PULL OUT SECTION >Ask The rotfessionals The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 10, 2006 - A25 is, mi]St. John's- Kilmarnock School A premier ConsO ou i vepeflOenitsai i afrnm Junior K 50e 50 lii iv Grade 12 St. laoh'-KImmick sabmtt 519-648-2183 www.sjkschool.org GAINING ADMISSION Whal n ltse admission proces when applying ta an Independent school? The besi advce for ganmng admission ao an independent school io start as caly as possible (ai leasi nne-yean n amvance andi even ealer 'aben tytng te, place more thon ose chldl Ose ai the majon advantages of Independent sehools is the maximum class smes fan average f 20 sudenis pen cass). Heres a checkist tu guide yau theoagh tise prucess: I.) Open Houses - lits impotant taimale advontagc of Open Hosses held troughont the sbool geon u pick up informaion packages. leamn abous) key dates and sent steps. 2.) Application Fanas- Complete the application foinsand ensure h01 al of the supportng docusmentation mv incînde i.e. report cards Ai SSt John's- Kilmonuock appliconti conitpply sn-lmne ihnsmgh the Sebant's mebsime ai wwvm.sjkschool.org. 3,) Interviews ad Entrance Exanus- Parent nd sudent interiews, as mdll as ennoance enams. typicalt> ale place n Noembr nd lonuaty n onden Ici fismi thebese match f ichool for the applîcont. 1 Na uiiatiiu theim' îaitiivc' tisi ' fit 111 'I tl !tut ý"MIl i P!uts i admision office Currently accepting appications for September 2007 & 2008. Join us for an OPEN HOUSE ON NOV. 23 FROM 9 A.M. - 12 NOON. Dîsconer 'ah> students from S. Jobs's-Kilmannock Scbmol achieve succens aI Unversity level smudy. Transportation is avalable frttim Rockmood, Moffat. Milton, Campbelvitte area. 75 Main St., Ste. 10 S Mlton Medîcal Buildings ,, :v 905-878-0800 Jiltian Guard Wendy Conk Cathlaen MfTavish Ryan Waaer (HOS) . Sc., RMT RMT RMT .Sc., RMT TENSION IHEADACHES Tenssiou headaches are descrîbed as pain associated i'atb the base of the skull tr any tuber part ai the bcad and lace. Tbey are diferenîîaîed front vase ular (înîgraine) beadaches and are patients' msts freqsentlv stade comnplairas. Due ta the many cassesof beadaches. a case tisînry musstbe carelly considereil iciraIe otn îuîgamic disease andl ta ascertatu the casse aud type oil beadaclie. Common casses of tensîtmnlItadaches ineInde trîgger poiutt referral. muscle spasot. cervical sublnsatiîcî. postural sress, and envi rinnieutal stress. Symtouîns ne Ide a stîl and tenider iiec k. .and aciiig or vice- tîke paininusine tr more areas if l iie lead. 'Flic patient inia alsci experiesce rîsgîng cil flic ears. reduced attentionu, ant ioîîîcseosîuîvîty. Referred pain in the bead insisiciinniiinls îcc ses as a resuli il rigger points in lie neck aîîd stîtînder regutmn. Fotr instance. the uppet trapezins Ishoulder munsc le) s ibe muscle ciinsidered mîîst lîkely iii develop tripper points wbîcb relers pais behind the ear ii tbe temnple. Trigger pointsin ihe splenîî muscles (base ti' tbe skullî efer pain uigmard ta cause a deep-seaied beadaclie tbaic'iicentrates bebînd the eye and îîfîeî exîends ta the top ofthie bead. Addîtîîînally. siemnocleidomnastîiid IV-sbapcd muscles ta the ront ofthtîe neckl trîpper points not only refer pain ta the car. temple. aitd artînnd flie eye. but may also casse diziness. dîsarîentauînanaid the symptînîs of trigeminal nenralgia. Treaitent tif tensiont headlacîmes îlli scInde tbîîrîugb assess ment. tigger point iberapy. and bydraîberapy ta reduce pais and muscle spasn. and increase circulation iii cvmpromîsed tsse. The iberapîsi wîlI sretcb sbortened muscles and encourage the paetîct ii e aware of and mîsîmîce contribnting factors. Pîrane ral Ryan nr i Jiin ai the Mihln1herapeutie Maiiage C'inic, if yuu have ay quetins conceiaig massage ihei'apy or wuld ike tabook an appoiment CI*Hic o.: Mm.