The Canadian Champion, Friday October 13, 2006 - 31 The Oakville Beaver The Oakville Beaver Circulation Department requires a Part Time Circulation Clerk ***Great for High School Student?" Applicants must: *have a professional phone manner *work well with minimal supervision *be comfortable w/compulers & office equipmenl *willîng 10 wurk closely w/our yoolh carrier force *be a quîck Learner *be very reliable and reoponoible *be able lu work evening and weekendo Pleaoe oend reoume and avaîlabilily chedule 10: Aiea Caihoun E-mail: Fao: (905) 337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Burligton Post The Burlinglon Pool Circulation Department Requireo a Part Time Circulation Clerk Applicanto must: *Have a prufeooional phone manner *Work well wîlh minimal supervision *Be comfurtable w/compulero & office eqoîpment *Willing 10 work clooely w/sur youth carrier force *Be a quîck Learner *Be very reliable and reoponsible *Be able lu wurk evening and weekendo Pleaoe oend your reoume and avaîlabîlily ochedule t. Tara Ravenscroif o-mail. Fao: (905) 632-7768 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE CASH-4300, off ers tomporory finoncrul asis tance lu indivîdualo who require immedîste cash for a ohort-term period 0f ime. We are correnlly recruiting for a FULL-TIME CASH ADVISOR for the Oukville location whuo a positive and ouf- guing individoal thal enloyo dealîng wlh the public. Du yuu poooes orong rganîzational skil10 wilh a sold attention 10 detaîl? Are you comfortable non- dlîng cash transactions? Are you willing lu work Saturdayo? It ou, pleaoe email your reoume 10. store4300@cashinc.ea or fax if to 905-339-0068 Previousoesperience in banking and collections would be conidered an anset. o DS- 4. StageWestKise n TA mils. Mail hoars. Full training prsvided. Hourly rate, pus bonuses. Perfect for students looking 10 make extra moniey over the holiday sesson. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Fuîltime, day shiff, entry level position with paid benef ifs and training. If pou are an energelic, self- moivated, detail oriented team player with effec- tive communication & basic math akilîs, an ability 10 do some lffing & a deoire 10 prove your worth, send pour resume tlu Teckmark Label #23- 850 Legion Rd. Burlngton, Ont L7S 1T5 Fax: 905-681-7072 e-mail C~hSooe*STORE MANAGER The Cash Store a aseokîng a mature, bssiness-tocused individual ready fa lake on new challenges. This rote will operate and mainlain store operations which wili ensuro encollent customer service and maximizes customer growth by following compuny guidelines and by foatoning cooperalive spirit lhrough teamwork. Prevîsas supvnvisory vspenîvncv is an rieTNs pfg.iYousiiilonrequrSpalvsloupn opoesocaddtes mil pevos e p n nxeuml- letcu filer serndcp/ski, dabi r Som e sito wok ntadivetIe reqsirredtyloiqfr MATEURAL MIXER fohape ndfthoionsWorpe qasprop yem- dresrasoffotlîndh h Oeaîg&Oul su îngpH 5n c ainSt.for ai d l r ths ur Caro ou l pa1r6 rduc69 Th-5 psiio The ide adateWîllhofuklhortfî& <counler alano H ec lonl rgnîzutionul Is eard esume cience lu KadPadu100s nc. umnresres FA:tentio791-413 ore-alttk aggs@kordic Packgin th M e ec fran iireure m o r ont et r pruiies fouwllb ur dvaneet! senstbish led olrsnom. uîte s t aîne MATERIAL FIXERIN apeîncdukdriver- DZ îcnsenasort m 1426 Walace Rd. unit Fax: 90"427-9342. Er Metroland West Pinting GFoup, locted in Oaknille, requires GENERAL BINDERY HELP Espoience 10 a definite asset. Fao resame 10 Danny Flanagan @ 905 845-2013 Truckîng compunp in Milon requires a QUALIFIED FUILTIME DOCK/ FORK1IFT OPERATOR. Must ho able