The Canadian Champion, Friday October 13, 2006 - 27 * ~i f i~iii w ! [ I iieI :~i~*I~ * Index: Reai Estate 100-135* Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2304 Email: * Merchandise 300-385* Auto 400-470* Heip Wanted 500-577 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on *Srie7019 FoCIULATION ci 5-1-941 BIRTHDAY 390 Valleyview Crescent Spaclous brick bungalow. 3.400 sq.ft. of finished living space on 60' x 158' lot. i-ground pool. Customi eat-in ktchen, but-in appliances, formaI living & droing rm, main floor family rm witb fireplace, Huge ec rm, games rm, lange off ice/4th bedroom. C/A & Vac. 905-878-3704 DEEP Discount Commis- sions. No differance ia service, axpoure or rasuits. 0ur sait-serve MLS progrum allers greater seoingo. Sai lar top dollar quickip t lowast coul. Lengthy provan track record. James Bopd, Bro- ker of Record, Portcullîs Reeity Corp. Brokeruge 90-319-7707, n1-866- 4n4-001 7 PRIDE ai Ownership in Erro for ao 10w as 5165 ask far Davrd or Sam. ontsFor Sale ROYAL Ascot 2-Sad- room cando, t,297 sg 6t Nemiy painted, al fliars redene mih hard- maad, cerumia, crpais. Floor ta ceilng win- dows and Saicany, n- doar parking. Frdge, stove, wauher, dryer. Fexible and/or gurck aiasung il desred. 905- 877-5603. Cetebrutîog her 93rd SrtbdOly mtS h n eue ily s \Mrs. Maria Pedulla Over tîty yeur resident rof the Miltono urea and ceeil kn iin otheIttuian iiseiiiuiity Maria suys she o laesseet t e eeable toi celetîrute mtb lier cbîtdren Rosa (Joe) Beineoicre, Franik (Sylvia) tedulia, lisie Atoîîcîî Mîke- (t rilai Pertuti e oîey (Naîro ) Peibulia ande lier t1I gratrcilo îrres t14 gre t 'ranchtîiître n & 4 great grue itgraudeidres 0A troriy monde etot thuioksgivinrOt.el9, 2l811 Hose s or Sale m Hoses ForSale This mature 38+ yrs oie erghborflood. allers poamd pour family a great place to reoide whettrer Po iol ta ive a private or activa liretyle Wit great sctroals and parks close ta rame, tire large tree lroed oreet MorI lead you ta are of Milons tîoiest ealking /rrîrrg trais.Crase tua alamenîtres, aur executive home allers 4 etra large bedraoms op. and a possiblie tva more dorortarrs Stoated or a W0Xr20' rappraci pool size lot. Thrs home has been campletelp opdated roorde aod out ad O ready tor pota enîo Vîsît: Or Cali Keers: (416> 434-0612 celi (905) 693-0352 home Q uick & Flexible Cosing *Offers Consldered from $49400000 IndusriaBusiness FOR SALE: n300 sq.ft PROMOTE YOUR industriai, commercial BUSINESS ta over 4 unit. Cati Joe 8-S t million aduit reuder in 905-877-8685, eeen- South Central Otario. ingo 519-763-9029. Book pou udeertise- REASOABLE ndus- ment in oser 75 Metro- REASNABE inus land community newso trial unit lot rani pupero with ana phone 65Osq.ft of oel Calilfot inorme- warahauoa & tosqIl ton on waakîp mark ed of office). 905-277- packages (internatlrst- 9347 or 905-275-6834. igo includedi 416-493- Fr i.. -~1300 evr 276, 288ý 237 I~~a ut ! n905.878.2341j Frachises MILTON 1 00/acre, OfieBsns urge horse lerm for pc - TACO DEL MAR ren o sleprceCuneda hateut rai r ue rue SMALL prvte offices - Franchise, 200+ loa- $18,000/are. Large Seuutifliy uppointed, tions, pomercentres, stase house/Serns 1 -mile ram 401. Hmy 25 & 401. 1-905- loodcourts, wmwtacodei- 41-57-26. 277-9347 or 905-275- meraam 1-866-366- 41-57-26. 6834> 8845 ClssfedP.