Hate 3-hour parking?) Town isn't A frend of mine asked me recently why it was against the law in Milton to park your car on the street overnight. 1 replied with my usual combination of expertise and eloquence: -1 don't know.' Between the two of us we figured out that in the Ainter it would make it dîfficuit for the snowplows to clear the streets. Other than that, mny frend sug- gested it was probably just a govern- ment cash grah. Then we watched the rest of the hockey gamne. Like most things it disappeared from my consciousness quickly, but it made a comeback when 1 saw one of those parking cops marking tires downtown on Main Street during the day Nobody lîkes parking cops. Unlike regular police officers, they'rc not there to protect and serve, theyre there to give out tickets and make us pay money we don't think we should have to pay. Nobodys lever glad to sec thcmn, nobody thanks them for a joh well donc, and nohody would bc upset if thcy sprained their wrist jusi helore thcv were ready to write you a ticket. Of course, thev're just doing their ob - they dont make the Iaws. Ive neyer seen one whistling and smiling while they're worktng, they know peo- pie arent'happy 10 see them. Event so, we like them about as much as a toothache. l've only received one parking ticket in Milton. That was many years ago when we had company overnight and the driveway wasn't big enough. It was like getting a ticket for nothing, and it royally peeved me off, to put t politely 7 Costly Home Seller Mistakes Free Report Vis it: www. haltoncostlyhomesellers.com ISATURDAY OCTOIER 21 13 Petn,46 Hthinson. $284.900 Daryl Foes 24 pi, 322 AndewsTrall, 2800041 Paul Jakson Sami eaîî 24 lPc 828 Caot Trait Ager Lyns 24 pi, 1290 Pepperbusl Place, Oakoilte, $5159,900 Cufis Lgtttooît 24 poil 22 Adams C, 29,009 La Havey 24 Foi,169 Sherwood, $324,900 Km Coler 2-4 pa, 25 itorey Dr, A94, $2999009 MrcBaikir 24 po, 59 Woodward Ave, $329900 Szanne todonis 2-5 pe, 1270 Capte CrooingOlBiv, 189,000 Mrla Mashall 2-4 pe, 443 Wilmol0 24 pet,93 Caot liait 1-3 peti, 746 Htchinson, $284,908 Daîiyi Flweis 1-4 pe, 162 Itenarîtt rlo, wy 6I o 8lACono 4W, S207,09011 2-A lie, 322 AndrewsTraOit, $20,00 Paui Jadson Sam Levin 2-4 pet. 71 MLaren, Camoelttitte. $499,990 Adriene MSis 2-4 pe, 1290 Peppeibool Place, akîte. $09.900 Cris igLîtloit 2-4pnet51lLarer Ave. $299,900 AanticDoieSd ?i4 îm 1004 Cammurq Blet 24 dm. 747 MoKentîn D, 299.900 Pli Ridîiîi 2-4 petl, 1134 Davis Laite,269,900 Anra e lii emi ku ii 2-4 1e, 23PFleing Die.49,990 taiS King 2-4 cm, 29 Coud S. 059.020 T.e Meaia a 2-4 net 443 Witteot -9pe, 903 Cabot Trait 1 mean, what are you supposed to do on that situation? Other people may have more per- manent prohlems, such as three cars and only îwo spots 10 park them. Or in some of those ncw developments theres harely enough space to park one car. And mayhe your driveway is being paved. There could he a lot of explana- lions for parking your car on the street overnight. 1 went 10 the Town of Milton Weh site to sec what I could find. The park- ing regulations say that theres a maxi- mum of three hours parking on any road unless otherwise stated. That explains the "parking enforcei cer" marking cars. It gives ohi too. The first i, "10 reduce th, and length of vehicles that ai on the street.' ýn the loose ment offo- ie reasons, j- e numberp ire parked h The Canadian Champion, Frday, October 20, 2006 -Al15 to b la ire buiesta The other three reasons they supply jteff are to allow for road maintenance, wasre collection and snow removal immune to activities; 10 encourage residents to the necessity park their cars on their own property; for and to allow on-street parking for advertising short-tenn visitors. You could make arguments for and sooner or agaînst ail of those reasons. One against later finds comong to mind is that if a car os parked itself for three hours and then is replaced hy immune to another car that parks for three hours, business." just exactly what is heing accom- plished? People have to park if they Derby have a car, so even if they ohey the law Brown see INTERESTING on page Al17