lv read, mrite and speais English. Ploaso fax rosumo 1o:50 5-75 5551 n bluehlnedcom Dyac volt molîvaled Ureliuble inufîoduull *required or I Retail Sales 30j11 ors/week n a spocîallp lingerie boutique in Burlînglon. Pieuse fao resumne tos905 637 5748 Finding a great job was so easy. Just open s *p bclassified section as ail it took. Phone 905-878-2341 or email: classified@ RECEPTIONIST We are a progressive Veterinary clinic sn the Campbellville ares thal reqoîres a Part-Time Receptionlat The hours inclade 3 evenîngs a week f 4-7pm) & Salsrday mornînga. D05h05 wosld inclade answering phones, booking appoinîmenla, greetîng clients and some general clerical work. The succeastul candidate mosl pauses excellent computer skills and have a pleasant phono masser. Please fax your resume to: 905-854-1169 I Requîred Fol-Tîme for new Georgetown office. jCommercial esperience and Autocad 2004 a must. Please email eaume lu: Or fao: 905-873-8620 Wel established international recrsiting firm in domntown Qake lie requîres au in- dividual 10 provide administrative support. Candidate oequiremonta: strong organiza- tional skilis, malti-lask ng, dotait oriental- ed, strong knowiedge of Microsoft Office, databaae management esporience, as moul as excellent foiiom-up & wrtîng sk ils oraedself-sartewahboceut ecolation Ukîllo a hialaspects nut accounlu pay cale nd diobu r oenlo Pooîlon&bs respoCnsibie, for som addilio.nal ofce duls. , nowledgne 0fRends Deaiershi a P anrolitnss toeabnefcia P uy elesi ee a or emalremedmaure ognzdsfaraeBookhConceplet Ford fato Eaidra Book,@ConcepFford ýcouslal Fl oora i4, Oskielle 161 2Y2. 3P STO SO E nait: 3P SIINSO E i FOR LIGHTING SHOWROOM Must ho avaîluhie for daptime, evenisg and week- L1GIENSED end shifts. Training prsvided- sales esperience un JRACTOR usset. Some heavp liffing is invoived. Must ho MCAlLE r comfortable on adders. 41 YA Reaumea only deluiling paut esperience and APPRENTICE aalaiy expectation la the uddreso below. Sony, munled for busp only candidates choaen for interview wil ho con- Truck & Triter shop tactod. No lelephone calta pieuse. n Mlon. Compeli- tîvo mages & bene- Livingi Lighting fils. Sleudy duys. BURLINGTON MALL Cati: 905-878-0900 777 Guelph Line Buringtan L7R 3N2 Fax: 905-878-3520 Fax 905-632-0627 I Wo have an immedîsto openisg is sur 1ud PACKAGING DEPARTMENT Msndup - Thursday rvm 8:00 arn - 5:00pm. Wii tras alhe applîcant. Christmas, Murch Break adSommons 0ffi Appiy in persos wîth rosume to. Hav yo bord f>e n 20 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown Clastfled mow hma emai __ I~ Prlrnlag PealIshng & Dstributing Ld. The Milton Canadien Champion, a division oI Melroland Prînlîng, Pubiishîng & Dislribulîng Lld,, s seeking an eoperîenced, Inside Sales Representative The qualîlîed candidate wii ho a molîvated, independent, sel-starter wîlh previaus tlephone sales eoperience. Ynu wiii passesa excellent munites and verbal communication skîis and ho lumilier wîlh Mcrosoft applications. n thîs rote, vos wii ho cuolomer lscused and wiilbid strong reilaionshîps with n0w cliests hy ensurîng thut their edvertising needu are met. You will ho goul orîented and capable of meeting regutur monthiy budgets mthîn a deadline flocused envîrnmentl Il pou waald tîke ta mark for a leader in the media industry this sppvrtunily may ho the righl ose for pou. If înterested pieuse tormurd pour reaume, nu tter thun Oct. 301h, 2000 ta, We appreciate te interest of afl applicants however only hose seleceed for an interview wilit h contacted. No phone calia or agencl .es please. The Oakville Beaver Ha an immediate