Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 2006, p. 13

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Retail development proposed The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 20, 2006 - Al13 . fromn PROPOSED on page A12 tn iti e ..i an tîi ls -tif li Ini lied wlic re buiilings ciii hc cr-(>t(if tIo .tilîîxx fort heLider- 1lic aisî sain the propiiseci entratires xiiihe hittiser c.tt wtvth ut [lic site plan stage. A zoting b5 law amnencinsent to change the property frein an c'tnpiîyrnsent zonc te a suc -spc- cifîr comnmeritai zone xx rîtiti e tequtreci for the shopping ccntîre to proceed, along with an Officiai Plan ainendinicnt. Currentiy, the zoning oan the iand alews for tofficc, lîght industriai anti commercial tises such as the fitness centre and dayeare presentiv iecated there. Other public meeting heid The Town's administration and planning commitece heid a sritlpuiblitceetig \hîticax -C'gaîslîîg tixii l-ciîs t xtitî- sa to lias e.îa l storei îc ihtligt, loii it i etil iscs oniiils Luiiitlt iit h its [lxx t 401 andt Maple \x choct, hesirle the iHoie icolîix f tnt'nas tlevciuîptnent. \Vard 4 candidate iohn Dtlv expressed roncerns about trahfit impacts the tlevcl)iiipnent i ciil have on thte xcrronclng resi- cientiai area. Anti dtriig hoîh pucit mneetings, \Vsrcix 2 and 4 cancit date Nieki Warci cuestitîred when siclewxaiRs woulri he instalied arouttsd tihe prrip(serf dex'eliments. Octavtans plan weuid aise require a change in zening [rom emnpieyment te speciai empiey - ment and an Officiai Plan amnendmnent. Bot) ceiaïicy. , l Chair/President Facsimif e/Telég (416) 325- Roomn 1405, Whitney Block/Bureai Queen's Park, Toronto, CollectS aIls wl be acrepted./Nous ace; Ces renseignements sont disponibles, c- o n ' 01 liltptuipî,;Ialslot- inflormtattonis i poses. -lii'e (Xt sc iep Ille prîîess is for rouis-il to ariopi ais Officiai Plats ,nicncltssent os tise l i-ns ieail cotmmercial poli ries, whtcli resuits irîîm thse aloremetttioîtsd tetaîl cotnmer- ciai deinanri tudx-. Public coîn- sultat on on the amenclinetit is expecîed ici take place eariy tsext y car Tisen, once ail commeis hsave heets receîved un tihe prol- ixisais ansd staff bas evaiuaîed tIsernt it wif hrrig recrimnienda- lions fcirvard on whether ici appreve tir deri> them tts future meetings. Melattie Hetînessey con bc îeached ai uaheisssey@ntiltitn- conadiawthampiout cern Halton police recruiting Info about trails plan Are you a htghly,-tiottx-ated person interestec intr a career as a polce constahle? The Haiten Regionai Police Service wiil hoici a ptliîce recîuitment informration nîghîthbs Mtinday. Thle exent wîll ircn froi to 9 pi. ni the cafete- ria utpolice hecadc1uatters, 151i Btrotite Rd., tri Oakvilie. Qualifîed candîiates are invitecl so attend the exenîng, whîch will înrlctde ais explanatitintif the constable selectitîn prîscess, vîdees about the OAC P constable slectien preeess, iformation abtot how te prepare for testtng and interviews, and an tipportuni- ty te ask questiens of ptolice efficers. Seating ts en a first coi-ne, f îrst scrved hasts. Applications wiii he availahie oniy te these whcî provide a resume and current OACP certificate of resulîs. For information, visit www.hrps.on.ca. tLgistative ofiOtitariti Thet' uwns xvsiuon tîr Mtftins trail svsteru wii be presenîcri at a cormunity open hiiose Wednesday The session wil he held ai Hugh Fuster ial niiîta.îdritipftrm ii sat firri6:30 tri 8:30 p .ini wîîh a lîresentatiots au 7 pin. A Traîls Master Plan update sîuciv is cor- retily underx-,ay tt revîsît the towri-wide strategy fer enciiiraging walkîng and cyclitrg threugh cîînîînued imprtivement anti expan- sîcîn of the existîng pedestrian and cycling neîwerk. The update aise includes the deveiiipmcnt of an oîpen space management plan fcor natu- rai areas asstîcîated with the jaycee Traîl rieur the Miii Pend. Assemsblée légis lative de l'Ontarioî 1 Reading1 Writing i tonia Grannuisi Cterk/Greffière icopieur: TTY/ATS: -3505 (416) 325-3538 iu 1405, édifice Whitney ON M7A 1A2 ýptons tes appels a frais sires. en français sur demande. 1Math1 Speling1 Grammar French1 Study SkiIilJ <t1~ BETTER GRADES, MOTIVATION AND CONFIDENCE O)xford L I .ertng is the onlv atf'(ieî-stli)il Irai fling pi ogtin o f ils kind for' Aîxîcstttct1 lthett iC .c attitttlix itluîlizetl ptrigtati ihat gots- i <id >uîoting 10 teachvont c tildt blcattn and studv mort- t-fft tit c I-- tt ccl lrit ier h ftîl potîntial. Bettei gtadesmntivation an<ttc! 98 comnfidenc e flî (.ivc vour child a iifctitnr' of, l-ari nng success. J4Damm Ci itac Oxoî Leanin îoav.LEARNING Con act xfoid L arnig to aý.Skils for Success, tessons for Life. 917 Nipissing Rd 905.693-9978 www.oxfordlearning.com CLEAN COAL EMITS 96.4%/ LESS POLLUTION. AT THIS RATE, EVEN THE GOVERNMVENT'S HANDS WON'T GET DIRTY. The Power Workers' Unton has a better plan and you can go to aberterenergyplan.ca and learn more about it. POWERWRIE'UNO Bill 52, Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Learning to Age 18), 2006 Projet de loi 52, Loi de 2006 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne l'éducation (apprentissage jusqu'à l'âge de 18 ans) [he Staîîdin- Cornîinitec on the LgxatxcAs',enibly 51%vi l] to coni'ider illO 52, An Act to anend the Education Act respecting pupil Iearniîîg tri the age of 181 and equivaient Iearning and tri make complemnentary amnendmnents tri the Highway Traffic Act. The Coniniittec intetîds te hold pUblic hearings n Torontoi on Thurxclay, October 26. 2006. Ail interested people \x ho ixish to hc considered te mnake an oral presentation on Bill 52 should contact the Commiittee Clerk hy 5:00) p.m. on Monday, Octoher 23, 2006. Those \vho do flot vvsh tii isake an oral picetintation bLut wsli to conmmenit uo the Bill iay send ivritten submnissinsx tii the Coiniittee (leik t the addie'.s hcluisx by 5:00) p.m. on Thursday, October 26, 2006. Coipies of' the B ilniaN bc î11 clased tlOiCii IîI Ph1ilCuîIoxtiOn ltai -ii t I1800)-668-99)38, i iai 1-410) 326-330)niTorofniioAlii clccrioiL iii cîoil ot lic Bitl) s aVis is,îailjhlc onthie tc1 lti Tetephone/Têtephone: (416) 325-3519

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