Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 2006, p. 50

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B14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 13, 2006 Transform your Iaundry room from washed-up to wow (N)- Take a look at these makeover moves to transform that deep dark corner in your basement. courtesy of Sunlight Multi-Actien Detergent (www.sunighflaundry.ca): Moving on Up Before you renovate that deep dark corner in the basement, consider moving it to another room or closet in your home. Is there space off the kitchen? Somewhere dloser to your bedroem, to the kids' Uines of i"fire"r with dirty clothes? Room wiIh a view A great view con take the drudgery eut of doing Iaundry and the extra light con brighten your mood. If yeu cant make the window bigger you con stili dress it Up with an eye-catching curtain that com- plements or contrasts with the walls. For a more toi- lored look, instaîl California shuffers, a mini. blind, bambea ral-up or fabric Roman shade. Ughten up Wonder how yeu missed that stain on your shirt? Tired of squinting te read instructions on your laundry detergent boffle? Then itîs time to replace the light- ing in your laundry room. Recessed halogen pot lights make a space sparkle. Incandescent lighting minimizes glare. Fastest Upgrades Painting walls with a semi-gless, latex-based paint s the fastest route te a fresh look and this s ca room 0%APR allFor 36 i 0/o APR for 36 Months"n *Rangirrg berri325HP-4HP w/Hvd *Sob.wrcr iccied separratly Startng ai S29.0 ÇJ"OHN DEERE F:8Pt5H Li *Standard 4Wt Powryscersoria transmission ori stydro transmissioni saiabir Stering ai $37,90,$43,990 w/ Lader No Paymonts, No Interest GATOR IS for 12 moitit., thon 17.90% APR- .256ce,.4-cycle Kawasakri gasolintr *Towir5 cspacty of9m0 [hs Startirrg at $7,919 HURRY IN - OFFERS END OCTOBER 27, 2006! 0% APR for 24 24HP 2305 WITH LOADER AND MonthshnTILLER 3Cylinder diesel anginer *Hydro transmission Startrrrg et 2,%99, w/ 200X Lader 15 STEELES AVE EAST MILTON (905) 878-2121 i i s e a GrTRIss1IsO nsrC e e i s,, where you con have some fun. Choose a colour you love but don't feel is appropriate elsewhere in the house, Remember the look you loved but the family rejected for the kitchen? Why net use it in your laundry room? Clutter busters Space for sorting clethes for the wash, laying eut sweaters te dry and folding is essentiel. Consider building a counter across the top of your washer and dryer or aftach a counter on hinges te a sepa- rate wall so0 t con be folded up and stored when net in use. FboS Fleoring dloesnît have te be cold, boring or basic. Allow your creativity to flow. Visit your local home- renevation centre and ask about customized lami- nated vinyl, vinyl sisals, rubber leather, carpet tiles, marbie river stene tules, cork, bamboo and plastic woed. Fal is the best tîmne to seed your Iawn (NC)-lt's a must on every foul to-dlo ist: over- seed your lown, When the temperatures fou te between 1 5' and 26', its time to apply grass seed te thicken your lawrî and crowd out weeds. A few minutes spent this foul will yieid a thicker healthrer iown in the spring. Use a blend of grasses, especiaily perernnial ryegrasses and tescues, which need less care and con resist bugs. Scoftt Pure Premium Grass Seed Mixture Sun and Shade fis the bill: if con- tains quality perennial varieties et Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and Creeping Red Fescue. The lawn experts et Scoifs Canada say Sun and Shade is the best ail purpase mix for grawing grass in sunny and shady areas. Speciaiiy formuiated for quick coverage and a long iosting lown, it resists dreught, insects and fungus. Begin by puliing weeds tram your iawn when the sal is moist. Yeure sure ta get mare of the weed roots and disturb less et the sali. Drap soe grass seed in the hale te discouroge the weed tram returning. Next, ta, overseed, mow grass ciosely, then loosen the top 6 mm (1/4 inch) et sali in bore or thin arecs, Distribute the seed evenly. For best resuits, use hand-held or rotary spreader. Remember, wotering is crucial ta seed germi- nation. Keep the top 1 cm (1 /2 inch) et sali damp by watering twice daily until ail seedlings are Up, Continue ta water once or iwice a day until the iown is established, usuoliy six ta, eight weeks, Your new young grass will survive the winter and become o thick iown with tew weeds next spring.

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