The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 20, 2006- A25 WHOIDOI I IU T'Adeisein ti eci'geae clg 'ryat 05-78-341X2 GARDEIN SERVCES E OIN BABALEAL SRVCE1 BORPA sCLTH *SeasonsI Gdrden Ciednug*. *Plantings - dflfltdiS, peren roses & smI shrubs *Gdrden Maintendnce - be weeding, turning of the soit, ing and dpplying muich *Pruning - roses, sbrubs andýs SmalIl treeS *Garden ReStorations Cosuttin on garden fiflg nd ideas 'Ladybu Gardenini Sevi=s B..dd &1--,.d For A f ree Estirmâte Cali Need Paraiegal Service? " SmaII CIalms " Landiord & Tenant " Liens Child Support " Trafflc Provincial Offenses " Summary CnicinMatters Where qualif ied we off er on a lmted basis evening ai home service. 519-622-6814 or 1-866-310-0960 PCT Wi Pro fessional wr Dog Groomîng *905-75-Tail (8245) 6 187 Mary St. 0 Collision & Paint Cali Steve Boers 706 Main Street, EasI, Milon, ON (805) 876-1118 i*leaaw Y.p oaa HALION HIS, ONTARIO gk5obal prornotional apparel 888.522.2875 Affordable, Name Brand.Custom embroidered Et sereen prminted apparel & promotional products sL i *j1ij149[ i BSCHM Car CenIltre Lisait Car Sale Vw GolfJella, Gas & Diesel, TDI5 Speed -"ML & Aulomatic & Station Wagons. MM *0f Specializing in ail impori vehicles q Volkswagens , Fuel Injection & Diesels GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E.,Mtn tory ~4~ea~t/ t(Y~vLzCx Once again, the Canadian Champion is proud to announce the coming arrivaI of the 2006-2007 Community -Guide, now named Milton [ifestyles. t's the one publication guaranteed to be in everyone's hands ail year long! With our theme being an in-depth look at 'Milton Lifestyles', this is an issue that promises to be equally important to any business, be it retail, construction, transportation, entertainment, development, communications or tourism. Milton is in the works! Keserve your advertising spot now by contacting Rory, Inside Sales Rep at 905-878-2341 ext.217 ZMje (aEaan bau(ampton ~Goonwmch FnJy. . .ý ý ti4e Te- r *I~U *flflN S rving Milton For m IIUVVII Over 3 erain CIIIHOU!II 7"9f H.25 S.AT DERRY RD.,MILTON EWW M AUTO SERVICE 1 1 'q ,ùJý iýýu a