Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 2006, p. 23

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The Canadsan Champion, Frday, October 13, 2006 - A23 Super Finals airing live Ail eight of tomorrow nighî's $300,000 Ontario Sires. Stakes (OSS) Super Finals from Woodbine wdll be aired live during a special three-hour edition of Race Night on The Score. The show will go to air at 8 p.in., and the Race Night crew are planning t0 have a slew of feature segments to, complement the $2.4-million event. Horseman Wayne Henry - who trains, drives and co-owns two-year-old trotting hilly Tymal Timeout - will dis- cuss hoth the youngster's success this season and his family-run operation. Tramner Carl Jamieson, a perennial powerhouse on the OSS circuit, will talk about his siate of entries, including Warrawee Ideal - his two-year-old pacing colt, which has already won the 2006 Bautle 0f Waterloo and a division of the Nassagaweya Stakes. In the three-year-old trotting hilly division, the Race Night crew caught up with Jenry VanBoekel, one of Pure lvory's owners, who will talk about his fillys big year after having earned over half-a-rýîilIion in purses 50 far. From the 'glamour boy' division, tramner Gregg McNair will discuss his colts chances as Fagle Luck will leave from post nine and compete against the likes of Doonheg andi Mr Feelgesod, the 2006 Little Brown Jug winner. Also, track announcer Ken Middleton wtll take a trip down memno- ry lane with his top five Super Finals. 1Wiig1Math1 Spelling1 Grammar1 French 1 Study Sktil GRAHAM PINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION HANDS UP: Christ the King's Jt. LaForette spikes the bail past E.C. Drury defenders Jackie Hsu (Ieft) and Greg Cooper durng senior boys volleyball play at Drury Tuesday afternoon. Christ the Kng won straght sets, 25-14 and 25-10. Bantams to host Montreal team Milton's AA hantams have lairly high hopes this season, and wdll test their potential against one of their neighhouring provinces top teains tornorrow atternoon. Coming off' a ssîlid tournanient showing last weekend in Georgetown- where they reachcd the sinifinals -she \Vtttcrhasvks wtil play host to Monitreals I 1akc Shor e Panîhers ai Milton Sports Centres Rsnk A, starttng as 3 jm. Coached hy a form-er Burlington resident, the Panthers are ranked third in Qutehecs 131' loop, which is s.onsiclered tIhe equivalent of 'AA' hockey' in Ontarios. Fliminated n tIhe (DM1A quaitterfinals by Brampton lasti srng, tihe hatttatsss were 0-2-1 hecadtng tntss ast night's hossme ce clatsh nsit ()rangevslle. I bey close out tihe 's ekeicîd nsday alternoo n (Georgctovwtt. DR.T. MURPHY & ASSOCIATES Isychologica/ Services cf Ha/ton PRACICt IN CLIS AI AND COUNSEPC NG PSYCHCLO(P, PROVIDING ASSESSMENT AND IREATMENT SEVUES TO INDIVIDUALS AND LOUP iL Dr. T. Murphy & Associates: Psychological Services of Halton nffers a range ni assessmerr and tteatmpent services îîri,,i i)fý,le ii " Anger Probiems " eipolar Osorder " Career Transsition & Oevelopment " Eatîng isorders " Lever alîzed Anc ptys ocrdeî *Major Depressîne Osorder *Marital Distress & Conflict " Obsessîne Compulsive Dise rder " Panic Dsorder & Agaraphohia " Phobras " Pt timïIctStress Prohlems *Social Aoxîety & Shyness *Stress Management Dr Todd Murphy is a licensed Psychologist, registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. He marks with bth indîvîduals and couples in the fields of Clînical and Counselling Psychology 311 Commercial Stret~ Suite 108, Milton, Ontario L9T MZ t 905878-9665 f 9f5478-0868 aaII inotmurphy.com web: www.tmîurphy.com, T. Murphy Psycholog Professonal Corpration BETTER GRADES, MOTIVATION AND CONFIDENCE Oxford L.earning is the onlv after-school learning program of its kind for grades one tii twelve. First, we pinpoint hiow vour child learns using our Dvnamnic Diagnostic ASSeSSMentTM1. Thien, ove crease an indiidualized prograni that goes hevond tutoring to ieach vour child ti) learn and studv nmort effectivelo - to reach his or her foul potensial. Better grades, motivation and cotnfidenc e folloiv.1-1 Sne98 Give vour child a lifetimie of Iearning success. 7 m Contct Ofor I.ernig îoav.LEARNING) Contat Oxfrd LerningtodaySkis for Successa Lessons far Life. 917 Nipissing Rd 1 905.693-9978 1 www.oxfordleamning.comi Ourdoo 'isawy Open Nouse Should you not be able su attend the Open Hoîse or mould like further information, please contact: John Mikkelsen 8th FIons, 55 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario VMSE 1.4 416.869.2102 or 1.800.661.3805 TransCanada 14In busmness ta deier TM 0: Why did the chicken cross the roodi? by no ring ocross the rood, the chicken gained a heoithior hecrt and lungs.. ond o positive attitude. Helther xýq 1 - - affl Mn

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