Turner's IWeb site getting lots of hits i Traffic at Haiton MP Gaith Turners controversial Web site bas tripied over the past year, witb more than one mil- lion bits now being logged eacb montb. The local polîtîcian reported that the average montbly bits in tbe last four montbs at wwwgartb.ca were 1.53 mil- lion compared witb 524,000 in September, 2005, wbile daily traffic now averages over 48,000. bI ave no doubt this is tbe future of polîtîcal communications," Turner said. "I am delîgbted at the response and jfully committed to fînding new ways teIternet will let citizens bave a reai the inbhow tbey are governed." Iaddition to Turners bigbly-publi- czddaily blog, the site bas been expanded to include a daily beadline service, Newsday, and an original daiiy video content shot posîed each after- noon that tbe House of Comnmons is sitting. Called MPîv, for Member of t Parliament Tlevision, the news con- tent is sbot by Turners staff and features interviews witb MPs from ail parties Fand coverage of poiticai events. wl add daily polling and more intensive and comprebensive original video con- tent tbanks to Turners joint partnership) witb the House of Commons. Turner said bis primary goal is to prornote digital lemnocracy. "Tenexx tecbnology is ideai for invoiing more citizenis in the politticai process and, in a couiix .,,,hre Internet acccss is alînosi tihiquitous, this is a realîty ail politicans imust e iher embrace or fcar. Farewell breakfast for Savoline The Milton Chamber of Commerce will celebrate ouîgoing Regionai Chairman Joyce Savolines career in public service at a fareweil breakfast October 26. Tbe event, whicb xiii be heid at Granite Ridge Golf Club witb registra- tion starting ai 7 a.m., xiii commemo- rate Savolines years in local politics and wisb ber a wonderful retirement from public life. The chairman bas been serving at tbe Region since 1982 wben she started as a local and regional councillor for the Co , in 19)94 and 19)97, bavoline ptîshed the Province to have ber position cbanged to one that requires a public vote. Subsequentiy, she became the first chaîrman in Halions hisiory to be elected by the people. Tickets for the chamber event cost $20 for members and $27 for non- members. Seats can be reserved by caîl- ing (905) 878-0581.L The Canadian Champion, Frday, Ortobe 13. 2006 - A17 Halton Region to hold job fair this Wed. [he Region wiIi host its annoal job Fair \Vednesday' nBurlington. job seekers wiii be able to mneet with prospective employers ai the ex ent thatil run from noon to 5 p.m. ai the Burlingion Convention Centre, 1120 Burloak Dr. More than 40 busmnesses wiil be in atten- dance with empioyment opportunities ai al skil levels. "This is the fifhh job Fair for Halton Region. Witlioor heaiîhy economny, new opportunities continue to arise for both emplox'ers and employees," said Regional Chaîrînan Joyce Savoline. "It is my' hope that bringing skiiled and motivated workers togeiher with growing businesses, we wili continue to act as a cataiyst for strong job cre- ation in Halton Region." Some of the employers thatil be taking part in the fair include Best Buy Canada, C ostco, the Halton Cathoiic District Scbool Board, Haiton Region, Home Depot, Wal- Mart and Aseco integrated Svstems Ltd. Admission, parking and resume assess- ment wiil be provided for free. job seekers shouici bring several copies of their resume. For farther information or a fuit listing of employers eaul (905) 825-6000, ext. 7121, or e-mail empioymentservices@haiton.ca. I Il.20 8 Ici ls O P ge 3 DAIMLER CHRYSIER CANADA ~TEVERY BEST IN NORTH AMERICAN à GERMAN DESIGN AND TECHNLG -- j