* * .4leFax876236 * 'b id@ilonc* ianchamioncS REMOVE pour crîmînal records Fest. We do Per- dons and US Wisers. Dont Se emberrussed. 1 - 800-298-5520 $$MONEY$$ Consolidute DaSis Mortguges ta 100% No income, Sud cradît OK! Onturiowida tinunriai Corporation 1t 888-307-7799 lm FasFor Rent ACTON. Large 1- bdrm. $750/mth e utltres. Noo. itI905- 702-9211. Oea pics MILTON t-bdrm base- ment upi A/C, ualuies inci Avalabie Noo it. $8S/mth. Cuil 9P5- 878-7724ý MILTON 2-badroam upurtmant. Lovey lo- cutiras Praler no pets, No smoking. Cul la- dys 905-877-7777. MILTON PROFES- SIONAL couple re- quîred for Sright basa- ment apartment. Na smoking/pets. mao 2 uduits, free parking, uvaîlubie immediuteip. Includes utltres, cubla, saS mwater, lrîdge/stoe, First/Last/References. $995/miS Cuil 905- 691-3123. MILTON 4-bedroom and 2-bedraam upart- ments availabie in j larmhouse. Hwp 40t/25 Use af lund,j oeciuded, parking. $t,295/mth & r $795/mth. 416-537- 4264.I MILTON spacrous 1- bdrm bomt upt. $750/miS încludîng r parking & utlitias Fa- mule or couple pre- larred. Avaluble Nov 1lst. Pretar no smok- ing/pets, 1 st/iust/reler- ancas. Culi 905-693- 0138.F CAMPBELLVILLE 1-a bdrm lurnîshed or un- t lurnished, prîsute an-p trance, walk to shopo ad Mohawk. /77r r il r Nov 1 t. i rst/lust/rel- erencas. 905-854- 2294. MILTON Newly reno- vted 2-bedroom upuri- ment. 89 Ontario Street. $9SOPmth + hydro. 416-986-0690. CAMPBELLVILLE 2- bedroom uapartment in h Century Home.h $1,100/mth + Sydro.A Cuil 905-320-9802. 1 FasFor Fient 1MILTON 1 -bdrm, uvuilebie Nov. lot. $870/mlh + parking. Cuil Jua @ 416-723- DOWNTOWN MILTON Mitiside Towers 82 Miltaide Drive Attructive quiet build- ing. Spucîsus brîght dlean 1 &2 Sedroom unîts with luodry lucility and social room on site. Regulur rasîdent avents Open 7 days & eaeeiegs Cati 905-876-1249 1-BEDROOM suites in historia building ia Rockwood, startrng ut $750/month - plus utîlîtres. ACTON, 3- bedroom unît, prîvute yard, $925/manth plus utîlîtras. Cail Elizabeth Doell Johnon Assa- cîatao Reuitor 905-077- 5165ý ACTON 1t-badroom. $SP0/month plus utîlîties. Cail 519-853- 5080 or 519-853-5352. ACTON 1t bedroam upuOtmeot mîth buicany. Avaîlubia Saptember lost, 770/maoth utîlîtres înciuded. Quiet Bonld- ing. No-pets. t92 Churchill Roud South. Cail 519-853-1281 ACTON 2-bedraom upartment uvaîlabia Dacember 1lot $870imonth utîlîtres is- ciudad. Quiet Buiding. Na-pets, 192 Churchill Road South. Cal[ 519- 853-1281. ACTON 2-badroom upurtmeet. Aouiuble Novembar t St First/lusI. va pets. $675/manth + mu- ter/hydro. Cuil 416-662- 1716. AMAZING 1 -badroom, right on Guelph. $745/month plus hat/hydre. Aduits ooiy. No pets/smoking. Aouîlubie Nosamber lot. Cuil 416-570-6578. FULLY ranovuted 2- bedroom tomnouse upurtment in George- town. New carpet, peint, immacuiete. A/C, bulconp, 2-underground parking, waik 10 GO. 8258. GEORGETOWN RENTAIS 1, 2, usd 3 badroomo. Check out meS site wmw.haitonhiiisren- GEORGETOWN, 2- bedroom mai: Iloor of house. $1 ,0S0/month hat încluded. Ptus hydro. Fîrst/iust. Avaîlubla Novembar 1lst. Cuil 905-702-3888. *AparMents& Fiais For Fient GEORGETOWN t - bedroom busemant upariment. Namiy rano- euted. Open Concept. Sepuxute entrasce. Haut, hydro, cubie, internet înciuded. $1 ,000/month. Cul 905-877-4787. GEORGETOWN 1- bedroom busamant upurtment. $800/month inctusive Searate an- trunca, near GO Ste- tion, Includes lrîdge/stooa. No smok- ing/pets. Frt/iust/relar- ances. Cai lot aaulebiity. SuIs single lemele. Culi Brande MacDonald 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN, t - bedroom buoemant upurtment, close 10 Mal Avalabie Novam- bar lot, 5800/monthin- clusive, Mature, fno smoking/pals. el 905- 877-8653 GEORGETOWN, 2- bedroom upper aeval upurtment, 59P0/mth v hydro. Aouiubie No- vember lot. 905-7102- 1264. