A14 - The Canadian Chamnpion, Tuesday Oclober 10, 2006 BUSNS Dufferin recognized for its quarry rehab loi Dufferin Aggregates' Milton quarry bas received top bon- ours frorn the Canadian Land Reclamation Association (CI-RA). The local operation recently won the Dr Fdward M.~ Watkin award for uts rehabilitanion work at the quarry "This is a terrific honour for Dufferin," said Sarah Lowe, Dufferin's resource developrnenî rmanagcr. "We arc thrilled ' that this national body representing sucb a wide range lor accomplishrnents las recognized the work by an aggregate company in southcrn Ontario." Dufferin lands manager Ken Zirurincrnan noted îhat thc company bas been documenting thc resulis of its rchbilita- 4ý'1(1 tion since 1978. "We are coimnmitted toru rcabiliîating oui sites as \vc go along,- he said. -Wc already have developing xscland, wood- land and cliff ecosystcms tcarnîng witb wildlite." Dtifferin's plan is to have tbe wetlancls, Iakes and Iorcsts ai thc Milton quarry ultitnately owned andI cnîovccl yhe bcpub- lic. But, tbis depends on the ouclc oflthe current applica- tion to extend tbe quarry that will be approved or denied b>' the provincial governrnent. The CLRA also presented ILowe with a special awarcl acknowledging ber contributions lu the association aînd aggregate pit and quarry rebabilitation lu Ontario. l arn fortunate to be working in the lascinatîng field of rebabilitating pits and quarries and arn glad if I bave made a positive contribution," sbe said. "Tbis special award Irom tbe NEW BUSINESS Canadian Land Reclarnation Association is a great bonour.' at the recent grandc GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION SSAILS INTO TOWN: Milton CruîseShipCenters owners Scott and Rhonda Misener welcome aboard guests openîng of their Main Street location. The local franchise is one of 90 across Canada specîalizing in cruise vacations. I. AMANA I.AMANA ELECTRIC IDISHWASHER* RANGE* 29' 799i Inldn txIcuindg ngîx ASSHOWN r~ILNAMAI WUU> OO'~ILWO W*UNI MU~J E1I~lE. gr -f-.M