openîng for an. Advertising Sales Representative As a kep membor ut sur Sales Team. pou wîll source nom, and support oxsting. advertîsîng clients for oui Oakville based newspaper. To ho succesoful, pou oilho a mstîvated, independent, self starter wth sales experience. Youu ili possosscellent wrtten and verbal communication akîlis and ho famîliar wth Microsoft computer applications. n thîs rote 05 ut ho becostumer fucused and ai buîld trong relationohîps with n0W and eeiotîng clients by ensurîng that their udvortising needo are mot. You will ho goal orîented and capable of meeting regular sales turgeto and ho active in pruspecting for nom business. A roiabie vehîclo is required. If pou would tîke tu maris for a leader in the media industry Iis spporlunily may ho righl for you. We offer a competitive compensation and benef il package asu moul us opportunilies for future csreor grsmth. To apply, please send your resumre ta: Daniel Bai rd ah We apprecisto tho intereal ut ait upplicanlo however only those selectod for an interview miii ho contscted. No phono cuits or agencies pieuse. FASHION BOUTQUE OAKVILLE We are tsokîng for as enlhusîastîc mature: SALES ASSOCIATE for part-ime pssits PHONE: Canada's iadîng weight toss company is csrrentty recrsiting for ifs west Mssissauga clinic. Candidates shsutd psssess an sutgning personatity, a desire Is tearn and 10 make a difference in 51h- ors' ives. Training wil ho prsvided. Plesse fax resumne fa: HERBAL MAGIC 905-828-7763 JONES NEW YORK FACTORY STORE Burlington/Oalçville We are currently Iooking for individuals with a sense 0f fsShlofl flair and excellent custamner service. The ideal candidates mutl have ut less 2 peurs of Customer Service and sales experience and the ability 10 work evenings/ Neekends/holidays. Positions available are part-time 21 hrs/wkJ AUI nterested candidates shauld farward their resumne ta Jones New York is un equal opporfunity employer however we wili only contact those candidates chosen for un interview SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are a Burlînglon Ontario csmpany that do- velopo, manufactures and repackages lightinig producîs for the Automolive, Construction, Min- îng, Foresli and Agriculture markets. Sorving cus- tomers uruund the globe ut hoth the 0E and affer marketlelos, we are expunding our suies leum for the local marke1 10oel our brund ut lîghling prod- ucîs and uccessories. A background in sales with industriai accosnts a aa must. Vour territoy wi11 h09in as Ontario, but cuuld eopand in ime. Please mail or fax resume ta 905-332-9020 Atention Sales Manager Box 6483 The Burlinglon Post 5040 Manway snit #1 Burlinglon ON. 171 7G5 Only thove lo be interviewed will ha cvnlacfod. RETAIL MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Soasonal Storeo. Managers and Assistants re- quired for two locations, Mississauga and Guelph. Besîdmore Leathera 50060 self starters with relsîl ouperienco, strong stoes orientation and gosd peo- pesil. Pieuse fus resumes t0: 519-853-9494 On mail: icark@beardmoreleaîherscom FO I y 0 m FUoRNInUao SDEDsINGb&CN 5usl PfF SALES ASSOCIATES A Kîds Corner is s leudîng children's furnture store and is ooking for greut sales ussociates, If pou are a faut leurner, enorgelîc, customor fscaoed and friendty - we are losking for poul Furnilure or hed- ding sales eoperîence is an asoot but nol roquired. Shîfts are mainly wookends and occusional week dupo. We offer s great Ismity focused environ- ment with competitive wages and ftexibilty, Famward resume Margaret: Fax 905.849.4222 Email: Visil us at 609 Fard Drive In OakviIle.