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroom main loor ai bungalow. Laundryr park- ing, 0115v/monts plus 1/2 utltras. Avuiabie îm- medîatety Cuil 416- 949-8171, GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroom main floor of bungulow. Luundry/ park- ng. $1.150/month plus 1/2 utîltras. Avalubia im- mediuteiy. Cuil 416- 949-8171. LARGE 1t bedroom apurtment, Norvul south. Quiet, matura. oîght workar prelerrad. No smoking/pets. $700/month. Culi 905- 453-5443. Mm For Rent 1 DOWNTOWN Miltes 2- bedroom luoury condo. Indoor pool, meight room, saunu, under- ground-parking. Al up- pliancas lwashar/dryar,F central oaci cabie E5 H ouses For Fient_ MILTON Availubie nom' 4-bedroom deteched.>n 1-1/2 buth, lemiy-room f Freshiy painted, nem broediorî. 4t6-898- 1021. MILTON 4-bdrm, 3-p buthroem, 1800 OIft.f 6-uppi. $1800/mth 4 negotiabie + utlities.$ Cuil 4l16-931-8704. 0 For Fient MILTON naw house, 4- bdrm, 4-bath, 3000 sq.ft. Aveilebie imme- diutey. Rent a room or house, Cuil 905- 693-0445. 3-BEDROOM, aver- iooks Cradit River. $l,200/month plus utliîtres, Avarlubie No- vamber lst. Commet- ciel opace elso uvuilubia. Caîl 905-877- 5547. ACTON detuchad lreshiy persted 3-bed- roam + bunguiow/gur- aea $1350/month + utîlities. lot & lest. Credîl Cheak/Reler- ancas. Prelerred ns smoking/pets. 519-853- 0336. Fo r R eni1 MILTON new town- house, 3-bedroam. 2-1/2 batho, 5 appi ances, A/C, $1320/mth + utîlîtres. 905-274- 4405. MILTON Stand naw 3- Sadroom townltama 5-uppliances, insîde garage eotry, bako on ta open urea, $1 495/mth v utiiies. 416-575-9193. MILTON tomohouse 3- Sedroom, 2-appi. $1325/mth. lot & lest, plus utrirtîeo. Avaîlubia mîd Oct. Cuit Duve 905-878-5444. MILTON brund e tawnhauoe, 3-Sedroam, tOPOogî.t., Sappi unces. doubla garage, A/C, deck. anargy eafi aient. lirorg/lamîiy room, $1400/mth + utîlîtues. 647-237-9630. GEORGETOWN 3- Sedroam. Gas lite- plae, wuik eut ta lenced yard, 3rd Iloar iaundry, mss/de accesu ta garage. Avurlebie October 1 st. $1,600/month plus. Culi Rebeca Listas, Suies Rapresentetive, Rayai LaPage Meedomtawne Reaity 866-865-8262. MILTON Luxurrous tut- nished room lot test Ion marking Christian le- maie. Oms mushroom and TV. Ose montS free rani Cuil 289-878- 9511. LARGE raom, se- cluded country home, prolessioal maie pre- lerred, Guelph Lise & 401, $425/mth. $1 20/meek. 905-854- 0359. STUDIO room lotrant mith own fuit bethroom and ieundry. Newiy renoveted/decoreted. Femele preferred. $SS0/mth. Avaiiuble immedieteiy. 905-876- 5151. ROOM lot tant $500.00/mth, shurad ktchen, weshroom. Quiet home. Maue morking person. 905- 693-9756. ZWACam'odation LARGE country home, Milton ereu. Sateliîte TV, uarge deck, 660. Al-inclusive. Fitst/Lust. Avalubie November 1 st. $SS0/mth. 905- 467-4888. CLEAN, responoîble, maie preterred, to share tomnhome. $500./mth inclusive. Bronte St. Mlton 905- 875-6674. il ce tom = @ o «C invit you to an Openiffouse ( to elebrate hNs SM0&hfiday Sumday, 0clober 15,106 zpm - 4-pm a-t his home 8+0 keiph Une - CampbelMiie FesWisheOnly I