Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 2006, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 6, 20"6-A7 SProposed hydro plant doesn't Somewhat successful flight belong on edge of urban Milton made in nearby Oakville DEAR EDITOR: bc released by two smoke requested town council to per- Turne Capsules' are geins of infor- Pnistine Power has applied to stacks. Each stack will hc 45 form ant independent environ- mnation extracted froin past issues of JmfitOn m the Ontario Power Authority for meters high and have a diameter tmental study. Please sec our ThChminadoerpbcaon permission to build a very large of 6 meters. There will he 10 mnemo to town counicil ai inodr opovd wno it ' e Il94~ gas-fired hydro plant in Milton. other stacks releasing water www.willisfarm.com (page 2). Miltonk past. Explanatory comment isj A decision will be made on vapor, which may contribute to In our view, other questions sometimes provi4ed to place the situa- Capsules November 15. The plant is fog. should be answered. What v,4fl tion inl context. designed to produce hydro [or - The amount of exhaust is be the e[fect on the Escarpment September 1908 about two million people. Only very large. Fach day, the plant and wildli[e? What will happen A somewhat successfül flight was Milton; William G. Young of about three per cent of the will release about 86,000 tons of if there is a natural disaster, sueh made by.an aeroplane near Oakville Zimmerinan; Nelson McLaughlin of hydro will be used in Milton. exhaust. Fach day, the volume as a hurricane, cyclone or explo- on Mottday. Carrying fifty pounds of the village af Knatchbul; Morgan The plant is on the edge of of the exhaust will bc about 83 sion? sand, rihe air ship travelled for about Crewson af Crewsons Corners; Paul urban Milton, on Main Street (at million cubic meters. A resident can contact fifty yards at a distance of about forty S_ Kennedy, ai Acton and Edward Fifth Line), about two-and-a- - The exhausi will contain bis/ber councullor. The Town feet fromt the ground. The oigiruator Hasselfeldt, grocer, Hamilton. The haîf kilometres east of the chemîcals. Three of the chemi- Weh site bas the names and of this aeroplane is said ta be an elec- company ia authorized ta acquire Milton Leisure Centre and cals contrihute to smog. Smog addresses and a ward map ai trical engmneer residing in Toronto, and own lease, and work mines and Bishop Reding Secondary contnibutes to asthma and lung www.milton.ca. A resident can and a friend of Count Zeppelin, the minerai lands and deposits, ta mine School. At the open bouse for disease. contact the Ontario Power famous German aeronauî. The trial and test ores, metals and minerais the project, the environmenîal - Two of the chemicals con- Auîhority hy wriîing to: apparently was perfectly satisfactory and ta carry on a general mining consultant advised: tribute to cancer. He advises that Barbara Ellard and now a larger machine wll be business. The share capital is - The plant wtll operate the pereentage of these ehemi- Manager of Procurement consu-ucted on the same lines, so $40,000, divided into 4,000 shares of evety day cals is minuscule. Ontanio Power Authority tlsat a man instcad ai sand ina> be $10 each and the head office la ta be - Each day, it will use about - When the wind blows [rom 120 Adelaide St. W carried. It la made of silk and bamn- located in Milton. 