A12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Chmpion Cu untr y Quarry officiai says concerns to be addressed By Dianne Cornish SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Water quality and quantity, haul routes, noise, dust and blasting. If these concerns sound familiar t0 opponents of the planned St. Marys Flamborough Quart-y îhey're also the same concernis that the large aggregate eompany pledges to incorporate in ongoing studies on the quarry pro- posed for northeasî Flamborough near Campbellville. John Moroz, vice-president and gen- eral manager of CBMI Aggregates, rein- forced the pledge recently during an exclusive face-to-face interview wiîh The Champion. The company executive offhcer said the St. Mary's Cement Group has lis- tencd and heard the major concerns ol area resîdenîs and wîil "miake sure" they're addressed as new hydrogeology and traffic studies go forward. The concernis were expressed ai recent communiîy open houses staged by the company at the quarry site office on 1Ilth Concession Road East as well as during one-to-one conversations that quarry officiais had with residents during a door-to-door canvass. Others -IYN il iI UIG Larcjest club in Peel & Halton GIGANTUC ROCK FRIDAYS wIMIke the fly NU CD VER! F i . Ic 0 ol' 1Tiuet yII, III IJUMBO SCREEN LEAFS 1 905-455-7299 have heen phoned in to a company hot- line ai I-866-602-0080. Ciîing St. Mary~s 90-y'ear hisior>' in 1the aggregate business, Moroz saîd, "I îhink we have a very credîble back- ground and have demonsîrated that we are a good corporate citizen in terîns of the environmenî." In a community newsleîter mailed to area resîdenîs recently, St. Mary's noies that throughout the companys long hisiory in Ontario, "none of our operations have ever depleted or con- îamînated a public waîer supply." Hydrogeological studies currently underway at the site \vill "determnine the besi ways to avoid itnipacting water quaiîîy and supply,' the brochure says. while also promtsing that the company willi monitor groundwater once the site 15 operationai tsi ensure tîtere 1 is io imipact." A waier recirculaton sy'siem, whîch will entaîl building a trench arouind the perimeter of the quarry bas been pro- posed and will be îested oin site ibis faîl or early next y'ear. Essentially, the sys- tem will, îhrough a series of drilled holes in the base of the trench, cause the waîer t0 filter down through the rock and back into the quarry "I îhink people have a mîsconcep- lion that we pump a lot of waîer (off site)," Moroz saîd. "The bulk does not leave the site," hc sîressed, noîing that the only water leax'ing the quarry will be on the surface of rocks shipped from the site. Waîer is used to rînse stone and wash producîs on site, be explaîned.its pumped oui of cîuarnecs ibai go below groundwaier level because a dry work îng Hloot is needed bo mine the alggre- gaie. To allay residents lears about possi- hie diesel fuel spilîs on site, Moroz said the coinpany bas stiate-olibe-art con- tainment equîpmenî to piexent spilîs. D)iesel fuel and lubric anis needed for on-site quart y trucks and loaders are sioie ndii double walled tanks, lie said. Whilc tIse rex elation of pi ssibilitaci routes i aised itle bic-lie', ofi ie'ideisis ai ithe recetît opeti bouse', Moi-oz 'i us imîportant to ri-cicbnei ailloutes ,arc John Moroz, vice-presîdent and qeneral manager of CBM Aggregates, says the company is dedîcated to address- es the concerns of resîdents regardîng the proposed quarry in northeast Flamborough near Campbeliviile. proposed at this stage and will undergo further public scrutiny as part of the ongoing planning process, most likely thîs faîl. When asked about a proposed route that would see trucks going south along Centre Road and through an intersection bordered by îwo 1'lamborougb clemnentary sehools (Balaclava and Our L.ady'of' Mount Carmiel), Mitroz explaîned ihat objec- lions raised ihrough the public process could resuit n ibait optîini being îossc'c i niigbi itot bcan appropt iate route' because of the sc'hools. It mias not bc clesîgnaîed as a haul route." lie saîd. Si. Mars slbas hiredco tnsultatnts ici dîo a traflic aiilsis t iuly' that ilii, in tum, be exaîninecl by antinclepencleni peer t'es cxx teanm secced by the C iy of i lantilion ,ancdpaiciforiii\,i(lie iggrî'g. ic' ci itupîns. cJîsiiis1hiiui nOlisec, icsi ,îîic see RESIDENTS on page Al15 Great Pumpkin Carving Contest at Mountsberg Wiîh Halloween jusi around the corner, its pumpkin- carxing time. Mcîunîsberg Conservation Area xili hold its lTth annu- ai Great Pumpkîn Carving Contest from noon to 2 p.m. October 29. Pumpkîns wîll be available for purchase. Judgîng xill taLec place ai 2 p ni., wîîb prîzes awarded in x ai'iîus caiegories. The day xxilaisc i iclude pumrpktni bowxling and an aippie cîder pressing deinonstration, plus the cbtîdrens Play'Barn and the Douglas G. (ockburn Raptor Centre witib lix e bircîs cil-jres lentionsirattons, Aiso ihtt dax, and c\e crs sekend until Noxenîibeti 5, the populai Isoi lotî iii ltaLe plaice. Wagon rides xiii tak-e piurk gcis outt into ite bisonitcompoucnricfor an inîpiessîx e siý oex th ii nglity iiianiitîai .\cinissiiîti cuisis S 5.50 luOit ailis. $4 for senits atîcl Licis aîge l ivse iii14, îancl s licc loi i cs lotit ,î nclsutîgeî- loti' fictîbuir inlutimaiiuî cii cal (0)5 4-2270, ext. 221. Ail the excitemnent of a themne park. None of the height restrictions. With 22 entertainment-filled locations, exciiemnent can be found wherever you are in Ontario. 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