-~~~ ~~d m s-1 Â w 1u- - i- s. - 4 SIndex: Real Estate 100-135,8 Business 140-169 To P ace n Ad Cal 905 878- 341 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299'Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.com q:s Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5î,b Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION eall: 905-878-5947 BIRTHDAY HAPl8th BIRTHDAY' RAE ilestones 'NI"' I I' I Comm.SpeciaI REASONABLE indus- triai unit fer rent 650sq.ft (dOsq.fft et careheuse & 1 Ssq.ftt of office). 905-277- 9347 or 905-275-6834. Offie/Biness SMALL prîxate effices - beautîtully appoînted. Hwy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 905-275- 6834. Bsness Opportniies Set your ecn heure building a business you can be proud of. Eamn $$ sellîng AVON. 10% -50% commission. Free training. Start nec. Ann 905-452-0077 PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS te over 4 million aduit reuder in South Central Ontario, Book pou adeertise- ment in over 75 Metro- and commenîty news- papers cîth one phone cuit Cuit for informa- ion on ceekly work ad packages (internet int- legs nciuded) 416-493- 1300 ext 276. 288, 237 Prtessoai MM Drctory REMOVE your crîmînat records Fast, We de Par- dons and US Waîvers. Dent Se embarrassed. t 800-298-5520 governmentpardons.ca $$MONEY$S Consotîdate Debto Mortgages to 100%x No income, bad credîl OK! Ontarîxcîde Financial Corporation 1-888-307- 7799 MILTON 1t bdrm, available Nov. 1lst. $870/mth e parking. Cuit Jaz /8 416-723- 4801. MILTON 2-bdrm bsml. apt. on quiet streel. prefer ne smoking. ideat for mature couple, avaîtable Nov loti lol/lasI requîred. $900./mlS inclusive. Cati 905-876-4776. MILTON Dcnlown 2- bdrm, prîvale entrance, 2 car parking, appt & btînds ioct $1025/mlh e hydre Axalabie îm- medîatly. 905-332- 6310, ACTON 2-bedroom aparîment. 5900/montS inclusive. Prsl and last. Deceicher t t Caii FasFor Reni MILTON 3-bedroom aparîment. duwnlown, very opacieus, 2 floors, close le ail amenîlies. Very nice' 905-875- 2590. MILTON 1-bdrm buse- ment apl. Sepurute en- rance. Parking & ailins înciuded PIe- fer ne pets/no smoking, Shared taundry $900/ mIS, lot/tlat e- quîred. 905-876-2419. DOWNTOWN MLTON Milside Towers 82 Miisido Drive. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spacîoae brîghl dlean t1&2 bedroom unîfs cîlh luundry fuciîty and social reom on site. Regalar resîdent events Open 7 days & enenings Cati 905-876-1249 wwreaistar.ca STE ELES/TRAFAL- GAR, bachelor apt. everylhîeg înciuded. Preler ne smoking/pets, 5650./mlh. Avalubie îmmedîatly. Cali 905- 875-4632, ACTON 1-bedroom apartment wth baicony. Avalabie Seplember lt et770/montS tlîlîes înciuded. Quiet Build- ing. No-pets. 192 ChurcShil Roît SiovIS 1-BEDROOM suites in historic building in Rockwood, starting at $750/month plus utltîns. ACTON, 3- bedroom unit, prîsate yard, $925/month plus ntilitieo Cati Elizabeth Donil. Johnson Aseo diates Realtor 905-877- 5165. 1-BEDROOM, nerene country settîng. Bright open concept, senf-con- tained, totaliy prînate, parking. Suit 1t dean, quiet, mture prfes- sucal. Nonoreber lt. $600/montir plus heat ($50/month). Prst/ lasti referencen. No pets/ smoking. John 905-702- 0582. ACTON 2-bedroom upariment avalabie December 1tst> $870/montS utlties in- cluded. Quiet Building. N-pets. t82 Churchill l9oad South. Cuti 519 853-t1281. ACTON, 2-bedroom apartment, excellent condition. Laundry. Ne pets/smoking. $875! montS plus Seat and trydro. Avaîtabie imme- dîatly Cati t-800-263- t429 Franc Ext, #23. lmFiais For Rent AMAZING t bedroom, right on Guelph. $745/month plus heut/hydro Adîîtts ont8. No pets/smoking Axuitubie Nosember t st. Caîl 416-570-6578. ERIN 2-bedrsom lieuse, excellent condi- lion. Great room/laun- dry, No pets/smoking. Immediate avaîiabîiîty 5800/montS plus eiec- trîc. Cuit 1-800-263- 1429 Frank Ent 823 GEORGETOWN RENTAILS 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms. Check out cebs ite www.haitonhîiisren- taIs.comn GEORGETOWN 1t- bedreem apurtment in quiet buitding, close te ail amenîtîns. S695/month. lîrst/lasI, ne-pets. non-smokers, References pieuse. 