26 - The Canadian Champion, Friday October 20, 2006 Ine:Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 *o Plac an Ad T±! [e 90[5-878-2In3e1 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: cIassitied@miItoncanadianchampion.com * Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com:* Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 ENGAGEMENT destons éHOmlm.- idV> (O UI U MARRIAGE You d-id it! Lucia & Curtis: God bless you & your arrage Love, Mom, Dad, Lister & Rufus Williams Hoes For Sale PRIVATE SA'LE, $355.00 725 Beriet9 Bl1d. Matamy Lind uy Modet t1800 sq.fi. brick. oner $10.000. in upgrades. 905-864- 7006. Visit wwwhut- ionlîstings.com. Open House Oct 2lst & 22nd 1-4pm. FREE Guide to, Mitons Townbouse Puices. Pictures anrd Profiles of 8E 8Hses For Sale OPEN flOUSE 390 Vuleynîew Cresce-it Spacîvus brick bunga- low, 3,dOOsq.t. ut fin- shed .îsîng-syacv. 60otl58 lot. în-ground pool. Customn eut-iv ktchen. Sil-ir appli- unnes. oimal LR/DR. main floor FIR w/lire- place, Suge roc roum, games room, large of- lîce/4th-bedroom, C/A. idc 1.1l'00F Dr ENGAGEMENT r <-r I %lo p- Terry and Bob Shaw are detighted ici anurmnînce the engagemntofu ifueir daughter Kelly to Paul Sergi Wedding to take placeity 14207 T Twihouses Fo0r Sale MILTON townhouse for sale, imacuiate, many upgrades/k lihen. 3-car driieway/garage. swrîn- mîng poolulse to mail 905691-1064. Farm For Sale MILTON 1 00/unie, large horse fur for rent ocisae price ,1.0/acr Large M i Bfun!es PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS to oner 4 mîliior cduit reader in South Central Onturio. Bovo you udoortise- ment in oner 75 Metro- land comînsty news- papers mth one phone cual. Cail for informa- tion un weekly work ad packages (internet lst- ngs included) 4t6-493- t30i) est 276, 288, 237 wwwmetroland.com Mal 'ILI c, or-,, ,, i 11 rI l . i"~ d~t Message t-800-606- Culit905-878-3704 RMV orcîîu 9717 code 2251.RMV orcina SIndustrîat records Fast. We do Pur- 9L 0 Comm.Special dons and US Waîvers. Open Ho~usesDont Se emburrussed. 1- REASONABLE indus- 800-298-5520 ,, .rtrial unit for rent governmentpurdons.na r OPEN HOUSE 65sq.ft (SOsqit. Suit Oct 21lst & Warehouse & iSsq.ft. ogae Sun Ont 22nd Office. 905-277-9347 bn 2-4pm or 905-275-6834. l on 1071 Woodward Ave. $$MONEY$$ Consolidute 4-bdrmn detached, FOR SALE: 1300 sq.ft Debis Mrtgages is 100% 2800 sq.8t. industriat. commercial No innome, bud credît For sale by owser, unit. Cuit Joe 8-5 ut OK! Oniuîîowîde Financiat o$469900. 905-877-8685, even- Corporution 1-688-307- c i905-875-3171. mss 519-763-9029. 7799 ENGAGEMENT MILTON 1i beoroom basoment apurtment, neparate ontrunce, parking, utlties & cable included, shured lasndry. prefer rio smoking/nu pets 1tsi and last $850. 905- 876-2419. MILTON PROFES- SIONAL couple te- quîred for brîgbi buse- ment apartment. No ircii les Li. tes, aoe soSt wuter. frdge/siovo. Fîrst/Lasi/Refe rennes. $995/mth. Cuit 905- 691-3123. CAMP BEL LVI LLE; TWO (2) Banhelor api.s suitubie for ose person). Recentiy renseated, new frîdge and sisce. Laundry ta- ilities usaitabie on site, A/C, in-tîsor heuting. Preter ns smoking/pets. $700/miS ait inclusive. irstust required. 905- 691-2742. J Virginia and Greg El kie are thrilled to annîrunce the engagement of their daughter, Tara Anne to Marco Torre son of Mary Ann and the ltf Francisco Aleda.'ut Colombus, Ohio ANNIVERSARY MIL- v Dear Jeff, October 18, 2005 was the day 1 walked into your office and the day you walked into my heart. You have made my life complete. You are my answered prayer, my heart & soul - you are my everything. . v e Happy 1 Vear Love always, e LesIey XO Apartiorenf 2-BEDROOM apari- ment. nu pets/smoking 9950/month includes Utîlîtîvur iuundry. Avuiabie Nooembeî r th or Deneorber t st. Fîrsy/lasi 905-873-07t4. MILTON i-bdrm buse- ment upt. A/C. utlties inci Asaîlabie Nov iti SSOOîmth. Cali 905- 878-7724, ACTON 1iï - r. 02 11 .r.1 l y,. hlaton4re-ni cu MILTON Derry/James Snow Pkwy, new t- bdrm bsmi apt. Super- aie entrunce, parking. pister ns pets/smoking. 