~1w aîîabrnîQbamptoîî Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 R E AL E S TAT E See what's on the market inside S PO0R TS Local goalie set to guard cage in CHL B U S t N E S S Duffenin awarded for quarry rehab - www.niüs s .mstoncanadisanchampion.com 1vu0611 FWs MÈ YÀa LÇroll TENDER LOVING CARE: Nne-month-old HoIIy Taylor gets a kîss from mom Courtney McLauchlan. HolIy traveled last month wîth her parents ta Calgary where she was diagnosed wth schîzencephaly, a rare birth defect where one-quarter of her brain is mîssing. A trust fund was recently set up at CIBC ta help the young Mlton famîly with the crpplîng expenses related ta Hollys llness. See story page A8. Public school trustees getting big raise By Tim Whitnell SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION lalton publie board trustees voted them- selves $10000 in retroactive pay - inîsney tisat Aill corne frorn the sehool hoards budget - while also giviîsg the okay to more thaîs doubling the stipend for the next set of trustees. When the board cotsveised a special meet- ing before Wednesday's regular session, only Oakville trustee Mary Chapin, wls ot0 seek- ing re-leetion listise Novensber 13 munic ipal electissn, voted against the retrîsactîve cormpo- fient oîf trustee pay Icannoin Ilgsol conscience okay retroac- tIvsc pay lîor the nsernhers of' this bosard," Chapin saîd, adding tnistees had wasted ahouî $ 1 milliomn on hbuyouts andi legal l'ces" - money spent in 2005 durtng tise contrîîversîal contract severance gis en Ils fuurmer edtîcatîîîn director Dusty Papke. Thursclay, Chapin told -Flie Chanmpion she was heading te, tiseboard office 1(5 sîgn over her retroactive paycheque (f $8,780 ($7,760 net) to the Halton Leaming Founidation, a fldli inIg arin f li ftieoîard. -l do flot hegrudge this catch-up for trustees wlsîs have heen responîsie 10 otise public edueaîîon s sstern andi responsive 1( tise farnilies osf 1taltos, htît oîs this board are a insheîîof' trustees (a sîimple masority) who hsave, is pursuit o5f theîr personal goals, made clecîsîoiss tisai unneeessariy c(Ist the systemi apîsroximsateIy $1 miîllîin. Boîardl Chair Paul Ta:te Clef ended voting i favîsur of' the retroacttvity sîating trustees bail stoîsil Up 1(1their responsîbîlities' in handling a variety of difficuit issues over the last terni. "We earrned this iney ns spadles, lise said. -see TRUSTEF on page AS \Mitonian injured in crash A 33-year-old Milton resident was sent to hospital with life-threatening injuries Thursday after the motorists vehicle lut the guardrail and rolled over on Hwy 407 near Milton. The OPP responded to a report of a single vehicle collision in the west- bound lanes, just west of the Hwy 401 split, at about 6 p.m. The driver was air-lifted to, Torontos Sunnybrook Hospital. The higbway was closed in both directions for about a baîf-bour to accommodate the air ambulance. After that, just the slow lane of the west- bound 407 remained closed until about il p.m. while officers investigated. At holiday press time Friday after- noon, there was no update on the vic- tim's condition. Any witnesses with information are urged to cali OPP at 1-888-310-1122. InsideM& Todlay's Champion OPINION A6 DATELINE A7 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT A9 CHAMPION COUNTRY A 10 CLASSIFIED A21 ,ww rnstoncanaw-arschampion com Inserts: PARTIAL DISTRIBUTION *SEARS -COUNTRY SEPOT - BONS - SPORT CHECK *BOUCLISR*COSTA & SOS - JYSK SEO AND BATH *BUSINESSO EPOT -THE SOURCE BS CIRCUIT CITS wvww.miltontoyota.com *FLOWERS & BASKETS e SHRUBS & TREES 4eSOILS MULCH & AGGREGATES SGARDENiq DECOR & COLLECTIBLES *-"-Right at the east ènd of Main St. '7429 Fifth Line, Milton 905-876-4100 ~%tx centre~ b/ouei..&" iesep '/e4'cn. &Agc,61Mite.Malil JEELR- GEmoLoOisT 8704807 s ULIYDOES MATTER- SINCE 1930 eloec-.)Ojr "dr4oýe-m