A32 - The Cunudiun Champion, Friday, October 13, 2006 C-asvys values snmatched w hOsPitulitY and innovation. These values lise and breuthe through Our commitment to Our people, sur gsests and our commun4. 'Our new loction in MILTON vs seekisg.. *Servers a Bartenders *Cooks - Hosts - Bussers *Dishwashers Let us know why you're un ideal candidate via e-mail ut: vjohnstone@prmerestaurants.com *kairenlnn. OAK VILLE Requtres Part-Tîme Night Audit Fri/Sat.12.25/hr. Guest Service Aget$10j/hr Fax resume to: 905-829-4690 Atmn: Tasha, G.S.M , .,-7AIsk us About.. Cah, oroplhscv Starts Frday Octaber 131h tram item - 6pm and Saturday October 14th tram 9am - 4pm ll9O8WInston Churchitl Boutevard 1112 Mlles North of Mqyfeld Roadll7th Stderoad Georgetown New ReadlyTa Finish Handcrated Fumiture Dressera, armoire, cardrobes, night tables, baan- ket buses, qaeenslseigh bed, pantry, jam caphoards, hutch and buttets, corser cabinets, harvest table, caris cabinets, deacos benches, cottee and end tables, TV armoire, TVNCR stand, TV/vides cabinets, steres bsokcases, ietly cabinet. microcave stand, CD tocer, dry sink, cash stands, china cabinet, sota tables, plant stand, mir- rors, coat racks, dressing vanity, magazine racks, magazine tables and msch, mach more. Brtng a TRUCK and tae h wth yout CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME! Showroom Houms - Msnday Satarday lOam -6pm INDOOR CONTENTS SALE Sat. Oct. i 4th No Entry ll 8:3Oam 5058 Steeles Ave. West At Appleby House Sale leaves lite time of fine furniture & collectibles, household (no kids items) North Burlngton GIANT INDOOR GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct. 21 8am-4pm 2724 Britannia (at Guelph LUne) Antiques, amps, books, coins, brass, china, old records, dlocks, old furn, window & picture trames, prints, hossehsld, tusis, computer & soc. tridge, dishwasher, casher, dryer Rainso, or Shine' MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct 14 (Rais Date: Sun. Oct 15) 8am - lpm 361 Mountainvlew Drive Fumiture, books, small appliances, knick-knacks, etc. MILTON GARAGE/ESTATE SALE Sat. Oct 14 (Ramn Date: Sat. Oct 21) 8amn - Noon 733 Laurier Avenue English tea sets, brass items, Lowrey organ, Roxton Colonial kitchen set, frencth provincial HORNBY AUSTINS GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct 14- 9:30am - 3:30pm Suri. Oct 15 - 1 0am - 4pm 5489 Slxth LUne <Between Brtannîa & Lower Base Line) Unique and ose-o-a-kisd items includisg deco rations, orsaments, home & gardes accessones, L-mirrors, clocks, candie holders, reactiers gints. Milon GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 14 8am - Noon 1059 Zimmerman Cres. Bedroom set, hammnock, tawn ,nower, Patto set etc. MILTON CHARITY YARD SALE Sat. Oct 14 -9am -1 pm HALTON RECOVERY HOUSE 8173 Trafalgar Road (North (tSols Home/Offce Furniture, electront .cs, tools and much more III! MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct 14 (Rain or Shine) Bam - 5pm Court Street/Main Street New shoes $4/pr, $5/2pr, puises $3, CDu, ail- ver-plated coffee/tea set, mugs and much more' Miton GARAGE SALE Sunday Oct. 15 8am - lpm 506 Farmstead Dr. (off Laurser Ave.) Housetiold items, fumiture & crafts. r QEaabianClassuflos Macta Rendors 2 BLUE HERON WOODWORKS FALL BLOWOUT SALE Timeis Running Out! -1 a