A10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 13, 2006 Chief urges residents Pride ciroup celebrates new office to get a CO detector *fromn CO on page Al alarîn activations- a figuîre Brassard saîcl s comparable tic ast y car. Its wbat's tcrning înîo tbe norm, le saicl. Brassard explained carbon moicie is a colouî luss, cîdourless gas tbats known as tbe silent killei.' t can ctrne from malfuncticcning fuel-burnîng appliances lîke stoves, furnaces, etc. Wbîle tbe detectors are mandateclnin new bornes, Brassard encouraged those wbc own older bornes to pur- ebase the devices as weîî. Melanie Hetnessey can be c -cled ut mhennessey@mil- toncanadianchampioîî.ccm. %,Me By Melanie Cummings SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION l'he past fis e nontbs have been a wbîrlwînd of tangible progress for the laiton Organization f'or Pride and Iducation (H OPE). The education group lias opened a srnall office in Burlington and hired a staff person witb the $21 7,000 grant it was given by the Ontario Trillium Foundation in May. The money breathes three years of stability into the charitable organrization, wbich aims tu elîminate bomophobia, biphobia and transpbobia througbouîtbe region. goes to a great cause. I IOPE's solunteer board of directors bas decided uts lime to celebrate tbat achievemnent. At the Burfîngton Arts Centre Thursday fromi 7 to 9 1p în., 11011P- will officially launcb its itîlilime presence in tbe iegion. Thle public is welcome ici attend. li's an important nigbî forIlialttmns lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, two-spiî ited, and queer peopl e," said IIOPEs newly-bîred co- ordinator and longtime volunteer Marcus ILogan. its a nigbt wbere we can aIl be proud ocf our lives and contributions to 4 $ s a00 Smile Cookies are back. Which means a double-sized chocolate chîp cookie for you, and and the enoire proceeds from each cookie being donaed to help support the E.C. Drury School for the Deaf. our cornmunit)y" Amiong the guesîs attendîng tbe event is Gilles Marcbildon, exetutive clirecior of Egale C anacda, a national organization tbat ,îdvances equafity and justice for- lesbian, gay, bisexcial and trans-idientiîfied peuple and tbeir fami- lies across Canada tbrougbi court inter- ventions, parliameniary bearîngs and public education. iaîtmn Regional Police Superîn tendient Sîgny Pittman and Ontario Minister of Healtb George Smîîberman will also attend tbe launcb. HOPE volunteers bave been educat- îng the cornrunity and creating a sup- portive region for tbe local lesbian and gay population since 1998. Over tbe years, HOPE bas estab- lisbed partnersbîps witb 20 eornrunity organîzations, including the Halton District Sebool Board, Halton Regional Police, Transitions for Youtb and other agencies. "Prior to tbîs grant, Altbe work tbat H-OPE bas acbîeved was done frorn our volcineers'bornes and af'ter we'd ail put in a full day of work," saîd ILogan. Between I15 to 20 members attend tbe groups montbly board mecetings. "Tbey are a dedicated, action-orient- ed group," said ILogan. "But I f'eel we're tnissing tbe two-spiritecl (maIe and feinuale traits in one bodv) aborigînal representation on ortr board tbougb.- Tbîs rnontb, ILogan io busy runnîng cliversity training f'or about 50 Halton police officers ancl for 177 c'lcmentary teacbers at area private scbools. lies also booked to speak to bigb sc cool sîcîdents in a familv and diverse society class. For ILogan, sor-ne of the inost impor- tarit %vork acbieved bx' HOPE bias been mnacle brougb its 'coîitb group wincb bias beenrinning for five years. lie saîcl bc bas seen shy and scared tetis corne to tire sale enviroumient of' the group, aud ibroîgb peer support incî-case tîmeit les el of confidience to becoîne well acljusîed. prouic, bealtbv aclults. )cccordîng to am 2004 Siaiisiics Canacdairepori.t, ong men ancd s omen ni thîs country bctsveen tbe ages of 18 andl 59., one pci cent icpoi tedi thai tbe\, considei tberrses to becliomosexuaf ancl 0.7 per ccitt considered tbemselves bisexual. A quiestionnire pcisted on the HOPE cbsite www lbailtonpîtdle.org is cut îently secking input froîn respon- dents about adclitional services nceded for tbe cominunity By the tinie the Trillîuîn rnoney runs out tbree years from now, HOPE expects to bave its roots dug deep in tbe community and bave found financial stability tbrougb other financial sup- porters. HOPFEs vision for the long-terîn is b - ~%he WithYou, Makng Good Things Happen. .iiiioiig I)c)iticiaiis, teligious leader s, parents and police, and in sebools, bos- pitals, businesses and bornes, the edu- cation group wants Halton to beconue tbe fîrst Canadian community tic receive provincial and/or federal fund- îng to continue its work. "We are a brilliant example of con- tinued community collaboration and trusted communiîy partniersbîps," states HOPEs Web site.