416-564-7795. ACTON 1t-bedrosm upariment wth bulcony. Avaitubte Sepiember tsit. 770/month utiities inctuded. Quiet Build- ing. Ns-pets. 192 Churchill Roud South. Cati 519-853-1281. --CAMPBELLVILLE 2- GLEN DEN edroom apunimeot in COR Century Home. APARTME StS 1 ,0/mrth -rhydre. 122 Brnte Sreet all905-320-9802, We are now accepting applîcations for 1 & 2 bedroom apt's for: Dec. 1sf, Dec 15th, Jan 1sf & Jan 151h KILBRIDE Aiea, 1-bed- room basement apart- ment. Furnished with 4-piece bath. Suit sndi- vidual. Ns smok- ing/pets preferred. No laundry. $675/mth. First/Last/References. 905-876-1686. DOWNTOWN MILTON Milside Towers 62 Milîside Drive. Attrantive quiet buid- ng. Spucîuus brîght dlean 1&2 bedroumn unîts wîth iaundry faciliiy and iF r it F F0 ri Jpen ï cuays & evenîngu Cati 905-876-1249 wwwreasfarca CAMP BEL LVI LLE, nieso brghi bachelor api. Nov. 1tsi. $750/miS, t stasi/reter- ences. Cuit 905-854- 4442. AMAZING 1-bedrssm, right on Guelph. $745/msnih plus heui/hydrs. Adltis uty Ns pets/smoking. Avaîtubte November lti. Cuti 416-570-6578. On Friday, OcI. 6, 200f6 Jeremy Allen Chuchmach (son ofi tDoîn & Saîîdy Ciîichiacfi. brottier (if Steisheti & Matt) askeci Lindsay Anne Cross (daugî,hter ot Mark & Lynda Criss & bave Hiyard. sistur of Diavid) tf she wiinîd narry tutu iLinsay suivi Yes tioi couîrse) and su tegaii t he uiotniofi tir children antd rur famîties, a day thal wîl e celehrated aiong with friencfs iti the tait ut 20017 ut Jeremy & Lindsay's weddiuug. Congratulationus <>1 yuîur engagement. We wîsh yruu a lifetime ut happiness and we louve yuuu bofh very nuich. ANNIVERSARY \ 60M&Znhuo'ea&4 tJau ae uvud dta al pm 8aa. Suuwday ~(roadn v29, 1:3t 4 p," îlIU&duwn .Oejw, : XoodtLtuum IM F asFor Rent 1-BEDROOM suites in hîstoric building in Rockwood, starting ai S750/mnnth plus utîlîties. ACTON, 3- bedrnsm unit, prînure yard, 5925/msnrv plus utîltries, Cali Elizabeth Dueill Johnson Asso- ciates Reuitor 905-877- 5165. ACTON 2-bedroom apurtment asaîlable December 1 t. $870/month utîlîties is- cluded. Quiet Building. Ns-pets. 192 Churchill Rsad South. Cuit 519- 853-r1281. ACTON 2-bedroom apartment. 5900/mosth inclusive. Fîrst asd last. iJecember t st. Cuit 5t19-853-3882. BRIGHT, very spacîsus 2-bedrosm fswer level apartmenf in mature, quiet area ot George- town. Recentty renosat- ed. Prîvate entrance and parking. New Pet- go tloorîng, gas tire- eplace, central air, trîdge, stove and laun- 0d ry. Asailabie for De- cember l t. St .000/month. Utitîties- INCLUDED. 519-833- 0319. GEORGETOWN RENTAILS t, 2, and 3 bedroos. Check ouf web site www.haitonhîiisren- taisnom GEORGETOWN 1t badrsom apariment in quiet building. close tn ail amenities, 5695/mont 1- fîrst/iust, no-pets, nos-smokers. Relerences pieuse. 905-877-366t. GEORGETOWN t- bedroom basemeni apariment. 5800/monrn inclusive. Separate en- france, near GO Sta- lion. inclues frîdge/stone. Nu smok- in9/pets. Fîrst/iust/refer- enees. Cal for aauilabiîty. Suits single femnale. Cuit Brendu MacDonald 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN 2- lti 5900/month plus utîlîties. t1-905-825- 8258. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom. uppliances inctuded. Ns smok- ing/pets. Availabie îm- mediately. Cati Cari 908-702-9107. GEORGETOWN, 2- bedrssm upper tenel apurtmeni, $900/mth + bydro. Asaîtabte No- vember tut. 905-702- 1 264. m 1