The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 13, 2006 - B13 Five common decorating mistakes to avoid (NC) -Style of Home Magazines KarI Lohnes ond leading customrn w/n dow fashions monufacturer Hun)tor Douglas have put together alist of some theatoe most offen mode decorating mis takes. 1 ) Purchasing new furniture before measuring the raam. Many rîaw home owners staff purchasir g new turnishings priar 'ta taking possession ot their homes. When the turniture finally arrives tf ofttn daesnt aven fit through the door, nat ta mention if being tao long or tao deep for the raam. While if is important ta dress your windows early in the process ta manage incaming light and keep out prying eyes, when if cames ta the furniture, its basfta wait and live in your space with yaur aid places betare ardering anything naw. YoulIl moka baffer chaices atter spending time in the physical roam, instead of judg- ing the roam tram a pre-sale floor plan or picture. And, hoving the window treat- ments in place early ensures that yaur fur- nishings -aid and new a re protected tram the sun's harmful UV rays. With its two sheer panels and rotating fabrie vanes between them, Silhouette window shad- ings are one of the few windaw fashions that offer generous protection against the sun's harmful UV rays while still allowing for light and a view, 2) Highlighing wimpy trims and mold- ings. Everyane thinks they have to highlight tneir baseboords and trims by painting them white. If you have trims of 3 1/2 inch- es or smalier, paint thern the sarne calar cas the woll ta blend them away. Otherwise yau will end up with a "racing stripaettfec't' around the room, Paint your baisaboardls wolls ond crown molings a unitorm color ta moka tha w(as feal1 toiler. You con aven caver them hy salecting a vertical window tashion, such ais Lurrinette Privacy Sheers, rnountad outside tha windlow trrme tram ceiling f0 floor 3) Buying toa many small accessories. Holding off on buying trendy occassories for oi yaar or Iwo c ould soyav you rononey ta puaco ea a substontial piece of turnitura yoY u haIicve' toraver. Buying an expansive pia e might teal like a spiurga, but it's a wisar învestmnent in the long run. 4) Scattering your collectibles ail over the house. By keaeping yo--ur collection ot figurines, samp lars or tomily photos groupad togathar you con creora a big impact with mnry srah f things. Dotring them ail around the housa only adds a clutterad look ta your decor, If dispiaying your calectibies inca sunny spot for prima viewing, be sure ta choose a windaw fash- ion tram Hunter Douglas that will pratect your treasures tram fading and damage withaut campramising the view. 5) Getiing lit ail done in a day. When you shap for your entire room's décor in a day, it looks like you did it ail in a day. The resuit s usually a "matchy" appearance that impiies yau purchased o dispiay right out of a storefront window, Take your time and et your vision, goals, budget and timelines rto YGARDE#vw provide yau with a layered décor pracess, Vs flot fun ta rush; it s a greot deal of tun ta, build" the look of a raam. Mare information is avoacble tail-free cat 1-800-265-1363 or anlime at w' BOOK NOW: AIVfI SAVEI: ~25 OFF, 1 any air duct cleaning service. s i Saeexpires Octoer 312006. I T.rry Rowlw-jo Mchan ' lcal mnc. ' 925NtahI St. E, 4H (905)878-1979) Unit #3, Milton 0PI\II e Fide % M m %eede 6ffas10am -2 Im ALL PO1TERY, STONEWARE, GIFTWARE AND MORE' This is an excellent time of.vear to plan! 7429 Fifth Line, Milton Right at ie east end of Main Street 905-876- 4100 h -