Catholic schools celebrate Iiteracy Monday We believe.., in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. PEsE 'IV: Reading. Knowing. Doing theme of this yearý event The lalton tatholit lDistrict School IBoard wsil! foin togeiti v.'îith lhondrds of 0111(1 oiganizations ihroughout the world in celebrating s tih pride the Figih International Schoof I ihrary Day tiîs tomîng Monda>' "This year, the therne for Inter national -School Lihrary Day is Reading. Ktiowing. Doing," said Director of- clucation Loti Piosesan, "which also reinforces our boards, comntiment and initiatives 111 literacy. It highlights the conntctton httwettt reading anti the application of' knowledge. 'Scfool libraries promole itading and ltcrat>' skiffs, as wtfl as infor- ination skiffs. Thtv htfp î o provide the foondations or fîfelong ftarnînig." International Sthool t ihrary Day' was proclaitotd hy' International Association of Schoof I ihrarianship (IASL) President Dr. Blanche Woolls in 1999 anti reaffirmnec in 2005 hy fASL. President Peter Gento. Tht atm of' the special day ts 1(1 ceichrate school lihrarits antI highlighi tht importance of tht school lîhrary' programis antI staff in the tluîcatton of our studetîs Rtscart ficuninuess ii show thai studeîtis achitve mort iin ilcir st hoof workv hen ties' hase acts to a stfîool liar>' ssith t trrîtuluni-hasedcl ollections, sirong school lihrary progranis, and îîrofessîonally' tfoalified itat ler-lîhrarians who work collahorativel>' with classî-ooîn teachers. n addition, students hetoîtît sîgnificanily hetier rtatîtis wfîtn tht> have attess 1(1 a sthool lîhrary' and books tb readl Spetîfically, sioclenis get a large portion of' their ctading rnateriafs from lihbraries: studenîs read mort when tltey have a cornfortahle place bo reat;l, ret vol- ontars' ttading has an impact oîn readîng comprchen- sion, ocuîabulary, spellîng ahility, grammar usage and ssriting styIeý atcess to hooks and nmagazines predîct.s higher reading achievemnent. "Hi! My narne is Budsy! I arn a four rnonth old Rottweiler puppy. I arn super playftil, especially when someone It now Ie wKon.l1bealithethe Umily lve towbmm 1 throw 1 e a Kong. I really otefrnil Iý Thalve t no e shopping so 1 can pick cut my 0 ý eggin $trips and Dýenta Stix. Because I'm so th de staff also love to treat me with cookies at the cash couniter. 1 arn just too q-x ppular!" E "Real meat taste in a fun bacon shape that dogs crave! " "The super bouncy irresistible red Srubber toy that lias become a staple in any puppy's toybox." Al18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 20, 2006 In addition, an ample supply of* hooks is key to tht fostering of independent and engaged readers, partit- ularf y second language Itarners. Stuîdents who rtad iy'pically have fîîgher littrat>' developmtnît as well as higher studeni achievemceni. Many' of tht rtsearch studcîs tan ht found on the International Association of Scfioof I ihýrarianslhîp's Weh page, 'Schoof I ihrarits Makt A Dîfferenct To Situdent Achîevtî-nerîî' at http://wwx%.iasl- a-differiet inl. "TIîteracy' matters and ouîr school lîhrary staff do make a difference," saîd AI BaifeM, chair of tht Hialton ( atholîc Dstrict School Board. 'On hehaîf of hoth tht hoard and tht administra- tion, wc wîsh to coîrmend A of- our school Iîhrary staff f'Oi iheir nule in dts'efoping and augmenîing ouîr schoof fîhrary resourtes. As a board, wt arc ert> proud of iheir tommnittient and dedîcation to pro- mote and encourage fîteracy and tht gift and love of reading. "