905-877-3661t GEORGETOWN 1t bedroom baisement apartmenl S$800/month inclusive. Sepurute en- trance. near 130 Sta- tion. Includes ftîdge/steve. No smok- ing/pets. Fîrst/lust/refer- ences. Cuti for aaulubtîty. Suits single lemule. Cuit Brendu MacDonald 905-877- 5165, GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom, appîtances înctuded Neo mek- cng/pets. Axaîtable îm- medîately. Cati Cari 905-702-9107. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroxm main fleur of bungalow. Laun- dry/ parking. $1,1 50/ month plus t/2 utîlîlies, Avaitabte îm- medîatly. Cati 416- 949-8171. GEORGETOWN, buse- ment apartment, $650/mth utîlîties ix- ciuded. Satellite TV in- ctuded. Parking. Ne pers. Cuit Brandon: 905-702-9124. lmFor Reni MILTON 2-bdrm main lexxi et bouse, axaitable Dec it Ref- erences, prefer ne pets. $110Onîth +Ltlitfe For Rent 3-BEDROOM, exer- iooks Credît River, St 200/monlfir plus uitîtties, Avalahie Ns- venîiber t st Commer- cial space alun avaîlabte, Cali 905-877- 5547 GEORGETOWN Couan- try Home, 2-bedronm. living/dînîng room. ktchen, flitbath, appli- ances avuilable, t acre lot, ne pets. 51200/mtS + hydr/gas, Immedi- ate. dt6-735-5767 leave message. 300d for home or business, ERETtwonbad * editokay CallBill MMFor Reni MILTON new town- hoase. 3-bedroom, 2-1/2 Eaths, 5 uppli- acces. A/C, 51320/mIS v utîttîns. 905-274- 4405. MILTON brand nec townhouse, 3-bedroom. laOOsq.ft., S appli- ances, double garage, A/C, deck, energy effi- cient, liîxng/famîty room, $t400/mth e utîltien 647-237-9630. MILTON tocnhoase 3- bedreom, 2-appl.- $1325/mth. lot & last, plan utilities. Avalable mîd Oct, Cati Dave 905-978-5444. Twnhoses lmFor Rent OAKVILLE- 3 bedroom townhouses avaîlabie No- vember tst. 4 appliances, Hvpedatx Mail arnu. Lanesirore Management 905-876-3336 ROOM FOR RIENT MILTON Close 10 ail amenîties. Fîrstlast, Avalabie îmmedîatety 5500/mIS Cati 905- 691 6314ý ROOM for rent $500.00/mthS shared kichen. cashroom. Quiet home. Mature corkîng person 905- 693-9756. STUDIO room forr mot iS own tatl bathroom and iaundry, Newly renovuted/decorated. Femate preferred, $550/mth. Avalabie îmmedîateiy. 905-876- 5151 Make it extra special! Add a picture to youir announicement in Birthspm ia 0Plaoce your Baby's irth Announcement in th eMilton Canadian Champion, od you wiIi receive a voucher tfo Oe Free Ornaient of your www.WeePîggî esco ni 905 825-8731 *416-41.~3 Cmng Event z mng Events College and University Graduates Our speciai will run Tuesday, Oct 24, 2006 $59.00 + GST (picture imci.) [)eadline is Friday Oct, 2th at 4pmn. No more than 40 words please" Phone:q95878-2341 Fax:905-76-2364 cassified@ nfftncanadianchampion.com c c aablan l Bioy? or Girt? with Birth Announcernents ïh caflaMan ïhanivion BuzzTravri SPECIAL OFFER Advertise* in the Zit Eauaian Cbinpiwn __ ~ and get upto $10 in phone cards! Win! <YkÀ a Buzz calling card! Seec -- - - - - - -seoie ewenOtoe rdadNoebr 8h 20 BUZTR.E pe c - .. - . - * ca/ruk/anwthusfr to eksat$9- clde heMltn aa-a Chmpon Goretwn Indpede .-. ,-Fre--ssad. o wl;r . ea$5cad e rd e a es " *-.-. e -rtce orsl fr4isetos(2wes)adrcev w $ ad - dets o r rg aefr osctv r*asadrc e 5cr île ytemt. . The Canadian Champion, Tuesday October 10, 2006 - 21 Love from, Grandma, Dad anîd ail the Johnston Famity! M.T - - -J iii