90 million cubie feet of natural the east, the exhaust will hlow Toronto, Ont. M5H ITI boo and la operated b>' storage bat- gas (about the amount needed towards urban Milton and the E-mail harbaraellard@power- tertes. Milton like other parts ai Orntario to heat 2,200 homes for one Escarpment. authority.on.ca e.hsbe hoddi mk o year). -There will be noise. ROLIE wiLLS, OWNER Letter ta the editor on ùivingston about a week, owtng ta large bush E xhaust [rom the plant will Wiliis Family Fruit Farm lias WILLIS FAMILY FRUIT FARM Park b,' J.C. Willmott,.,,a comps- fires, not in this neighbourhood, but metx ocert was given and the it the Lake Superior country thse net proceeds thereof were less than counties of Rere an Thanks to ail who came out to make was paid the saine dyfor elecrnc Peterborough and elsewhere. wihle au crnw ou bhe ocsen. enj' 17 lne a hrns miss0n DEAR EDITOR: It chting îthc P pIcpls wa -vs ing rihe entertairment from thse rail- boys' shoes. There are many new One hundred years from now ut wMil not matter lIn d îîîg ust the bcst -vou can road bridge and thse banks of rue styles, modela ai fine workmansbip what sort of house I lived in, what type of car I Wîtlî cvt iv t îsh and evi î plaît pond.... Private pîcnics are held, park and finish. The finn's traveilers go as drove or what my bank balance was. But the li silentce whtit your spcech wouid hurt wood is burnt and thse debris of fair west as Vancouver, B. C. world wtll be a better place because i to ok ttme Politeiess whtn your ncîghbouî cui banana and orange skins witb waste and was tmportant un the flfe of a chuld. lts dcajncss when the stondal lows paper are lefi ta be gathered up b,' On accountr of the drought the Many tbanks to ail the peo pie wht t ok tumc Anud sympathy wîîh tliirs w t, hired labor .let the town council town council bias ordered ail lawn out of theur busv schedules to come to my retire- its i yalîy when dutv tails aannulret sshlb c -srvesfohewewrkt e mentpary o Setemer 4. tý ourge hendisste fillssidered adequate by Mr. Livingston shut off. Many thanks to my lamiiy for gîving me the lis patietcte whciî tht hours aie lonîg andl thus make the park free ta the tîme to sec ail the people who supported me over is îutd in laughter antd ii sîîîg citizens excepi for special entertain- the years, and tbanks to everyone for tIse beautifril lisý ini thc sileuti time' of pravel ments. Harry Loti wbo bas been playing flowers, cards and prescrnts yo hrouglit. lis ail of life andîtl îîhîîg h",., good bail for tise locals la likel,' to be A young lady brought me flowers who I hacin't Wt' JIlld the thiig wc caii sutes,Acretwl abîgli onrt ut hem again nexi season. He bas seen in 25 years. and when I did recognuze ber we Tbus poem- touched mny heari. Thanks so mnuch. enn aki en ado a permanent position in the machine both wet to1 tears. Atîached to the llowers was a CAROLE MURRAY, Thomas St. from Sarah St. ta thse endl sbop ai PL. Robertson Co. beîng a little verse, wbîcls read: FORMER OWNER AND OPERATOR oftesrt.kildmcns a wl sa Succcss in fie is speaktîtg words oJ ~î<CRL URYSSI CDM balîplayer. He can play' hockey îoo ýfc raie CAOLEMURRY'SSWIMACAEMY The incorporation is announceil and may figure on the local teamn I- d of the Halton Oil & GasCopn, ex itr Congratulation~~~ onuoh rw rd e o d d mited, for whicb a provincial char- This material is assernbled on ter bas been issued 10 John H. behaif of the Milton Historical Society DEAR EDITOR: tape parade fo i Mtons uthietic recorIs ndI wï t ro oii I ou Shuelds, Alfred E. Guidai, Artbur by Jiumi Dils, who con be reached ai Let's bave thrce cbct.rs, a kem-FE \h itlck. Weiii ce JOAN MCGONAGLE .H. Luxton and S.E. Bandon of .tdtlls@tdurect.con. standing ovain ansd a tickcî- id I ' i brokcrî il the. MILTON Birth Connections Presents - Saturday Octohor 21 st, 20006' p 10:00 arn - 3: 00 Pmn 0 Miton Sports Centre à Mit Coninctons B Wee Ptay Chutdren's Centre a Studio West Photography SIng7in7 Babies a Kim Fanuly Chiropractie 3 Canaduan Scholarship Trust B Cels for Life * ite Hants Talkung 3 Creative Memonies B Sneezy the Clown ceils a_ New Mon Regîslry a Bebe In Style, B Nuala 0'Farrell -homeopath IT~IO OR B Holustically Healthy a State Farm 3 Slingin'Babies L i ITEMSI FO M Wakefield Dental anti moirel SALE .-it Cme *K 0 ftU cMor!St~ÇWDJ ~ Kmfm Ihrpi i n j 'i t i k i r. qhrpaî

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