-Mi. 8-8 a SaL 10-2 e CWoudSunday ~r'~;' ~ o~ ~ O -"SHOPPERS EDRUG MART. Open les midnight, 7 da ~a week Carnage Square, 25O i St. E AN 905-878-4492 ROSS, Question: limes dii1 knisiv if mv Dmsd has Alzheimrer's l)isease? Alzeetmer diseasc is a progessive, tiegete ratise dîsease oif flic rais bhai desirtîys sitaI b rais celîs. tlniota tt ci tccus;slitipeoîpl etise r i5. but cas tccur cachier One in I3 Cariadiatis tiser 65 ye.irs tif age bas Alzheiiers tir a relaîed deinentia. Tbe fîllîîsvng are warniig sîgns of Alcîiueiir 's 1. Memîîry liiss that affects day-tii-da.v fonction. Firgetliieýsliai isi o sth le ordi nary. 2. Diffcully perforsning familiar iask.s. 'bey nîay have trotuble ssîîb tisks ibat bave becî nta ii lîthm Ail hein [tics. sncb as lrectariiig a mecal. 3. Prohlemns oith language. Htin tittlîiccîlis îndîie ' Aortis. inisîiing sentences ioi re memberîn op~l estaities. 4. lisirientatiiîn tf ftime and place. 1t l iesoa> fectine Itîsi ion ieir iiin sireet and nie knîîm bt iigel boutie 5. Pouror îrdecreased jodgemeni. thcl iesi tistarecîîneuî atîtedîcal pntîblesi ibat needs attentîiontir wear licaxiyclîtbîsg on a bot day 6. Problemri with ahstract thinking. t bey iii avae toble balancîsg a cheque booîk, andtî ut eciignii/c isa) t it ubers oteas. 7. Misplaeing things. They may put tiuîgs ini naîîînîpriaîe pliace suc h asan aititin thie frezeruor a 'armît band ini lic sugar bu.%I'a 8. Changes in moud and Iehaviuir. Soineonc'tis'atb Ailcîmers cas eshbbtsvarîed nmouîd swings -Irotnicalm on ltears iii anger -tir no atpparent reastmn 9. Changes in personality. They may becîtîe cîîslused. suspîcîtmns. wîîhdrawn oti larlul. 10. Loss ni' initiative. [bei nia> hbccînuire passve, and rq titre c ses and prîîmpuîuîg Ioibectîme invîtîved. If lice tir mitre il ibese statements appl>. yîîu prîîbably sbîîald bc consultîng a dîîctcr. Fite more information yîîu cas vîsît the AIheiniers Society websîte ai w.alzbeimer.ca tr vîst yîînr Healtb Watcb Pharmacisi. Naturally Be Wellness Centre Lîndas edei 400 Main Street, Suite 206 Donnine utNaturel Meicine D.N.M.. na. As., CBT. 9 58 48 9 Whai is the difference between a therapeuiic jade facial and traditionat spa facial? Il vos hase vîsmîrd ami crdiiary spa nimÉlite past me kncîw yîî tive ft be pampered. But cas yîîu imagine escapmng frîîm loyers oi makeup and evperencmng a beauty regîme Ihat mîînld sut just relnvenale yor skis but have a lasttng impact oms your overaîl health? How wonîmi yon ledl if vou coulmi look ai yonrsetl us 1he mirror andi sec yoonsetf glow in a way only real health casi provtde7 Ymîmr Jade facial s Ébat etra-ordinarv The Jade tcîsmg devîce is a massage and acupressure device wîîrkmng n conjnniction wilb colîtur, sîîund and gemstîmne frequenctes ti dram the tanins ont ai 1he lace. Yonr rceament begins by openmng yonn lymphanic duels ta allcîw tîminss 5 drain away, thîs is lollowed b> a deep cleansmng ai voue skis nsing certified organic producîs. We moisturice yonr skmn witb essential ils tlIt catm ilammation, energîze and restore balance ta the celîs. A skilled practitîmîner usng microelectronmc stimulation tii luse and tone vital energy milI massage you. You wilI thes be treated ta a healmng organic cIa> based mask whle resttng in a calm envintinmenl utiizing bath sonnd and aromanberapy This frmns, ltons tout rahîrts vîtil c' crivig itos ast i i) res troiwtiî wccanirednce thetolinsisv 'as lil couin'iug bc'autimol. lits yicr saturaI state. What tIis means ton you is an esperience thal must bc frît ta 6be believed. Esperience the cSomt af healing touch and delightinm aromas bhat lft the spirits. Why a Jade Anti-Agimg facial? Because real beauty is more thamu skis deep. To