since Kym mas labos (rom us Septomber 14, 2006, in a lragic car accident. Your dîsplay of kndness helped us through thîs exlremely diffîcuil lime. I mosld also like 10 thank those mho haoe contributod 10 a Trust Fond thal mas sel sp for the chldren. Yosî gonerosîly mas ooermhelming. 12e miii nover forgol the gensîno kîndnoso thal has beon dîsplayod. Kym mas a beastîfsl lovîng mile, a monderful caring mothor of lhree children and s groal frîond ho many. Kym almayo put hor famiby and frionds fîrsf and mîi ho doopby mssod. Thank gos cery much, once again, for theois- crodiblo support and kind mords me hace ro- ceivod over the past fem moeks. What beautiful memories she left behind. Graham Soutar and Larkis, Mat hew & Brooko lilai iils. il 'Angela Faggion wîsh iii eensd lai beaiileli ihanh.i s u nr wsîsderiîl lîsends andIiasnily lfor iheisuppoirt addhîîsd expressios fs iii 'ii1ahi A speciai ihasiLsi (o Dr. IcansHunierscaissuthecAllesîdais sîR - i Nelc luise fsr henc/il.lipissilin atecs 'sîs iliais sr iise loiwers, saisIs, chariitabedssniiisssi d mîasss. Yî,îîcîîîpîsur f isicîrsî.isis eislsniiisg. I haîîk svertc I .îhsr f avcsfoi Ailliii anîîssîîd us \lsKersie-Kisclisi uca lisiifo ienIssu liliisy andssd csbissii1 ha digo-l iteîîîî e l d l Lorsc, Gerrs, lorena, Glenn anti 1 mi/y nu~~~~C ilt1ncan a nqc h a nm p li pz Buzz Fravèl ïjtUï4ML umi U>vce lui e Lutuîîoamw and get Up to $10 in phone cards! Win! -e a Buzz calling card! * Aetseyu -.son o $0o mr ndrciv 5 a #N onctons e-.. - Scott-Burch Janet and Mike along with big sister Megan are peased fo announce the arri- vai 0f Paige Jaelyn bors Satorday oto- ber 7/06 aI il :52am meîghing ltbs 7oz aI Qakvibbe Trafalgar Memorial hospîfai. En- cifed grandparests are Gordon and Linda Scott, Eugene and Jane Burch aiong ifh great grandparenls Rev. Robert and Win- nfred Nicholson and Audrey Burch. Paige is aiso meicomed and loved by rny aunts, unctes and cousins. 'Web- corne t1 our morld Paige.' Love your sis- ter Megan. U mq THE ALLIANCE FITNESS CORPORATION PERSONAL TRAINING LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION COURSE Heres your opporfunity f0 learn everyfhing you need f0 knom f0 be a successful Personal Traîner' This course is desîgned f0 feach the practical knoledge, such as esercîse execution, programn design, spotfing techniques and business sense, fo begin your personal training career. Next Course: November lOth from 4-8:30 and November llth and l2th from 10-5 Family Fitness, Oakville For further details and career opportunities, please visit: www.familyfitnesscentres.com, e-mail: tshastri@alliancefitness.com, or cali: 647-210-3560 Register early and receive early bird rates! JAMES MORTON Il ia s cc iiion v c Sinc(,sslîssas slîd 'osu in;sicsial [s lii )lIdesiiilili ssvir lic hehardesi pari il ail Sad is the lisarts alas You skoî he tcars uai rlli 1 i Ss o rtii deri iius AndsI altiheclp yisu gave (;sd lias ' ii iii bis keepisig I have pain my 55heaci iousingly remembered andi iadly missed Your wifejoycs- IVERSEN, OLE Sepsînuber 7, 1950- October 20, 2005 If tearscoul~d blild a ssarway, aîîd nsîîcîiies a lanc. We' dwalk riglis upsii hcacen and hrsng pîsu home agaîn. You are prie, but wiIl neyer lue forgotten Love, Theresa, Brett, CaZ Cody, Tara, Tiffany (Jay) Phihip (Denie) Lori (Sîeven) HEANEY David Ambrose Martin May 11, 1958- Ocîîîheî 21, 1978 Fo-igfilled sighss, ssasned glass, motoicyclîs, rd risses, Supeiiiasip, op-sîded geins. Jusi a lew shîngi which remînd nie oif yiu Take î'are! Monica n Memoriams in the form ~ s s of donations to The W>i Canadian Cancer Society are deepfy appreciated. CardofThanks ardofTh anks