The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 13, 2006 - B7 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION PEDAL TO THE METAL: Above, Ontario Transportation Mînîster Donna Cansfîeld shows a little trepîdation before heading nut onto the slalom course in a Honda Civîc fat rîght) during the recent High Performance Auto Slalom event at the Mlton GO station. Designed to take street racing off the road, the event was put on by the Mlton Road Safety Committee and Ontario region of the Canadian Automobile Sports Clubs.1 WE IMPORT AND STOCK AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION 0F CERAMICS, PORCELAINS, TRAVERTINES, GLASS, MOSAICS, SIATE, GRANITE, MAROLE AND ALL INSTALLATION MATERIALS. Are you connectedl to your community? Get Al the news from Milton, Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas quickly and conveniently anline and on your schedule. Job Fair.. Wednesday, Oct,18, 2006 Burlington Convention Centre 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington 12 p.m. -5 p.m. " Access to employers from a variety of industries " Free resume assessment " Admission and parking are free " Corne prepared... bring your resumes! Some of the participating employers include: *AIC Ltd. . Halton Catholic District 0 Leibherr-Canada Ltd. *Aseco lntegrated Systems Ltd. School Board . TitleServe Inc. *Best Buy Canada. Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. - The Home Depot *Tender Choice Foods Inc. . Evertz Microsystems Ltd. 0 The Region of Halton *Wal Mart Dependable Il 0 The TDL Group Corp. *Wallace & Carey Inc. Reunion Island Coffee 0 Costco Wholesale *Ippolito Group Sears Canada. Clarica/Sunlife Financial Services Inc. And many more... For a full listing of employers or for further information piease cail Halton Region Income & Empînyment Services at 905-825-6000 ext. 7121. Discover, Iearn and connect at Bridges to Better Business, Nov. I Halton Region is proud to recognize Salute to Small Business month with the Bridges to Better Business event on Wednesday, November t, from t11:30 ar. to 4:45 p.m. at Halton Regional Centre. The event features speakers, discussion 1-1 groups and networking opportunities, ail included in the $50 registration fee. compunies. An economist wîth RBC Fnancial Group will present an economic overview of 2006 and share a "look ahead" for 2007. Attendees will also join expert-led discussion groups on topics including sales and marketing, media J< ~~ relations, websîte optîmîzation, and legal and accounting issues. Visit wvv.halIton. ca/busi ness to register. 1151 *mn *.Roa , kvllOnti M3l Te:*0582. 60* Tiee re: -6- 4H e 0-8793 1 The Regional Municipality of Haiton Connect With Your Future At The