experience a jade Facial, contact Loretta at Naturally Be Wellness Centre to book an appointmnenl. If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Prof essionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 1 arn pregnant and would like Io take saine yoga classes, is Ihere a difference between a regular clans and a pre-natal one? Regular yoga classes are designed to advance you from ose pose to the sent. gradually increasing muscalar strength and mental foas oser the course of the term, a basic lesel class in radîtional baiha yoga could easily bu adapted i, acconîmodate pregnancy especially during the firsi and second rtmesners. Keep in mnd that it s important ta always make space for baby and sot ta work sih inversions or breath retention aI thîs tîme. n a pre tatal class there sý the opportunity ta meet others who are pregnant anid deselop a support system ishere yon con dscuss concerns and make frends while stîli ganing the benefits of a solid yoga practîce. Pre-natal classes are designed ta belp you keep active and place a greater fosu.s on breathing. isualization and relaxation techniques tii help with labour. deliser and the general aches attd patns that you may expenience. As pregnancy progresses. movement and breathîng often become more dtflîcult because of the babys grosvtb and a pre-natal class 'atîl allow yiiu ta continue at your osvn comfxîrt lesel 'abtle ftndîng a practîce that siirks best ton yîîn Yoga is a persona] process. T1here shonld bu nio expectations, demnands or compettitin 'aibmi the class. You neemi iiibu permînted ta work ai your îîwn pace. and the instructon must be able iii accommodate and adnsi postures ta keep yon comfiîrtable and safe. A yoga class wîlI feel mAondertul. energîcîng andi calming ai ihe same tîme. When yos leave yîîn mont ta be lookiug tom' d ta ibe nent tîme, yoîga is afleral. a gift me gise ourselcesi! Wendy Samsusu, FOYT C, is MUe auner ansd principal leaiserof hIsser Saielans, Miftoasfall-tme yop UsUed, affermq dase,,warksl am urreeaayer-raws Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. Lawyer 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuels Q. In recent columns you have made reference Io thse Fieldslone Centre for Family Law, Counselling and Mediation. Whal services do you provide there? A. The Fieldstone Centre for Family Law, Counselling and Mediation is a unique service available in Halton. The Centre provides family mediation services to deal with issues involving divorce, separation. family businesses and eider care. I as a lawycr and Elayne Tanner, a registered social worker and family therapist, partners in the Fieldstone Centre, are able to address both your legal and emotional needs. Our holistic approach wilI care for these needs so that your famnily is protected and not forever tom apart by conflict. ' We are comnitted to provîding legal. educational. life management and mental health assistance to adults and children învolved in the dîffîcuit proceos of separation. divorce and other lîfe transitions. The beautiful, private. rclaxing rural setting in north Milton makes the process so much easier. As you drive down the lanesvay beîween the mature lofty maple trees b 1the beautiful The park like 64) acre escarpment location makes t casier to accomplish your goals for the day. Whether sitting in front of a roaring wood fire, enjoying the expansive vista of the conference roorn or enjoying a nature break walking in the woods or visiting the pond, tis country location brinsnsing with ambiance, will make you feel secure, welcome ansd at rase when discussing your emotionally or legally baued personala issues. The Fieldstone Centre is centrally located between Milton, Georgetown and Guelph. 9- ---1 n